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 The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD

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Lord Tisdale

Lord Tisdale

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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 4:45 pm

greensleeves wrote:

WG or can I call you Penzance Pirate or even Jack...   once again you talk a load of unsubstantiated twaddle.Try reading PASOTI and you will find that there are loads and loads of opposing views.  As for my account is being used as a multi using account. Again unsubstantiated cr@p...which you talk rather a lot of.    Peggy is allowed wankers then but do your ironing is frowned upon. Incredible,really incredible. You guys just clutching at straws to silence an alternative viewpoint....

The Sleeves has a point, you sharks swarm whenever the received wisdom you want put out there is challenged, in my experience there are usually at least two sides to every argument, then there is the case of the Red Star who took the pig by the trotters and spoke to the man, now ol' Red is a chap for whom I have a lot of time, his reaction was to cancel his login on here, gotta raise a few questions in the open mind.
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 4:54 pm

Same old Nool stuff. You don't fool me for a minute Tiddles.
Why shouldn't fans "swarm" around a post if they think it wrong, and answer. That's how life is. Your body would be a mess if it didn't do that.
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Lord Tisdale

Lord Tisdale

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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 4:55 pm

Winter Green wrote:
Tiddles..... as for your ironing question. I haven't worn ironed clothes for 30 years. Nor squeaky clicking shoes and tight as a tourniquet ties. A matter of taste I guess, and not how I dress for the new day.
Good to hear you think the elected government should be reinstated in Egypt.

Yep, I had you down for the spittle stained T and the piss soaked joggers.

"Good to hear you think the elected government should be reinstated in Egypt"

What is it with you people that you can't seem to get anything at all right?

I said I disagreed with Morsi's removal in the way it was done, I didn't say, suggest or imply in any way that he should be reinstated. Same with Yanukovich, they are two evil manipulative scum bags who should never be near the levers of power in any shape or form, the fact that they both got elected says bucket loads about the efficacy of what we laughingly refer to as democratic elections.
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 4:55 pm

Winter Green wrote:
Same old Nool stuff. You don't fool me for a minute Tiddles.
Why shouldn't fans "swarm" around a post if they think it wrong, and answer. That's how life is. Your body would be a mess if it didn't do that.

we would all be dead
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Lord Tisdale

Lord Tisdale

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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 4:58 pm

Winter Green wrote:
Same old Nool stuff. You don't fool me for a minute Tiddles.
Why shouldn't fans "swarm" around a post if they think it wrong, and answer. That's how life is. Your body would be a mess if it didn't do that.

Because they don't answer anything, they hurl abuse then Iggy starts throwing his mod weight around like a large pig in a china shop.

I'ts a dead giveaway that so many have something to hide and they fear a full and fair airing of the issues.

Me, I think Newell is a tw@, but not for anything I have learned on here.
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 5:01 pm

Lord Tisdale wrote:
Winter Green wrote:
Same old Nool stuff. You don't fool me for a minute Tiddles.
Why shouldn't fans "swarm" around a post if they think it wrong, and answer. That's how life is. Your body would be a mess if it didn't do that.

Because they don't answer anything, they hurl abuse then Iggy starts throwing his mod weight around like a large pig in a china shop.

I'ts a dead giveaway that so many have something to hide and they fear a full and fair airing of the issues.

Me, I think Newell is a tw@, but not for anything I have learned on here.

Not even the fact he sent a white feather implying cowardice to a man fighting cancer?
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 5:04 pm

Lord Tisdale wrote:
greensleeves wrote:

WG or can I call you Penzance Pirate or even Jack...   once again you talk a load of unsubstantiated twaddle.Try reading PASOTI and you will find that there are loads and loads of opposing views.  As for my account is being used as a multi using account. Again unsubstantiated cr@p...which you talk rather a lot of.    Peggy is allowed wankers then but do your ironing is frowned upon. Incredible,really incredible. You guys just clutching at straws to silence an alternative viewpoint....

The Sleeves has a point, you sharks swarm whenever the received wisdom you want put out there is challenged, in my experience there are usually at least two sides to every argument, then there is the case of the Red Star who took the pig by the trotters and spoke to the man, now ol' Red is a chap for whom I have a lot of time, his reaction was to cancel his login on here, gotta raise a few questions in the open mind.

Wow Tis - didn't have you down as a closet pigian fancier. Pathological liars can be utterly charming face to face but the schizoaffective disorder invariably gives them away in pretty short order. A dim prick like Newell can only cultivate BFFs with similarly challenged flotsam - or cunningly manipulated into believing they are BFF by far, far smarter individuals for their own nefarious ends. It's the stunning, unrelenting, hypocrisy of it all that tweaks my nipples.
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 5:08 pm

Lord Tisdale wrote:

I said I disagreed with Morsi's removal in the way it was done, I didn't say, suggest or imply in any way that he should be reinstated

 lol! lol!  I knew it. See, that didn't hurt did it. Just be honest. You're into democracy as long as it's not Muslims or undesirables that win. The authority of the uniform and gun rules Ok with Tiddles.
 Geddon there you rabid democrat you.  Very Happy  Made my day that. Have to go now. Have to rub the spittle off my clothes.
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Lord Tisdale

Lord Tisdale

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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 6:36 pm

Yea Man wrote:

Not even the fact he sent a white feather implying cowardice to a man fighting cancer?

Now I could be wrong cos I am not majoring in Pokine studies, but was it ever established or even suggested that he knew of the chap's condition before he sent said feather?
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Lord Tisdale

Lord Tisdale

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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 6:38 pm

Winter Green wrote:
Lord Tisdale wrote:

I said I disagreed with Morsi's removal in the way it was done, I didn't say, suggest or imply in any way that he should be reinstated

 lol! lol!  I knew it. See, that didn't hurt did it. Just be honest. You're into democracy as long as it's not Muslims or undesirables that win. The authority of the uniform and gun rules Ok with Tiddles.
 Geddon there you rabid democrat you.  Very Happy  Made my day that. Have to go now. Have to rub the spittle off my clothes.

Durr, I made the comment on the appropriate thread Greeny, I know the concept of relevance is a bit of a steep learning curve but please give it a go, you might surprise yourself and shock many others.
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 6:46 pm

Lord Tisdale wrote:
Winter Green wrote:
Same old Nool stuff. You don't fool me for a minute Tiddles.
Why shouldn't fans "swarm" around a post if they think it wrong, and answer. That's how life is. Your body would be a mess if it didn't do that.

Because they don't answer anything, they hurl abuse then Iggy starts throwing his mod weight around like a large pig in a china shop.

I'ts a dead giveaway that so many have something to hide and they fear a full and fair airing of the issues.

Me, I think Newell is a tw@, but not for anything I have learned on here.

What utter crap Tiddles, when have I ever tried to stop discussion? I am trying to stop the bitch fest. It's the people that avoid discussion that cry abuse all the time.
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 6:53 pm

Iggy wrote:
Lord Tisdale wrote:
Winter Green wrote:
Same old Nool stuff. You don't fool me for a minute Tiddles.
Why shouldn't fans "swarm" around a post if they think it wrong, and answer. That's how life is. Your body would be a mess if it didn't do that.

Because they don't answer anything, they hurl abuse then Iggy starts throwing his mod weight around like a large pig in a china shop.

I'ts a dead giveaway that so many have something to hide and they fear a full and fair airing of the issues.

Me, I think Newell is a tw@, but not for anything I have learned on here.

What utter crap Tiddles, when have I ever tried to stop discussion? I am trying to stop the bitch fest. It's the people that avoid discussion that cry abuse all the time.

So Iggy have you given a warning to Peggy for calling posters wankers and telling them to feck off.Or another poster who tells people to know what that means.
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 7:01 pm

I didn't tell people.  I told one person. He deserved it.

Hey Greensleeves...  "Go jump off a bridge."  (That's the children's version just for you).
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 7:09 pm're becoming an embarassment.(thats my version to you)...
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 7:11 pm

That's a clever answer.
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 7:27 pm

greensleeves wrote:'re becoming an embarassment.(thats my version to you)...

Only becoming?

Long way to go before he can tussle with you in the 'embarrassment' stakes then innit. After all, you've been there seen it done it, got the piss-stained 'embarrassment' t-shirt!
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 7:41 pm

pie face is a young attention seeker he isnt anything special.
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 8:00 pm

greensleeves wrote:
Iggy wrote:
Lord Tisdale wrote:
Winter Green wrote:
Same old Nool stuff. You don't fool me for a minute Tiddles.
Why shouldn't fans "swarm" around a post if they think it wrong, and answer. That's how life is. Your body would be a mess if it didn't do that.

Because they don't answer anything, they hurl abuse then Iggy starts throwing his mod weight around like a large pig in a china shop.

I'ts a dead giveaway that so many have something to hide and they fear a full and fair airing of the issues.

Me, I think Newell is a tw@, but not for anything I have learned on here.

What utter crap Tiddles, when have I ever tried to stop discussion? I am trying to stop the bitch fest. It's the people that avoid discussion that cry abuse all the time.

So Iggy have you given a warning to Peggy for calling posters wankers and telling them to feck off.Or another poster who tells people to know what that means.

Have you read that warning or sent us an email to confirm your ip yet?
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 8:02 pm

busted cerbs lol
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The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD   The abusive trolling Greenman on ATD - Page 8 EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 8:16 pm

And a few of his mates.
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