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 WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...

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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptyThu Jul 31, 2014 8:24 pm

The WHO are now taking the Ebola virus seriously, with an aid package on the agenda to try and tackle the horrid disease.

Ebola crisis: WHO to announce $100m emergency response

The head of the World Health Organization and leaders of West African nations affected by the Ebola outbreak are to announce a joint $100m (£59m; 75m euro) response plan.

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Meanwhile here in the UK, the NHS is said to be ready..

Ebola: UK is ready to deal with outbreak, says Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond

Britain is fully prepared to cope with any case of Ebola entering the country, the Foreign Secretary has said, as he sought to reassure the public over the threat posed by the virus, which has killed hundreds in West Africa.

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Although border control may not be ready, according to their Union.

Ebola: UK border staff 'unprepared' says union leader

Border, immigration and customs staff feel unprepared to deal with people coming to the UK with possible cases of the Ebola virus, a union leader says.

Immigration Service Union (ISU) general secretary Lucy Moreton said her members needed more information on the threat.

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While in the States, ABC News reports..

Ebola, Spreading in Africa, Could Land in US

An Ebola outbreak that has killed at least 672 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone could land in the U.S., health officials said.

Symptoms of the disease, such as fever, red eyes and bleeding, can take up to three weeks to appear -- ample time for an unwitting victim to travel outside the West African hot zone.

“It’s true that anyone with an illness is just one plane ride away from coming to the U.S.,” said John O’Connor, a spokesman for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “But we have protections in place”.

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Let us all hope Ebola does not come to fruition in either Country, as it would create one hell of a panic..
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptyThu Jul 31, 2014 9:38 pm

Nhs would buckle that is certain.
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptyThu Jul 31, 2014 11:42 pm

stock up on chicken soup, water, kleenex, lockets, halls, flu tabs and warm bedding like with bird flu and swine
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptyFri Aug 01, 2014 1:05 am

Toilet roll.

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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptyFri Aug 01, 2014 10:25 am

KFC & Stella.
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptySat Aug 02, 2014 2:30 pm

Roger Daltry has always had a social conscience, that's what I like about him.
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Lord Tisdale

Lord Tisdale

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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptySat Aug 02, 2014 2:43 pm

Video rentals of Outbreak will boom.
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptySat Aug 02, 2014 2:47 pm

I know you're an excretia fan Tis but surely you've moved from video to DVD !!
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptySat Aug 02, 2014 3:57 pm

I still make tape compilations
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptySat Aug 02, 2014 4:10 pm

Must be a Northern thing.
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptySat Aug 02, 2014 4:37 pm

This was an interesting read and the comments are choice..

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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptyMon Aug 04, 2014 1:16 am

Strange how no travel (air) restrictions were imposed to contain the 'outbreak'.
Seems to have quietened down (media wise) so maybe its more serious and is being covered up ?
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptyMon Aug 04, 2014 1:17 am

just get nortons and all is a ok Smile
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptyMon Aug 04, 2014 3:27 pm

Phillippines reports possible Ebola cases !!!

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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptyMon Aug 04, 2014 3:29 pm

Donald Trump seems to be behind some of the scaremongering in the USA then...

He quotes :-

''The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infected people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences''..

And then goes on to add :-

''The U.S. must immediately stop all flights from EBOLA infected countries or the plague will start and spread inside our "borders." Act fast''..

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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptyMon Aug 04, 2014 4:28 pm

I'm going to wait before I take the government's advice.

During the last cold spell we had, the government advised us to be well prepared for your daily commute.

So, I took the advise and off I went; tent, sleeping bag, flask of hot water, extra food, snow shovel, pain-killers, GPS, snow shoes, Kendal mint cake, 5 layers of clothing etc etc.

I looked a right twat on the bus to work in the morning!!
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously...   WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... EmptyWed Aug 13, 2014 1:33 am

be interesting to see how far the 'untested' vaccine is allowed to go by WHO.
Question is which pharmaciutical giant stands to PROFIT from this ?????????????
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WHO now taking Ebola virus seriously... Empty
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