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 Disaster in the Channel

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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 2:02 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
I am not an expert on the PAF, but some context if the roles were reversed:

We got rid of embarkation checks over 25 years ago. That means that we don't check people leaving the country at airports or seaports.

At most ports barely have enough BF staff to cover the basic inbound duties. We have had almost no recruitment for operational officers for 2 years. What little we have had doesn't cover the amount of people who have left.

If the roles were reversed and we had to stop people leaving UK beaches we would not be able to do it.

And how do you do it? What can a BF or Police patrol of probably 2 officers do to stop a group of 30 people? How big an area do those 2 officers have to patrol? If they do encounter an outbound boat can they call on support from the next nearest patrol? What if that patrol is busy too? How many officers do you need to patrol Plymouth Sound or Bantham beach or Whitsands? Obviously it would be helpful if the migrants just use one boat at a time, but what if two set off from the same place at the same time?

Who pays for this? If the migrants want to go to France why should the GB taxpayer have to pay to stop them travelling? What would Nigel Garage have to say about that?

Even if the French gave us £54 million we wouldn't be able to recruit and train suitable staff in time to make a difference. Imagine the outrage if we had to divert Police and BF staff from their normal jobs so that we could stop people that we don't want here from leaving the country, all while we are getting slammed by the French press and their shit head politicians.

You're sounding as bad as Harve is now Frank the French police should obviously hold the 30 people up whilst radioing for reinforcements to try and stop them from dying. The excuse so far is that the French are blameless because no way can they patrol their borders because they are too big and secondly we aren't paying them to do so lol. There are numerous photos of French police watching said migrants load into unseaworthy craft and set out into the channel where your life expectancy would be about twenty minutes in the water at this time of year. The French have a policy of ignoring any people smugglers which must be admitted as fact even by yourself now.
I thank my lucky stars that it was an English copper who singlehandedly waded in with his truncheon to a group of about twenty Cardiff fans who kicked fook out of me not far from Cardiff city centre about twenty years ago as it was I had a broken nose, broken ribs and my face was black and blue not to mention a severe concussion, he saved my life imo and Priti Patel or the French didn't pay that guy at all.

You are sounding as bad as Harve now Ears. He has an agenda against the government and you have an agenda against the French.

So the French Police should "hold them up"? How? Baton them? Shoot them? And where are these reinforcements coming from? Surely everyone should be patrolling the beaches, not waiting behind the lines to provide back up.

No one is saying the French are blameless. This is a complex situation. Well, actually its not that complex but it is clearly beyond the wit of many to understand.

The French don't have a policy of ignoring people smugglers. If they did, can you provide proof of that policy? There must be an email or something like that to prove it.

Great anecdote again. Maybe the solution is for the French to smash the shit out of the migrants so that they don't get on the boats.
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 2:12 pm

harvetheslayer wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Feck off you odious little prick there is way more blood on Macrons hands than anybody in the UK because they refuse to police their borders unless we pay them.
Of course the real bad guys are the people smugglers.
My thoughts go out to the people involved and their families you immediately get a hard on about a new source of Boris bashing. Biggest cnut on here ever.

This is the issue with seriously thick twats like you (and make no mistake you are thick) you fooking steam in without reading

I'll spell it out for you fella. We fooking left the EU as "we wanted to take control of our borders" and the French attitude currently is entirely predictable

Read my lips cretin "Patel agreed to pay the French £53 Million to enhance border controls to help to stop the peoples smugglers"

As of fooking last week we still hadn't paid citing "transfer difficulties" as per the BBC news......yes the search engines will claim we agreed to pay it. As of last week we hadn' if they've finally paid it fair play but as per fooking normal there is an enormous difference between what Johnson blusters as opposed to what he eventually does (if ever)

Now if this catastrophic government had paid it back in July as per the Times and Telegraph yesterday almost certainly wouldn't have happened.....they would have ramped up and enacted their part of the agreement 3-4 months ago

Yesterday was an accident waiting to happen that could have been nipped in the bud from January of 2021. As per normal we have utter lunatics running the show with that vile assassin Patel spouting her racist bollacks (last week Patel wants to install a asylum claim centre in Albania....PM of Albania needless to say knew absolutely nothing about it.... more gaslighting from the vile bitch)... I'll remind you in addition Dominic Kung Fu Raab didnt even know where Calais was. Mind boggling

How the fook you can even tie your shoelaces is quite astonishing

By the way Ears how many people has Johnson retrieved from Afghanistan under his "moving heaven and earth" programme

RIP to all that lost their lives.....out

For you to associate blame for this tragedy to your Boris bashing mantra must make you one the most obnoxious posters on ATD, whether that’s a badge of honour for you others can make up their own minds about that, it’s because of the EU’s open border policy that these poor people have arrived in France.
I’ve got a lifelong dislike of the French however I’ve got some sympathy for their situation, what French law have these migrants broken ? As far as I can tell none, so what’s their incentive to stop them other than humanitarian?
I wonder what would happen if these or any other migrants or English citizens said sod it give us a boat and we’ll go back to France, would the French accept them ? I rather doubt that as they can’t seem to abide by any law that they disagree with.
As for you to perpetually quote that cretinous Alistair Campbell convinces me you’ll hang your hat on any political peg to further your loathsome rhetoric.
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 2:24 pm

Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
I am not an expert on the PAF, but some context if the roles were reversed:

We got rid of embarkation checks over 25 years ago. That means that we don't check people leaving the country at airports or seaports.

At most ports barely have enough BF staff to cover the basic inbound duties. We have had almost no recruitment for operational officers for 2 years. What little we have had doesn't cover the amount of people who have left.

If the roles were reversed and we had to stop people leaving UK beaches we would not be able to do it.

And how do you do it? What can a BF or Police patrol of probably 2 officers do to stop a group of 30 people? How big an area do those 2 officers have to patrol? If they do encounter an outbound boat can they call on support from the next nearest patrol? What if that patrol is busy too? How many officers do you need to patrol Plymouth Sound or Bantham beach or Whitsands? Obviously it would be helpful if the migrants just use one boat at a time, but what if two set off from the same place at the same time?

Who pays for this? If the migrants want to go to France why should the GB taxpayer have to pay to stop them travelling? What would Nigel Garage have to say about that?

Even if the French gave us £54 million we wouldn't be able to recruit and train suitable staff in time to make a difference. Imagine the outrage if we had to divert Police and BF staff from their normal jobs so that we could stop people that we don't want here from leaving the country, all while we are getting slammed by the French press and their shit head politicians.

You're sounding as bad as Harve is now Frank the French police should obviously hold the 30 people up whilst radioing for reinforcements to try and stop them from dying. The excuse so far is that the French are blameless because no way can they patrol their borders because they are too big and secondly we aren't paying them to do so lol. There are numerous photos of French police watching said migrants load into unseaworthy craft and set out into the channel where your life expectancy would be about twenty minutes in the water at this time of year. The French have a policy of ignoring any people smugglers which must be admitted as fact even by yourself now.
I thank my lucky stars that it was an English copper who singlehandedly waded in with his truncheon to a group of about twenty Cardiff fans who kicked fook out of me not far from Cardiff city centre about twenty years ago as it was I had a broken nose, broken ribs and my face was black and blue not to mention a severe concussion, he saved my life imo and Priti Patel or the French didn't pay that guy at all.

You are sounding as bad as Harve now Ears. He has an agenda against the government and you have an agenda against the French.

So the French Police should "hold them up"? How? Baton them? Shoot them? And where are these reinforcements coming from? Surely everyone should be patrolling the beaches, not waiting behind the lines to provide back up.

No one is saying the French are blameless. This is a complex situation. Well, actually its not that complex but it is clearly beyond the wit of many to understand.

The French don't have a policy of ignoring people smugglers. If they did, can you provide proof of that policy? There must be an email or something like that to prove it.

Great anecdote again. Maybe the solution is for the French to smash the shit out of the migrants so that they don't get on the boats.

Frank, what you need to understand is that he knows much more about EU funding and the European Commission than I do, and much more about the Border Force than you do.

Or he thinks he does. Which makes him your typical brexiteer little englander who doesn't have a clue.
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Posts : 12371
Join date : 2017-09-09

Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 3:00 pm

Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
I am not an expert on the PAF, but some context if the roles were reversed:

We got rid of embarkation checks over 25 years ago. That means that we don't check people leaving the country at airports or seaports.

At most ports barely have enough BF staff to cover the basic inbound duties. We have had almost no recruitment for operational officers for 2 years. What little we have had doesn't cover the amount of people who have left.

If the roles were reversed and we had to stop people leaving UK beaches we would not be able to do it.

And how do you do it? What can a BF or Police patrol of probably 2 officers do to stop a group of 30 people? How big an area do those 2 officers have to patrol? If they do encounter an outbound boat can they call on support from the next nearest patrol? What if that patrol is busy too? How many officers do you need to patrol Plymouth Sound or Bantham beach or Whitsands? Obviously it would be helpful if the migrants just use one boat at a time, but what if two set off from the same place at the same time?

Who pays for this? If the migrants want to go to France why should the GB taxpayer have to pay to stop them travelling? What would Nigel Garage have to say about that?

Even if the French gave us £54 million we wouldn't be able to recruit and train suitable staff in time to make a difference. Imagine the outrage if we had to divert Police and BF staff from their normal jobs so that we could stop people that we don't want here from leaving the country, all while we are getting slammed by the French press and their shit head politicians.

You're sounding as bad as Harve is now Frank the French police should obviously hold the 30 people up whilst radioing for reinforcements to try and stop them from dying. The excuse so far is that the French are blameless because no way can they patrol their borders because they are too big and secondly we aren't paying them to do so lol. There are numerous photos of French police watching said migrants load into unseaworthy craft and set out into the channel where your life expectancy would be about twenty minutes in the water at this time of year. The French have a policy of ignoring any people smugglers which must be admitted as fact even by yourself now.
I thank my lucky stars that it was an English copper who singlehandedly waded in with his truncheon to a group of about twenty Cardiff fans who kicked fook out of me not far from Cardiff city centre about twenty years ago as it was I had a broken nose, broken ribs and my face was black and blue not to mention a severe concussion, he saved my life imo and Priti Patel or the French didn't pay that guy at all.

You are sounding as bad as Harve now Ears. He has an agenda against the government and you have an agenda against the French.

So the French Police should "hold them up"? How? Baton them? Shoot them? And where are these reinforcements coming from? Surely everyone should be patrolling the beaches, not waiting behind the lines to provide back up.

No one is saying the French are blameless. This is a complex situation. Well, actually its not that complex but it is clearly beyond the wit of many to understand.

The French don't have a policy of ignoring people smugglers. If they did, can you provide proof of that policy? There must be an email or something like that to prove it.

Great anecdote again. Maybe the solution is for the French to smash the shit out of the migrants so that they don't get on the boats.

The old unadmissable anecdote lol. What can the French police do? Really? They have guns and batons and the full backing of the law. They should first get out of the truck, they should then say very clearly "Police stop where you are", they should then disable the rib my plan (although I am obviously not qualified like you are) would be to knife the fLoats on either side, and then if the migrant smuggler in charge tried it on I would baton him or use a tazer, as a last resort I would draw my gun (all French police are armed btw). What I wouldn't do is sit in my truck smoking Gauloise whilst sipping coffee as thirty men, women and children merrily pull off the shore in front of me to drown nearby.
I'll admit that is hard for the frogs to patrol all their coastline but when there is photographic proof of the actual French police standing by and watching migrant boats go past them it cannot be denied they have a zero interference policy in this matter. WTF is the point in Patel paying them more money for?do you want more French police to ignore more migrants so that more people can blame our government when they drown? I really do despair.
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Posts : 12371
Join date : 2017-09-09

Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 3:05 pm

PlymptonPilgrim wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
I am not an expert on the PAF, but some context if the roles were reversed:

We got rid of embarkation checks over 25 years ago. That means that we don't check people leaving the country at airports or seaports.

At most ports barely have enough BF staff to cover the basic inbound duties. We have had almost no recruitment for operational officers for 2 years. What little we have had doesn't cover the amount of people who have left.

If the roles were reversed and we had to stop people leaving UK beaches we would not be able to do it.

And how do you do it? What can a BF or Police patrol of probably 2 officers do to stop a group of 30 people? How big an area do those 2 officers have to patrol? If they do encounter an outbound boat can they call on support from the next nearest patrol? What if that patrol is busy too? How many officers do you need to patrol Plymouth Sound or Bantham beach or Whitsands? Obviously it would be helpful if the migrants just use one boat at a time, but what if two set off from the same place at the same time?

Who pays for this? If the migrants want to go to France why should the GB taxpayer have to pay to stop them travelling? What would Nigel Garage have to say about that?

Even if the French gave us £54 million we wouldn't be able to recruit and train suitable staff in time to make a difference. Imagine the outrage if we had to divert Police and BF staff from their normal jobs so that we could stop people that we don't want here from leaving the country, all while we are getting slammed by the French press and their shit head politicians.

You're sounding as bad as Harve is now Frank the French police should obviously hold the 30 people up whilst radioing for reinforcements to try and stop them from dying. The excuse so far is that the French are blameless because no way can they patrol their borders because they are too big and secondly we aren't paying them to do so lol. There are numerous photos of French police watching said migrants load into unseaworthy craft and set out into the channel where your life expectancy would be about twenty minutes in the water at this time of year. The French have a policy of ignoring any people smugglers which must be admitted as fact even by yourself now.
I thank my lucky stars that it was an English copper who singlehandedly waded in with his truncheon to a group of about twenty Cardiff fans who kicked fook out of me not far from Cardiff city centre about twenty years ago as it was I had a broken nose, broken ribs and my face was black and blue not to mention a severe concussion, he saved my life imo and Priti Patel or the French didn't pay that guy at all.

You are sounding as bad as Harve now Ears. He has an agenda against the government and you have an agenda against the French.

So the French Police should "hold them up"? How? Baton them? Shoot them? And where are these reinforcements coming from? Surely everyone should be patrolling the beaches, not waiting behind the lines to provide back up.

No one is saying the French are blameless. This is a complex situation. Well, actually its not that complex but it is clearly beyond the wit of many to understand.

The French don't have a policy of ignoring people smugglers. If they did, can you provide proof of that policy? There must be an email or something like that to prove it.

Great anecdote again. Maybe the solution is for the French to smash the shit out of the migrants so that they don't get on the boats.

Frank, what you need to understand is that he knows much more about EU funding and the European Commission than I do, and much more about the Border Force than you do.

Or he thinks he does. Which makes him your typical brexiteer little englander who doesn't have a clue.

God you lot are like buses. Buses that are dismissive of anything anti EU and pro UK. Instead of popping at me for EU funding which I do know plenty about try and validate the French policy of watching migrants going to drown nearby whilst sitting in a warm truck, you can't. Period.
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 3:11 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
I am not an expert on the PAF, but some context if the roles were reversed:

We got rid of embarkation checks over 25 years ago. That means that we don't check people leaving the country at airports or seaports.

At most ports barely have enough BF staff to cover the basic inbound duties. We have had almost no recruitment for operational officers for 2 years. What little we have had doesn't cover the amount of people who have left.

If the roles were reversed and we had to stop people leaving UK beaches we would not be able to do it.

And how do you do it? What can a BF or Police patrol of probably 2 officers do to stop a group of 30 people? How big an area do those 2 officers have to patrol? If they do encounter an outbound boat can they call on support from the next nearest patrol? What if that patrol is busy too? How many officers do you need to patrol Plymouth Sound or Bantham beach or Whitsands? Obviously it would be helpful if the migrants just use one boat at a time, but what if two set off from the same place at the same time?

Who pays for this? If the migrants want to go to France why should the GB taxpayer have to pay to stop them travelling? What would Nigel Garage have to say about that?

Even if the French gave us £54 million we wouldn't be able to recruit and train suitable staff in time to make a difference. Imagine the outrage if we had to divert Police and BF staff from their normal jobs so that we could stop people that we don't want here from leaving the country, all while we are getting slammed by the French press and their shit head politicians.

You're sounding as bad as Harve is now Frank the French police should obviously hold the 30 people up whilst radioing for reinforcements to try and stop them from dying. The excuse so far is that the French are blameless because no way can they patrol their borders because they are too big and secondly we aren't paying them to do so lol. There are numerous photos of French police watching said migrants load into unseaworthy craft and set out into the channel where your life expectancy would be about twenty minutes in the water at this time of year. The French have a policy of ignoring any people smugglers which must be admitted as fact even by yourself now.
I thank my lucky stars that it was an English copper who singlehandedly waded in with his truncheon to a group of about twenty Cardiff fans who kicked fook out of me not far from Cardiff city centre about twenty years ago as it was I had a broken nose, broken ribs and my face was black and blue not to mention a severe concussion, he saved my life imo and Priti Patel or the French didn't pay that guy at all.

You are sounding as bad as Harve now Ears. He has an agenda against the government and you have an agenda against the French.

So the French Police should "hold them up"? How? Baton them? Shoot them? And where are these reinforcements coming from? Surely everyone should be patrolling the beaches, not waiting behind the lines to provide back up.

No one is saying the French are blameless. This is a complex situation. Well, actually its not that complex but it is clearly beyond the wit of many to understand.

The French don't have a policy of ignoring people smugglers. If they did, can you provide proof of that policy? There must be an email or something like that to prove it.

Great anecdote again. Maybe the solution is for the French to smash the shit out of the migrants so that they don't get on the boats.

The old unadmissable anecdote lol. What can the French police do? Really? They have guns and batons and the full backing of the law. They should first get out of the truck, they should then say very clearly "Police stop where you are", they should then disable the rib my plan (although I am obviously not qualified like you are) would be to knife the fLoats on either side, and then if the migrant smuggler in charge tried it on I would baton him or use a tazer, as a last resort I would draw my gun (all French police are armed btw). What I wouldn't do is sit in my truck smoking Gauloise whilst sipping coffee as thirty men, women and children merrily pull off the shore in front of me to drown nearby.
I'll admit that is hard for the frogs to patrol all their coastline but when there is photographic proof of the actual French police standing by and watching migrant boats go past them it cannot be denied they have a zero interference policy in this matter. WTF is the point in Patel paying them more money for?do you want more French police to ignore more migrants so that more people can blame our government when they drown? I really do despair.

Ok, if you are happy to baton and shoot people so they don’t cross the channel at least you have the balls to admit it.

So now you admit that it is hard for the French to patrol all of their coastline. I told you it was.

The existence of some photos of the PAF doing nothing is not proof that the French have a ZERO interference policy. Those photos show that for some reason the PAF did not intervene on that occasion. It has not been explained why. Some photos are not proof of a governmental policy.
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Posts : 12371
Join date : 2017-09-09

Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 4:08 pm

Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
I am not an expert on the PAF, but some context if the roles were reversed:

We got rid of embarkation checks over 25 years ago. That means that we don't check people leaving the country at airports or seaports.

At most ports barely have enough BF staff to cover the basic inbound duties. We have had almost no recruitment for operational officers for 2 years. What little we have had doesn't cover the amount of people who have left.

If the roles were reversed and we had to stop people leaving UK beaches we would not be able to do it.

And how do you do it? What can a BF or Police patrol of probably 2 officers do to stop a group of 30 people? How big an area do those 2 officers have to patrol? If they do encounter an outbound boat can they call on support from the next nearest patrol? What if that patrol is busy too? How many officers do you need to patrol Plymouth Sound or Bantham beach or Whitsands? Obviously it would be helpful if the migrants just use one boat at a time, but what if two set off from the same place at the same time?

Who pays for this? If the migrants want to go to France why should the GB taxpayer have to pay to stop them travelling? What would Nigel Garage have to say about that?

Even if the French gave us £54 million we wouldn't be able to recruit and train suitable staff in time to make a difference. Imagine the outrage if we had to divert Police and BF staff from their normal jobs so that we could stop people that we don't want here from leaving the country, all while we are getting slammed by the French press and their shit head politicians.

You're sounding as bad as Harve is now Frank the French police should obviously hold the 30 people up whilst radioing for reinforcements to try and stop them from dying. The excuse so far is that the French are blameless because no way can they patrol their borders because they are too big and secondly we aren't paying them to do so lol. There are numerous photos of French police watching said migrants load into unseaworthy craft and set out into the channel where your life expectancy would be about twenty minutes in the water at this time of year. The French have a policy of ignoring any people smugglers which must be admitted as fact even by yourself now.
I thank my lucky stars that it was an English copper who singlehandedly waded in with his truncheon to a group of about twenty Cardiff fans who kicked fook out of me not far from Cardiff city centre about twenty years ago as it was I had a broken nose, broken ribs and my face was black and blue not to mention a severe concussion, he saved my life imo and Priti Patel or the French didn't pay that guy at all.

You are sounding as bad as Harve now Ears. He has an agenda against the government and you have an agenda against the French.

So the French Police should "hold them up"? How? Baton them? Shoot them? And where are these reinforcements coming from? Surely everyone should be patrolling the beaches, not waiting behind the lines to provide back up.

No one is saying the French are blameless. This is a complex situation. Well, actually its not that complex but it is clearly beyond the wit of many to understand.

The French don't have a policy of ignoring people smugglers. If they did, can you provide proof of that policy? There must be an email or something like that to prove it.

Great anecdote again. Maybe the solution is for the French to smash the shit out of the migrants so that they don't get on the boats.

The old unadmissable anecdote lol. What can the French police do? Really? They have guns and batons and the full backing of the law. They should first get out of the truck, they should then say very clearly "Police stop where you are", they should then disable the rib my plan (although I am obviously not qualified like you are) would be to knife the fLoats on either side, and then if the migrant smuggler in charge tried it on I would baton him or use a tazer, as a last resort I would draw my gun (all French police are armed btw). What I wouldn't do is sit in my truck smoking Gauloise whilst sipping coffee as thirty men, women and children merrily pull off the shore in front of me to drown nearby.
I'll admit that is hard for the frogs to patrol all their coastline but when there is photographic proof of the actual French police standing by and watching migrant boats go past them it cannot be denied they have a zero interference policy in this matter. WTF is the point in Patel paying them more money for?do you want more French police to ignore more migrants so that more people can blame our government when they drown? I really do despair.

Ok, if you are happy to baton and shoot people so they don’t cross the channel at least you have the balls to admit it.

So now you admit that it is hard for the French to patrol all of their coastline. I told you it was.

The existence of some photos of the PAF doing nothing is not proof that the French have a ZERO interference policy. Those photos show that for some reason the PAF did not intervene on that occasion. It has not been explained why. Some photos are not proof of a governmental policy.

Oh come on Frank you are sounding ridiculous now. Its long been obvious that the French have a policy of turning a blind eye to migrant crossings there is now photographic proof of the same. as for batoning and TAZERING (I didn't mention shooting I did mention that all french police are armed) I am only stating the obvious that at least two French police officers watched as thirty UNARMED migrants walzted past them to their deaths. Was it cowardice or were they just following the French policy of ignoring migrants crossing a deadly sea? They could of and should have stopped them.

I will leave you with the words of the moronic anti EU bigot and racist Horatio Nelson,

"If a man consults whether he is to fight, when he has the power in his own hands, it is certain that his opinion is against fighting."

Horatio Nelson
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 4:24 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
I am not an expert on the PAF, but some context if the roles were reversed:

We got rid of embarkation checks over 25 years ago. That means that we don't check people leaving the country at airports or seaports.

At most ports barely have enough BF staff to cover the basic inbound duties. We have had almost no recruitment for operational officers for 2 years. What little we have had doesn't cover the amount of people who have left.

If the roles were reversed and we had to stop people leaving UK beaches we would not be able to do it.

And how do you do it? What can a BF or Police patrol of probably 2 officers do to stop a group of 30 people? How big an area do those 2 officers have to patrol? If they do encounter an outbound boat can they call on support from the next nearest patrol? What if that patrol is busy too? How many officers do you need to patrol Plymouth Sound or Bantham beach or Whitsands? Obviously it would be helpful if the migrants just use one boat at a time, but what if two set off from the same place at the same time?

Who pays for this? If the migrants want to go to France why should the GB taxpayer have to pay to stop them travelling? What would Nigel Garage have to say about that?

Even if the French gave us £54 million we wouldn't be able to recruit and train suitable staff in time to make a difference. Imagine the outrage if we had to divert Police and BF staff from their normal jobs so that we could stop people that we don't want here from leaving the country, all while we are getting slammed by the French press and their shit head politicians.

You're sounding as bad as Harve is now Frank the French police should obviously hold the 30 people up whilst radioing for reinforcements to try and stop them from dying. The excuse so far is that the French are blameless because no way can they patrol their borders because they are too big and secondly we aren't paying them to do so lol. There are numerous photos of French police watching said migrants load into unseaworthy craft and set out into the channel where your life expectancy would be about twenty minutes in the water at this time of year. The French have a policy of ignoring any people smugglers which must be admitted as fact even by yourself now.
I thank my lucky stars that it was an English copper who singlehandedly waded in with his truncheon to a group of about twenty Cardiff fans who kicked fook out of me not far from Cardiff city centre about twenty years ago as it was I had a broken nose, broken ribs and my face was black and blue not to mention a severe concussion, he saved my life imo and Priti Patel or the French didn't pay that guy at all.

You are sounding as bad as Harve now Ears. He has an agenda against the government and you have an agenda against the French.

So the French Police should "hold them up"? How? Baton them? Shoot them? And where are these reinforcements coming from? Surely everyone should be patrolling the beaches, not waiting behind the lines to provide back up.

No one is saying the French are blameless. This is a complex situation. Well, actually its not that complex but it is clearly beyond the wit of many to understand.

The French don't have a policy of ignoring people smugglers. If they did, can you provide proof of that policy? There must be an email or something like that to prove it.

Great anecdote again. Maybe the solution is for the French to smash the shit out of the migrants so that they don't get on the boats.

The old unadmissable anecdote lol. What can the French police do? Really? They have guns and batons and the full backing of the law. They should first get out of the truck, they should then say very clearly "Police stop where you are", they should then disable the rib my plan (although I am obviously not qualified like you are) would be to knife the fLoats on either side, and then if the migrant smuggler in charge tried it on I would baton him or use a tazer, as a last resort I would draw my gun (all French police are armed btw). What I wouldn't do is sit in my truck smoking Gauloise whilst sipping coffee as thirty men, women and children merrily pull off the shore in front of me to drown nearby.
I'll admit that is hard for the frogs to patrol all their coastline but when there is photographic proof of the actual French police standing by and watching migrant boats go past them it cannot be denied they have a zero interference policy in this matter. WTF is the point in Patel paying them more money for?do you want more French police to ignore more migrants so that more people can blame our government when they drown? I really do despair.

Ok, if you are happy to baton and shoot people so they don’t cross the channel at least you have the balls to admit it.

So now you admit that it is hard for the French to patrol all of their coastline. I told you it was.

The existence of some photos of the PAF doing nothing is not proof that the French have a ZERO interference policy. Those photos show that for some reason the PAF did not intervene on that occasion. It has not been explained why. Some photos are not proof of a governmental policy.

Oh come on Frank you are sounding ridiculous now. Its long been obvious that the French have a policy of turning a blind eye to migrant crossings there is now photographic proof of the same. as for batoning and TAZERING (I didn't mention shooting I did mention that all french police are armed) I am only stating the obvious that at least two French police officers watched as thirty UNARMED migrants walzted past them to their deaths. Was it cowardice or were they just following the French policy of ignoring migrants crossing a deadly sea? They could of and should have stopped them.

No Ears, its you who is sounding ridiculous.

The French don't have a policy of turning a blind eye. It is ridiculous to claim that. You are basing that claim on a couple of photographs and ignoring all of the other evidence that shows the French are attempting to stop the crossings. It is ridiculous to claim they have a ZERO interference policy.

The sheer amount of attempted crossings shows that the French don't have the resources to deal with the problem. As I stated earlier, if the boot was on the other foot we wouldn't be able to resource it either. The numbers of attempted crossings have increased because the smugglers realised it was easier than trying to get the migrants through the airports.

I am not sure what photographs you think you have seen, but I am unaware of photos existing that shows the boat in question leaving the French shore unmolested by the PAF. There are photos of boats leaving and the PAF appearing to stand by, but whether this is the poor boat in question I don't know.

30 unarmed desperate people are more than a match for 2 Police Officers. Assuming they are UNARMED of course.

How do you expect the French to police this crisis? How long does it take to recruit and train extra officers? Are other police officers being redeployed from elsewhere in France? Or is it just local officers being offered overtime to police the channel as well as their regular duties? Do the French have a contingency budget for all of this or have they raised taxes to cover the cost? Do the French voters agree with this course of action or will it cost Macron at the next election?
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Posts : 12371
Join date : 2017-09-09

Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 4:49 pm

Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
I am not an expert on the PAF, but some context if the roles were reversed:

We got rid of embarkation checks over 25 years ago. That means that we don't check people leaving the country at airports or seaports.

At most ports barely have enough BF staff to cover the basic inbound duties. We have had almost no recruitment for operational officers for 2 years. What little we have had doesn't cover the amount of people who have left.

If the roles were reversed and we had to stop people leaving UK beaches we would not be able to do it.

And how do you do it? What can a BF or Police patrol of probably 2 officers do to stop a group of 30 people? How big an area do those 2 officers have to patrol? If they do encounter an outbound boat can they call on support from the next nearest patrol? What if that patrol is busy too? How many officers do you need to patrol Plymouth Sound or Bantham beach or Whitsands? Obviously it would be helpful if the migrants just use one boat at a time, but what if two set off from the same place at the same time?

Who pays for this? If the migrants want to go to France why should the GB taxpayer have to pay to stop them travelling? What would Nigel Garage have to say about that?

Even if the French gave us £54 million we wouldn't be able to recruit and train suitable staff in time to make a difference. Imagine the outrage if we had to divert Police and BF staff from their normal jobs so that we could stop people that we don't want here from leaving the country, all while we are getting slammed by the French press and their shit head politicians.

You're sounding as bad as Harve is now Frank the French police should obviously hold the 30 people up whilst radioing for reinforcements to try and stop them from dying. The excuse so far is that the French are blameless because no way can they patrol their borders because they are too big and secondly we aren't paying them to do so lol. There are numerous photos of French police watching said migrants load into unseaworthy craft and set out into the channel where your life expectancy would be about twenty minutes in the water at this time of year. The French have a policy of ignoring any people smugglers which must be admitted as fact even by yourself now.
I thank my lucky stars that it was an English copper who singlehandedly waded in with his truncheon to a group of about twenty Cardiff fans who kicked fook out of me not far from Cardiff city centre about twenty years ago as it was I had a broken nose, broken ribs and my face was black and blue not to mention a severe concussion, he saved my life imo and Priti Patel or the French didn't pay that guy at all.

You are sounding as bad as Harve now Ears. He has an agenda against the government and you have an agenda against the French.

So the French Police should "hold them up"? How? Baton them? Shoot them? And where are these reinforcements coming from? Surely everyone should be patrolling the beaches, not waiting behind the lines to provide back up.

No one is saying the French are blameless. This is a complex situation. Well, actually its not that complex but it is clearly beyond the wit of many to understand.

The French don't have a policy of ignoring people smugglers. If they did, can you provide proof of that policy? There must be an email or something like that to prove it.

Great anecdote again. Maybe the solution is for the French to smash the shit out of the migrants so that they don't get on the boats.

The old unadmissable anecdote lol. What can the French police do? Really? They have guns and batons and the full backing of the law. They should first get out of the truck, they should then say very clearly "Police stop where you are", they should then disable the rib my plan (although I am obviously not qualified like you are) would be to knife the fLoats on either side, and then if the migrant smuggler in charge tried it on I would baton him or use a tazer, as a last resort I would draw my gun (all French police are armed btw). What I wouldn't do is sit in my truck smoking Gauloise whilst sipping coffee as thirty men, women and children merrily pull off the shore in front of me to drown nearby.
I'll admit that is hard for the frogs to patrol all their coastline but when there is photographic proof of the actual French police standing by and watching migrant boats go past them it cannot be denied they have a zero interference policy in this matter. WTF is the point in Patel paying them more money for?do you want more French police to ignore more migrants so that more people can blame our government when they drown? I really do despair.

Ok, if you are happy to baton and shoot people so they don’t cross the channel at least you have the balls to admit it.

So now you admit that it is hard for the French to patrol all of their coastline. I told you it was.

The existence of some photos of the PAF doing nothing is not proof that the French have a ZERO interference policy. Those photos show that for some reason the PAF did not intervene on that occasion. It has not been explained why. Some photos are not proof of a governmental policy.

Oh come on Frank you are sounding ridiculous now. Its long been obvious that the French have a policy of turning a blind eye to migrant crossings there is now photographic proof of the same. as for batoning and TAZERING (I didn't mention shooting I did mention that all french police are armed) I am only stating the obvious that at least two French police officers watched as thirty UNARMED migrants walzted past them to their deaths. Was it cowardice or were they just following the French policy of ignoring migrants crossing a deadly sea? They could of and should have stopped them.

No Ears, its you who is sounding ridiculous.

The French don't have a policy of turning a blind eye. It is ridiculous to claim that. You are basing that claim on a couple of photographs and ignoring all of the other evidence that shows the French are attempting to stop the crossings. It is ridiculous to claim they have a ZERO interference policy.

The sheer amount of attempted crossings shows that the French don't have the resources to deal with the problem. As I stated earlier, if the boot was on the other foot we wouldn't be able to resource it either. The numbers of attempted crossings have increased because the smugglers realised it was easier than trying to get the migrants through the airports.

I am not sure what photographs you think you have seen, but I am unaware of photos existing that shows the boat in question leaving the French shore unmolested by the PAF. There are photos of boats leaving and the PAF appearing to stand by, but whether this is the poor boat in question I don't know.

30 unarmed desperate people are more than a match for 2 Police Officers. Assuming they are UNARMED of course.

How do you expect the French to police this crisis? How long does it take to recruit and train extra officers? Are other police officers being redeployed from elsewhere in France? Or is it just local officers being offered overtime to police the channel as well as their regular duties? Do the French have a contingency budget for all of this or have they raised taxes to cover the cost? Do the French voters agree with this course of action or will it cost Macron at the next election?

Blather all you like despite all the problems that you memtion there is photographic evidence of police standing by whilst UNARMED men women and children potentially go to their deaths in the channel. What is the point in having police there if they stay in their vehicles? It's patheticic trying to defend the practice that leaves them with blood on their hands.
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 4:55 pm

There was a report on bbc news channel today that the french police have been mistreating migrants.

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Now an officially semi retired old fart! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Posts : 12371
Join date : 2017-09-09

Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 4:57 pm

From the 8th October looks like a whole unit of French police dressed in riot gear watching migrants leave France in a RIB, what could they possibly do?

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Looking forward to you defending this one Frank.

Last edited by Earwegoagain on Thu Nov 25, 2021 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 4:58 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
I am not an expert on the PAF, but some context if the roles were reversed:

We got rid of embarkation checks over 25 years ago. That means that we don't check people leaving the country at airports or seaports.

At most ports barely have enough BF staff to cover the basic inbound duties. We have had almost no recruitment for operational officers for 2 years. What little we have had doesn't cover the amount of people who have left.

If the roles were reversed and we had to stop people leaving UK beaches we would not be able to do it.

And how do you do it? What can a BF or Police patrol of probably 2 officers do to stop a group of 30 people? How big an area do those 2 officers have to patrol? If they do encounter an outbound boat can they call on support from the next nearest patrol? What if that patrol is busy too? How many officers do you need to patrol Plymouth Sound or Bantham beach or Whitsands? Obviously it would be helpful if the migrants just use one boat at a time, but what if two set off from the same place at the same time?

Who pays for this? If the migrants want to go to France why should the GB taxpayer have to pay to stop them travelling? What would Nigel Garage have to say about that?

Even if the French gave us £54 million we wouldn't be able to recruit and train suitable staff in time to make a difference. Imagine the outrage if we had to divert Police and BF staff from their normal jobs so that we could stop people that we don't want here from leaving the country, all while we are getting slammed by the French press and their shit head politicians.

You're sounding as bad as Harve is now Frank the French police should obviously hold the 30 people up whilst radioing for reinforcements to try and stop them from dying. The excuse so far is that the French are blameless because no way can they patrol their borders because they are too big and secondly we aren't paying them to do so lol. There are numerous photos of French police watching said migrants load into unseaworthy craft and set out into the channel where your life expectancy would be about twenty minutes in the water at this time of year. The French have a policy of ignoring any people smugglers which must be admitted as fact even by yourself now.
I thank my lucky stars that it was an English copper who singlehandedly waded in with his truncheon to a group of about twenty Cardiff fans who kicked fook out of me not far from Cardiff city centre about twenty years ago as it was I had a broken nose, broken ribs and my face was black and blue not to mention a severe concussion, he saved my life imo and Priti Patel or the French didn't pay that guy at all.

You are sounding as bad as Harve now Ears. He has an agenda against the government and you have an agenda against the French.

So the French Police should "hold them up"? How? Baton them? Shoot them? And where are these reinforcements coming from? Surely everyone should be patrolling the beaches, not waiting behind the lines to provide back up.

No one is saying the French are blameless. This is a complex situation. Well, actually its not that complex but it is clearly beyond the wit of many to understand.

The French don't have a policy of ignoring people smugglers. If they did, can you provide proof of that policy? There must be an email or something like that to prove it.

Great anecdote again. Maybe the solution is for the French to smash the shit out of the migrants so that they don't get on the boats.

The old unadmissable anecdote lol. What can the French police do? Really? They have guns and batons and the full backing of the law. They should first get out of the truck, they should then say very clearly "Police stop where you are", they should then disable the rib my plan (although I am obviously not qualified like you are) would be to knife the fLoats on either side, and then if the migrant smuggler in charge tried it on I would baton him or use a tazer, as a last resort I would draw my gun (all French police are armed btw). What I wouldn't do is sit in my truck smoking Gauloise whilst sipping coffee as thirty men, women and children merrily pull off the shore in front of me to drown nearby.
I'll admit that is hard for the frogs to patrol all their coastline but when there is photographic proof of the actual French police standing by and watching migrant boats go past them it cannot be denied they have a zero interference policy in this matter. WTF is the point in Patel paying them more money for?do you want more French police to ignore more migrants so that more people can blame our government when they drown? I really do despair.

Ok, if you are happy to baton and shoot people so they don’t cross the channel at least you have the balls to admit it.

So now you admit that it is hard for the French to patrol all of their coastline. I told you it was.

The existence of some photos of the PAF doing nothing is not proof that the French have a ZERO interference policy. Those photos show that for some reason the PAF did not intervene on that occasion. It has not been explained why. Some photos are not proof of a governmental policy.

Oh come on Frank you are sounding ridiculous now. Its long been obvious that the French have a policy of turning a blind eye to migrant crossings there is now photographic proof of the same. as for batoning and TAZERING (I didn't mention shooting I did mention that all french police are armed) I am only stating the obvious that at least two French police officers watched as thirty UNARMED migrants walzted past them to their deaths. Was it cowardice or were they just following the French policy of ignoring migrants crossing a deadly sea? They could of and should have stopped them.

No Ears, its you who is sounding ridiculous.

The French don't have a policy of turning a blind eye. It is ridiculous to claim that. You are basing that claim on a couple of photographs and ignoring all of the other evidence that shows the French are attempting to stop the crossings. It is ridiculous to claim they have a ZERO interference policy.

The sheer amount of attempted crossings shows that the French don't have the resources to deal with the problem. As I stated earlier, if the boot was on the other foot we wouldn't be able to resource it either. The numbers of attempted crossings have increased because the smugglers realised it was easier than trying to get the migrants through the airports.

I am not sure what photographs you think you have seen, but I am unaware of photos existing that shows the boat in question leaving the French shore unmolested by the PAF. There are photos of boats leaving and the PAF appearing to stand by, but whether this is the poor boat in question I don't know.

30 unarmed desperate people are more than a match for 2 Police Officers. Assuming they are UNARMED of course.

How do you expect the French to police this crisis? How long does it take to recruit and train extra officers? Are other police officers being redeployed from elsewhere in France? Or is it just local officers being offered overtime to police the channel as well as their regular duties? Do the French have a contingency budget for all of this or have they raised taxes to cover the cost? Do the French voters agree with this course of action or will it cost Macron at the next election?

Blather all you like despite all the problems that you memtion there is photographic evidence of police standing by whilst UNARMED men women and children potentially go to their deaths in the channel. What is the point in having police there if they stay in their vehicles? It's patheticic trying to defend the practice that leaves them with blood on their hands.

Oh its POTENTIALLY to their deaths now? So have you realised that there isn't photographic proof of 2 PAF officers watching yesterdays tragic boat setting off for the UK? You seemed so certain earlier on (I have highlighted it for you).

I am not blathering on. I am showing you that you don't have the slightest understanding of the complexities of the situation. Thats why you can't answer any of the difficult questions.
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Posts : 12371
Join date : 2017-09-09

Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 4:59 pm

From 19th November this time one clearly smoking a fag whilst they are all clearly enjoying the experience.
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Posts : 12371
Join date : 2017-09-09

Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 5:01 pm

Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
I am not an expert on the PAF, but some context if the roles were reversed:

We got rid of embarkation checks over 25 years ago. That means that we don't check people leaving the country at airports or seaports.

At most ports barely have enough BF staff to cover the basic inbound duties. We have had almost no recruitment for operational officers for 2 years. What little we have had doesn't cover the amount of people who have left.

If the roles were reversed and we had to stop people leaving UK beaches we would not be able to do it.

And how do you do it? What can a BF or Police patrol of probably 2 officers do to stop a group of 30 people? How big an area do those 2 officers have to patrol? If they do encounter an outbound boat can they call on support from the next nearest patrol? What if that patrol is busy too? How many officers do you need to patrol Plymouth Sound or Bantham beach or Whitsands? Obviously it would be helpful if the migrants just use one boat at a time, but what if two set off from the same place at the same time?

Who pays for this? If the migrants want to go to France why should the GB taxpayer have to pay to stop them travelling? What would Nigel Garage have to say about that?

Even if the French gave us £54 million we wouldn't be able to recruit and train suitable staff in time to make a difference. Imagine the outrage if we had to divert Police and BF staff from their normal jobs so that we could stop people that we don't want here from leaving the country, all while we are getting slammed by the French press and their shit head politicians.

You're sounding as bad as Harve is now Frank the French police should obviously hold the 30 people up whilst radioing for reinforcements to try and stop them from dying. The excuse so far is that the French are blameless because no way can they patrol their borders because they are too big and secondly we aren't paying them to do so lol. There are numerous photos of French police watching said migrants load into unseaworthy craft and set out into the channel where your life expectancy would be about twenty minutes in the water at this time of year. The French have a policy of ignoring any people smugglers which must be admitted as fact even by yourself now.
I thank my lucky stars that it was an English copper who singlehandedly waded in with his truncheon to a group of about twenty Cardiff fans who kicked fook out of me not far from Cardiff city centre about twenty years ago as it was I had a broken nose, broken ribs and my face was black and blue not to mention a severe concussion, he saved my life imo and Priti Patel or the French didn't pay that guy at all.

You are sounding as bad as Harve now Ears. He has an agenda against the government and you have an agenda against the French.

So the French Police should "hold them up"? How? Baton them? Shoot them? And where are these reinforcements coming from? Surely everyone should be patrolling the beaches, not waiting behind the lines to provide back up.

No one is saying the French are blameless. This is a complex situation. Well, actually its not that complex but it is clearly beyond the wit of many to understand.

The French don't have a policy of ignoring people smugglers. If they did, can you provide proof of that policy? There must be an email or something like that to prove it.

Great anecdote again. Maybe the solution is for the French to smash the shit out of the migrants so that they don't get on the boats.

The old unadmissable anecdote lol. What can the French police do? Really? They have guns and batons and the full backing of the law. They should first get out of the truck, they should then say very clearly "Police stop where you are", they should then disable the rib my plan (although I am obviously not qualified like you are) would be to knife the fLoats on either side, and then if the migrant smuggler in charge tried it on I would baton him or use a tazer, as a last resort I would draw my gun (all French police are armed btw). What I wouldn't do is sit in my truck smoking Gauloise whilst sipping coffee as thirty men, women and children merrily pull off the shore in front of me to drown nearby.
I'll admit that is hard for the frogs to patrol all their coastline but when there is photographic proof of the actual French police standing by and watching migrant boats go past them it cannot be denied they have a zero interference policy in this matter. WTF is the point in Patel paying them more money for?do you want more French police to ignore more migrants so that more people can blame our government when they drown? I really do despair.

Ok, if you are happy to baton and shoot people so they don’t cross the channel at least you have the balls to admit it.

So now you admit that it is hard for the French to patrol all of their coastline. I told you it was.

The existence of some photos of the PAF doing nothing is not proof that the French have a ZERO interference policy. Those photos show that for some reason the PAF did not intervene on that occasion. It has not been explained why. Some photos are not proof of a governmental policy.

Oh come on Frank you are sounding ridiculous now. Its long been obvious that the French have a policy of turning a blind eye to migrant crossings there is now photographic proof of the same. as for batoning and TAZERING (I didn't mention shooting I did mention that all french police are armed) I am only stating the obvious that at least two French police officers watched as thirty UNARMED migrants walzted past them to their deaths. Was it cowardice or were they just following the French policy of ignoring migrants crossing a deadly sea? They could of and should have stopped them.

No Ears, its you who is sounding ridiculous.

The French don't have a policy of turning a blind eye. It is ridiculous to claim that. You are basing that claim on a couple of photographs and ignoring all of the other evidence that shows the French are attempting to stop the crossings. It is ridiculous to claim they have a ZERO interference policy.

The sheer amount of attempted crossings shows that the French don't have the resources to deal with the problem. As I stated earlier, if the boot was on the other foot we wouldn't be able to resource it either. The numbers of attempted crossings have increased because the smugglers realised it was easier than trying to get the migrants through the airports.

I am not sure what photographs you think you have seen, but I am unaware of photos existing that shows the boat in question leaving the French shore unmolested by the PAF. There are photos of boats leaving and the PAF appearing to stand by, but whether this is the poor boat in question I don't know.

30 unarmed desperate people are more than a match for 2 Police Officers. Assuming they are UNARMED of course.

How do you expect the French to police this crisis? How long does it take to recruit and train extra officers? Are other police officers being redeployed from elsewhere in France? Or is it just local officers being offered overtime to police the channel as well as their regular duties? Do the French have a contingency budget for all of this or have they raised taxes to cover the cost? Do the French voters agree with this course of action or will it cost Macron at the next election?

Blather all you like despite all the problems that you memtion there is photographic evidence of police standing by whilst UNARMED men women and children potentially go to their deaths in the channel. What is the point in having police there if they stay in their vehicles? It's patheticic trying to defend the practice that leaves them with blood on their hands.

Oh its POTENTIALLY to their deaths now? So have you realised that there isn't photographic proof of 2 PAF officers watching yesterdays tragic boat setting off for the UK? You seemed so certain earlier on (I have highlighted it for you).

I am not blathering on. I am showing you that you don't have the slightest understanding of the complexities of the situation. Thats why you can't answer any of the difficult questions.

Great defending of the indefensible Frank. Carry on ignoring the evidence you may get another promotion at this rate.
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 5:09 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Frank Bullitt wrote:
I am not an expert on the PAF, but some context if the roles were reversed:

We got rid of embarkation checks over 25 years ago. That means that we don't check people leaving the country at airports or seaports.

At most ports barely have enough BF staff to cover the basic inbound duties. We have had almost no recruitment for operational officers for 2 years. What little we have had doesn't cover the amount of people who have left.

If the roles were reversed and we had to stop people leaving UK beaches we would not be able to do it.

And how do you do it? What can a BF or Police patrol of probably 2 officers do to stop a group of 30 people? How big an area do those 2 officers have to patrol? If they do encounter an outbound boat can they call on support from the next nearest patrol? What if that patrol is busy too? How many officers do you need to patrol Plymouth Sound or Bantham beach or Whitsands? Obviously it would be helpful if the migrants just use one boat at a time, but what if two set off from the same place at the same time?

Who pays for this? If the migrants want to go to France why should the GB taxpayer have to pay to stop them travelling? What would Nigel Garage have to say about that?

Even if the French gave us £54 million we wouldn't be able to recruit and train suitable staff in time to make a difference. Imagine the outrage if we had to divert Police and BF staff from their normal jobs so that we could stop people that we don't want here from leaving the country, all while we are getting slammed by the French press and their shit head politicians.

You're sounding as bad as Harve is now Frank the French police should obviously hold the 30 people up whilst radioing for reinforcements to try and stop them from dying. The excuse so far is that the French are blameless because no way can they patrol their borders because they are too big and secondly we aren't paying them to do so lol. There are numerous photos of French police watching said migrants load into unseaworthy craft and set out into the channel where your life expectancy would be about twenty minutes in the water at this time of year. The French have a policy of ignoring any people smugglers which must be admitted as fact even by yourself now.
I thank my lucky stars that it was an English copper who singlehandedly waded in with his truncheon to a group of about twenty Cardiff fans who kicked fook out of me not far from Cardiff city centre about twenty years ago as it was I had a broken nose, broken ribs and my face was black and blue not to mention a severe concussion, he saved my life imo and Priti Patel or the French didn't pay that guy at all.

You are sounding as bad as Harve now Ears. He has an agenda against the government and you have an agenda against the French.

So the French Police should "hold them up"? How? Baton them? Shoot them? And where are these reinforcements coming from? Surely everyone should be patrolling the beaches, not waiting behind the lines to provide back up.

No one is saying the French are blameless. This is a complex situation. Well, actually its not that complex but it is clearly beyond the wit of many to understand.

The French don't have a policy of ignoring people smugglers. If they did, can you provide proof of that policy? There must be an email or something like that to prove it.

Great anecdote again. Maybe the solution is for the French to smash the shit out of the migrants so that they don't get on the boats.

The old unadmissable anecdote lol. What can the French police do? Really? They have guns and batons and the full backing of the law. They should first get out of the truck, they should then say very clearly "Police stop where you are", they should then disable the rib my plan (although I am obviously not qualified like you are) would be to knife the fLoats on either side, and then if the migrant smuggler in charge tried it on I would baton him or use a tazer, as a last resort I would draw my gun (all French police are armed btw). What I wouldn't do is sit in my truck smoking Gauloise whilst sipping coffee as thirty men, women and children merrily pull off the shore in front of me to drown nearby.
I'll admit that is hard for the frogs to patrol all their coastline but when there is photographic proof of the actual French police standing by and watching migrant boats go past them it cannot be denied they have a zero interference policy in this matter. WTF is the point in Patel paying them more money for?do you want more French police to ignore more migrants so that more people can blame our government when they drown? I really do despair.

Ok, if you are happy to baton and shoot people so they don’t cross the channel at least you have the balls to admit it.

So now you admit that it is hard for the French to patrol all of their coastline. I told you it was.

The existence of some photos of the PAF doing nothing is not proof that the French have a ZERO interference policy. Those photos show that for some reason the PAF did not intervene on that occasion. It has not been explained why. Some photos are not proof of a governmental policy.

Oh come on Frank you are sounding ridiculous now. Its long been obvious that the French have a policy of turning a blind eye to migrant crossings there is now photographic proof of the same. as for batoning and TAZERING (I didn't mention shooting I did mention that all french police are armed) I am only stating the obvious that at least two French police officers watched as thirty UNARMED migrants walzted past them to their deaths. Was it cowardice or were they just following the French policy of ignoring migrants crossing a deadly sea? They could of and should have stopped them.

No Ears, its you who is sounding ridiculous.

The French don't have a policy of turning a blind eye. It is ridiculous to claim that. You are basing that claim on a couple of photographs and ignoring all of the other evidence that shows the French are attempting to stop the crossings. It is ridiculous to claim they have a ZERO interference policy.

The sheer amount of attempted crossings shows that the French don't have the resources to deal with the problem. As I stated earlier, if the boot was on the other foot we wouldn't be able to resource it either. The numbers of attempted crossings have increased because the smugglers realised it was easier than trying to get the migrants through the airports.

I am not sure what photographs you think you have seen, but I am unaware of photos existing that shows the boat in question leaving the French shore unmolested by the PAF. There are photos of boats leaving and the PAF appearing to stand by, but whether this is the poor boat in question I don't know.

30 unarmed desperate people are more than a match for 2 Police Officers. Assuming they are UNARMED of course.

How do you expect the French to police this crisis? How long does it take to recruit and train extra officers? Are other police officers being redeployed from elsewhere in France? Or is it just local officers being offered overtime to police the channel as well as their regular duties? Do the French have a contingency budget for all of this or have they raised taxes to cover the cost? Do the French voters agree with this course of action or will it cost Macron at the next election?

Blather all you like despite all the problems that you memtion there is photographic evidence of police standing by whilst UNARMED men women and children potentially go to their deaths in the channel. What is the point in having police there if they stay in their vehicles? It's patheticic trying to defend the practice that leaves them with blood on their hands.

Oh its POTENTIALLY to their deaths now? So have you realised that there isn't photographic proof of 2 PAF officers watching yesterdays tragic boat setting off for the UK? You seemed so certain earlier on (I have highlighted it for you).

I am not blathering on. I am showing you that you don't have the slightest understanding of the complexities of the situation. Thats why you can't answer any of the difficult questions.

Great defending of the indefensible Frank. Carry on ignoring the evidence you may get another promotion at this rate.

Maybe you could do my application for me......what with you knowing more about my job than me.
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 5:34 pm

Maybe you should look at a map as well for example Le Harve to Poole is over a hundred miles so the only coastline of France that is practical for migrant crossings is about 10 or 20 miles long not the ninety odd you are quoting. Glad to see you not tying to defend the riot squad watching the migrants leave as well.
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 5:37 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Maybe you should look at a map as well for example Le Harve to Poole is over a hundred miles so the only coastline of France that is practical for migrant crossings is about 10 or 20 miles long not the ninety odd you are quoting. Glad to see you not tying to defend the riot squad watching the migrants leave as well.

Going to address any of the resourcing questions I raised or is it too complicated for you?

How would we deal with this situation if the roles were reversed? Too complicated again?
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Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 5:38 pm

I say, it's all getting rather heated.

So here's a picture of a nice caterpillar cake.  alien

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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 6:08 pm

POI wrote:
I say, it's all getting rather heated.

So here's a picture of a nice caterpillar cake.  alien

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Good point.

Sorry everyone.
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 6:13 pm

Startling that unknown migrants from multiple countries attracts such a large thread (threadfucked naturally by the utterly unhinged Ears character) yet the thread over the murder of the Plymouth Girl attracted not one response.....

Shameful frankly. Nice Cake POI....Male Or Female ??
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 6:14 pm

No need to apologise it shows people are passionate about what has happened.

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Now an officially semi retired old fart! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 6:27 pm

harvetheslayer wrote:
Startling that unknown migrants from multiple countries attracts  such a large thread (threadfucked naturally by the utterly unhinged Ears character) yet the thread over the murder of the Plymouth Girl attracted not one response.....

Shameful frankly. Nice Cake POI....Male Or Female ??

Fvck knows these days. Take your pick from the 167 genders! Laughing
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2021 6:51 pm

harvetheslayer wrote:
Startling that unknown migrants from multiple countries attracts  such a large thread (threadfucked naturally by the utterly unhinged Ears character) yet the thread over the murder of the Plymouth Girl attracted not one response.....

Shameful frankly. Nice Cake POI....Male Or Female ??

If the suspects are French, immigrants or Muslims then stand by Le Harve, stand by.
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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 26, 2021 4:16 am

seadog wrote:
harvetheslayer wrote:
Startling that unknown migrants from multiple countries attracts  such a large thread (threadfucked naturally by the utterly unhinged Ears character) yet the thread over the murder of the Plymouth Girl attracted not one response.....

Shameful frankly. Nice Cake POI....Male Or Female ??

If the suspects are French, immigrants or Muslims then stand by Le Harve, stand by.

laugh Very good....

Back on topic and I'll let others go and find and read the Trolleys letter to Macron of late last night.

Its a 3 pager but thought Frank might be interested in this paragraph......doubtless the assassin Priti Patel briefed you all extensively of your additional roles starting next Monday lol

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Or as one Twitter wag responded.....

“Dear France,

I propose, in a spirit of cooperation, that we put in place a system whereby everyone trying to come here is simply returned to you.

Yours Sincerely

Gunboat Johnson”

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Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Disaster in the Channel   Disaster in the Channel - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 26, 2021 5:51 am

harvetheslayer wrote:
seadog wrote:
harvetheslayer wrote:
Startling that unknown migrants from multiple countries attracts  such a large thread (threadfucked naturally by the utterly unhinged Ears character) yet the thread over the murder of the Plymouth Girl attracted not one response.....

Shameful frankly. Nice Cake POI....Male Or Female ??

If the suspects are French, immigrants or Muslims then stand by Le Harve, stand by.

laugh Very good....

Back on topic and I'll let others go and find and read the Trolleys letter to Macron of late last night.

Its a 3 pager but thought Frank might be interested in this paragraph......doubtless the assassin Priti Patel briefed you all extensively of your additional roles starting next Monday lol

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Or as one Twitter wag responded.....

“Dear France,

I propose, in a spirit of cooperation, that we put in place a system whereby everyone trying to come here is simply returned to you.

Yours Sincerely

Gunboat Johnson”


If France did agree to take them back all that would happen is that they would keep on trying to come back. Their attempts would become more desperate as they would not be able to pay the traffickers another fee to get them across.

My prediction is that eventually we will grant asylum to everyone on the beaches over there. If we did that for a period of say 2 years it would destroy the traffickers business. It will come down to what is the biggest vote loser - dead bodies washing up on Brighton beach all summer or thousands of extra asylum claims.

Even if by some miracle (or billions of £s), we could police the channel effectively, there are lots of other routes that aren’t used at the moment.
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