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 Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds

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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 6:39 am

I can't beleive anyone is defending Johnson either. His whole handling of this crisis has been contradictory and shambolic, u turn after u turn. He have people false hope at Christmas, when the 5 day relaxation flew in the face of all scientific evidence at the time it was announced. His last minute change of mind is hardly a shock.

However people are likely to stick with thier plans now, as in reality nothing has changed. There's a virus out there thats spreading, but that was the case when the 5 day break was announced. The pipe dream that the virus would go on holiday has been exposed as the nonsense it always was.

How anyone can believe this bumbling twat is doing a good job is beyond me. Weak, cowardly and narcissistic.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 8:51 am

harvetheslayer wrote:
PatDunne wrote:
Christ, even the Guardian is backing Boris - ''Overcrowded hospitals, exhausted staff and a new threat ... why Boris Johnson had to act''

The point is Johnson knew about this supposed newer strain of Covid 6 days ago which was two days before he ranted at Sir Kier Starmer at PMQs last Wednesday about cancelling Christmas

Its absolutely insane that there are still people defending Johnson on this forum (am not specifically referring to you Pat) and yet on every other no matter what the subject matter, he is getting slaughtered 24/7 for the absolute cretin he is.

This Ears character would have Johnson shit in his garden and he'd be happy on the basis he's gotta shit somewhere. When you're presented with that 45 second video above and still hopelessly attempt to defend him than you know whats wrong with this country.

What is patently clear people judging by all polls I'm looking at is over 79% (on average) are going to completely ignore yesterdays advice
I'm actually surprised its that low.

I am the least Tory like person on here but I do have an issue with all your bullshit and fake news. You won't argue with me on anything because you know you will get slaughtered. One major point that you will always get slaughtered on is that its people not following the rules that are spreading Covid not Bojo yet you have the bare faced cheek to say that you aren't going to follow the rules yourself yet instead of just admitting that you are a selfish self centred wanker you blame it on someone else. Next we here you will be suing Bojo for ten large bill or some other fabricated amount because you caught Covid whilst breaking said rules. You are a cretin with the morals of a Tory MP.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 9:15 am

My wife and i made the decision at the beginning of December to spend Christmas on our own, not easy telling the family but it had to be done.
What I find astonishing is that some people cannot make these common sense decisions themselves and need to wait for government direction as if what they say is sacrosanct, the only thing sacrosanct are the laws they make which we’re supposed to adhere to and quite clearly many aren’t.
I’ve got no political persuasion whatsoever but I cannot see there’s anybody in politics from any party at the moment who could manage this pandemic and not attract severe criticism.
So for now we blame Boris and the Tory government for mismanagement of this crisis because they’re there, no doubt they’ve made mistakes but the real error which exacerbates this crisis was the failure of Cameron/May to implement the findings of operation Cygnus in 2016
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 9:24 am

Just checked the tiers and it appears Nottingham is in Tier 3 Very high alert, we are in Tier 2 which is high alert, I would love to hear Harves reasoning on why its acceptable to travel not only to a tier 3 area but how he thinks its acceptable and then obviously travel back to tier 2 area bringing all the risks back with him?
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 9:29 am

The only way for the government to not U turn would have been to announce a lockdown in March (Captain Hindsight says earlier) and to have kept the country in lockdown still, and for maybe another year, cue the 'he's destroying the economy, peoples mental health, schoolkids lost education' etc etc.

Those in charge of Wales (Labour) and Scotland (SNP) have had to u turn just the same but seem exempt from criticism by the Boris haters.

The problem we have is that we are not a compliant nation like those in Asia, we are not a police state like North Korea and far too many people have ignored all the common sense guidance and like Harve plan to flout the rules, hence we are were we are.

If Starmer has a better solution why does he keep having his party either vote for the government or abstain, no opposition and no plan of his own, Captain Hindsight indeed.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 9:36 am

womble wrote:
I can't beleive anyone is defending Johnson either.  His whole handling of this crisis has been contradictory and shambolic, u turn after u turn.  He have people false hope at Christmas, when the 5 day relaxation flew in the face of all scientific evidence at the time it was announced.  His last minute change of mind is hardly a shock.

However people are likely to stick with thier plans now, as in reality nothing has changed.  There's a virus out there thats spreading, but that was the case when the 5 day break was announced.  The pipe dream that the virus would go on holiday has been exposed as the nonsense it always was.

How anyone can believe this bumbling twat is doing a good job is beyond me.  Weak, cowardly and narcissistic.

it was labour and the media that were demanding the break for christmas and such as a deal maker for backing the second lockdown that ended too early.

sir keir wouldnt be any better running this instead and corbyn would see the virus kill us all before taking action.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 9:38 am

My father died of cancer in March, we couldn't be with him, no mention of covid on death certificate, my mother is 84, just had the first of the two covid vaccinations, roll on Jan 7th when she gets the second, she's had the flu jab as usual and I have had my first ever flu jab, provided free of charge by the NHS and i hope it will help protect my mum, I will be getting the covid jab at the first opportunity.

I've not been in a pub since Feb, and really miss getting pissed up watching a live band but all I've done is the supermarket run once a week, it's boring as hell and I'm boozing too much at home but at least non of my family (or friends) have even had a test. We are following the guidance as best as we can and we will survive.

The anti vaxxers, the 5G mob, the protesters on the streets, the boozing pub going crowd ordering food not to eat and all those knowingly flouting the rules can go hang in my book.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 11:53 am

Angry wrote:
womble wrote:
I can't beleive anyone is defending Johnson either.  His whole handling of this crisis has been contradictory and shambolic, u turn after u turn.  He have people false hope at Christmas, when the 5 day relaxation flew in the face of all scientific evidence at the time it was announced.  His last minute change of mind is hardly a shock.

However people are likely to stick with thier plans now, as in reality nothing has changed.  There's a virus out there thats spreading, but that was the case when the 5 day break was announced.  The pipe dream that the virus would go on holiday has been exposed as the nonsense it always was.

How anyone can believe this bumbling twat is doing a good job is beyond me.  Weak, cowardly and narcissistic.

it was labour and the media that were demanding the break for christmas and such as a deal maker for backing the second lockdown that ended too early.

sir keir wouldnt be any better running this instead and corbyn would see the virus kill us all before taking action.

The new variant of the virus is probably all over the country by now, or will be very-very soon - absolutely terrifying outcome !!

It seems the virus has adapted to the measures we bring in and mutated to spread infection faster. What do not know yet is if the new variant is more dangerous and if the vaccines will still be ok to use. The government  and scientists are saying they cant see no issues but ?.

WHO are now in constant communication with the UK.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 12:05 pm

Chappy from Manchester just called LBC to say that he has spoken to a mini van load of people that rocked up from Luton (TIER 4) to do some Christmas shopping.

BTP putting extra officers in railway stations in tier 4 areas to check journeys are essential following travel chaos in London.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 12:12 pm

Pretty alarming that Matt Hancock on the Sophie Ridge show openly admitted that the virus was out of control in fact he volunteered the information
Also went on to indicate that Tier 4 would "likely" be in place until the vaccine is rolled out so what 6 months minimum ??

We need a complete countrywide lockdown for a month with no exceptions food shops open and nothing else (and no pissing off to Nottingham in a temper)
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Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 12:52 pm

Apart from an August bank holiday, I've never seen so many cars on the A30 last night at 03:00, streaming south bound.

We're doooooooooooooooooooomed.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 1:16 pm

harvetheslayer wrote:
Pretty alarming that Matt Hancock on the Sophie Ridge show openly admitted that the virus was out of control in fact he volunteered the information
Also went on to indicate that Tier 4 would "likely" be in place until the vaccine is rolled out so what 6 months minimum ??

We need a complete countrywide lockdown for a month with no exceptions food shops open and nothing else (and no pissing off to Nottingham in a temper)

The new variant of the virus also detected in Wales.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 3:07 pm

PatDunne wrote:
My father died of cancer in March, we couldn't be with him, no mention of covid on death certificate, my mother is 84, just had the first of the two covid vaccinations, roll on Jan 7th when she gets the second, she's had the flu jab as usual and I have had my first ever flu jab, provided free of charge by the NHS and i hope it will help protect my mum, I will be getting the covid jab at the first opportunity.

I've not been in a pub since Feb, and really miss getting pissed up watching a live band but all I've done is the supermarket run once a week, it's boring as hell and I'm boozing too much at home but at least non of my family (or friends) have even had a test. We are following the guidance as best as we can and we will survive.

The anti vaxxers, the 5G mob, the protesters on the streets, the boozing pub going crowd ordering food not to eat and all those knowingly flouting the rules can go hang in my book.

Commiserations for your loss, I lost my first wife 25 years ago from cancer and I was with her all the time, not to be able to be with your Dad at a time like that must have been gut wrenching.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 3:16 pm

harvetheslayer wrote:
Pretty alarming that Matt Hancock on the Sophie Ridge show openly admitted that the virus was out of control in fact he volunteered the information
Also went on to indicate that Tier 4 would "likely" be in place until the vaccine is rolled out so what 6 months minimum ??

We need a complete countrywide lockdown for a month with no exceptions food shops open and nothing else (and no pissing off to Nottingham in a temper)

And when you unlock it takes off again.........the vaccine won't stop it being passed around?
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 3:18 pm

Graiser wrote:
PatDunne wrote:
My father died of cancer in March, we couldn't be with him, no mention of covid on death certificate, my mother is 84, just had the first of the two covid vaccinations, roll on Jan 7th when she gets the second, she's had the flu jab as usual and I have had my first ever flu jab, provided free of charge by the NHS and i hope it will help protect my mum, I will be getting the covid jab at the first opportunity.

I've not been in a pub since Feb, and really miss getting pissed up watching a live band but all I've done is the supermarket run once a week, it's boring as hell and I'm boozing too much at home but at least non of my family (or friends) have even had a test. We are following the guidance as best as we can and we will survive.

The anti vaxxers, the 5G mob, the protesters on the streets, the boozing pub going crowd ordering food not to eat and all those knowingly flouting the rules can go hang in my book.

Commiserations for your loss, I lost my first wife 25 years ago from cancer and I was with her all the time, not to be able to be with your Dad at a time like that must have been gut wrenching.

Thank you, and I'm sorry you had to go through with what you had to do back then, tbh I'm more relieved my dad only suffered the last 4 weeks of his life and he can't be hurt now, anyhow back to more cheerful subjects, slagging off the conspiracy nutters and watching Argo steam back up the table. Merry Christmas.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 5:45 pm

PatDunne wrote:
The only way for the government to not U turn would have been to announce a lockdown in March (Captain Hindsight says earlier) and to have kept the country in lockdown still, and for maybe another year, cue the 'he's destroying the economy, peoples mental health, schoolkids lost education' etc etc.

Those in charge of Wales (Labour) and Scotland (SNP) have had to u turn just the same but seem exempt from criticism by the Boris haters.

The problem we have is that we are not a compliant nation like those in Asia, we are not a police state like North Korea and far too many people have ignored all the common sense guidance and like Harve plan to flout the rules, hence we are were we are.

If Starmer has a better solution why does he keep having his party either vote for the government or abstain, no opposition and no plan of his own, Captain Hindsight indeed.  

Post of the month. Thanks/OK
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 8:25 pm

PatDunne wrote:
My father died of cancer in March, we couldn't be with him, no mention of covid on death certificate, my mother is 84, just had the first of the two covid vaccinations, roll on Jan 7th when she gets the second, she's had the flu jab as usual and I have had my first ever flu jab, provided free of charge by the NHS and i hope it will help protect my mum, I will be getting the covid jab at the first opportunity.

I've not been in a pub since Feb, and really miss getting pissed up watching a live band but all I've done is the supermarket run once a week, it's boring as hell and I'm boozing too much at home but at least non of my family (or friends) have even had a test. We are following the guidance as best as we can and we will survive.

The anti vaxxers, the 5G mob, the protesters on the streets, the boozing pub going crowd ordering food not to eat and all those knowingly flouting the rules can go hang in my book.

Sorry about your dad.

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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 8:36 pm

The problem is the government have completely failed to manage the public expectations.
We'll have this beaten/sent packing in 12 weeks.......
You can see family to five days at Xmas.......etc

As for anti vaxxers, most are just sceptical of a vaccine that is now in it's next testing phase.
it wasn't tested on people not A1 fit, now it's being trialled on the elderly.
Again ,more expectations from government, 1 million a day Hancock claimed could be done the tally currently is 15000.......a bit like his 100k tests a day🤔

5g, well one does wonder why we let a Chinese firm have a big say in that but using microwave tech to cook people from the inside 🤔 is an American tactic from 1980s Afghan wars.

Protesters , well they had nothing better to do and furlough should have ended then we it may have sorted that out.

As for those in pubs etc, People have been almost imprisoned for the best part of a year for a crime they hadn't committed. They were bound to want to have an ale or two.
For that blame the service economy we now are.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 8:39 pm

VillageGreen wrote:
Chappy from Manchester just called LBC to say that he has spoken to a mini van load of people that rocked up from Luton (TIER 4) to do some Christmas shopping.

BTP putting extra officers in railway stations in tier 4 areas to check journeys are essential following travel chaos in London.

Btp will only be at the main stations
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 20, 2020 11:59 pm

Brother in law has to get a test again! Someone he works with is positive.

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Now an officially semi retired old fart! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptyMon Dec 21, 2020 7:54 am

Current situation as at 07.43am.....banned from the following

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Tell me what IS the penalty for ANY national leader who with holds vital information that subsequently kills 1000s ??
Johnson has known about this since September as has Witless and Valance making them just as culpable
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptyMon Dec 21, 2020 8:15 am

Can you think or do you just not want to?
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptyMon Dec 21, 2020 8:24 am

A story that crosses both this one and the Brexit one. A mate of mine works for Barfords (you know the firm that was positively, definitely going to close right after Brexit was voted for but is still open and thriving) and he said that him and all the other engineers are going to be furloughed for one week every month for the foreseeable but he said what is strange is that they have never had as many orders.
Whilst loads of small pubs, cafes and restaurants will go to the wall billions are being given to people that don't need it.
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptyMon Dec 21, 2020 9:16 am

Even our very own Plymouth Live took taxpayers money and put staff on furlough...
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Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds   Chinese Virus May Have Infected Hundreds - Page 6 EmptyMon Dec 21, 2020 11:11 am

mouldyoldgoat wrote:
Brother in law has to get a test again! Someone he works with is positive.

He’d only need to get tested if he started showing symptoms.
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