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 Glory Hunting Plastics

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Han Solos Other Ship
Mapperley, darling
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyWed May 22, 2013 2:23 pm

The Associate Director/Nikkkkkkkkkkkkk's sponsorship agent has now devised a formula to work out if you're a gloryhunting plastic.

Basically if you're not a season ticket holder or haven't attended 10 away games a season then, you're a gloryhunting plastic.

He really should be the commercial manager.

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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyWed May 22, 2013 2:57 pm

As an exile myself and student, I can't afford to go to many away games and haven't had a season ticket since being at uni.

I prioritise depending on location and opponents (Cheltenham, oxford etc) yet I take as more of an interest in Plymouth and the city than I do where I live now, am I a glory hunting plastic????? Evil or Very Mad

Comments like Newells really piss me off!
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyWed May 22, 2013 3:00 pm

GJ, I think you're taking what he said out of context and grinding your axe a bit too much (without even feckin swearing). In the contxt of the debate and a little humour what he's saying about tickets for big games is reasonably within debate.

Don't ditch the baby with the bath water.

I love you
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyWed May 22, 2013 3:01 pm

PS - speaking as a gloryhunting plastic Smile
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyWed May 22, 2013 3:09 pm

GordonZola wrote:

As an exile myself and student, I can't afford to go to many away games and haven't had a season ticket since being at uni.

I prioritise depending on location and opponents (Cheltenham, oxford etc) yet I take as more of an interest in Plymouth and the city than I do where I live now, am I a glory hunting plastic????? Evil or Very Mad

Comments like Newells really piss me off!

He just epitomizes those stereotypical backward insular Janner types
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyWed May 22, 2013 3:11 pm

James Brent could repair the damage his PR has taken in the last few months by cutting Ian Newell adrift.
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyWed May 22, 2013 3:28 pm

shonbo wrote:
GJ, I think you're taking what he said out of context and grinding your axe a bit too much (without even feckin swearing). In the contxt of the debate and a little humour what he's saying about tickets for big games is reasonably within debate.

Don't ditch the baby with the bath water.

I love you

Ok point taken to a certain degree, but they were the actual words he used. I did post the link so people could make their own minds up and to be honest that's pretty much the attitude he takes to exiles over anything at the moment.
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Mapperley, darling

Mapperley, darling

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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyWed May 22, 2013 4:01 pm

lets get this straight.. ALL FANS ARE FANS
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyWed May 22, 2013 4:08 pm

Mapperley, darling wrote:
lets get this straight.. ALL FANS ARE FANS

my tag line sums up noool
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyWed May 22, 2013 9:24 pm

Perhaps there should be 3 parts to a football ground. The one where the regulars go, the away end and a small section for the once in a very long time but only because it is a big club visiting or occasion. There are plenty of people who don't bother with Argyle at all until something like the Everton cup game comes along. Suddenly they are out wearing something green. I wouldn't maybe say they were plastics given they live locally but they are hardly fans generally. It's a bit different if you follow the club to some extent and don't go because of work or finances. But one trip in ten years when ripping the club up as not worth it the rest of the time? I know people like that and I doubt they are the only ones and everyone knows somebody who fits the description. You could call the small section put aside for them "The Fan for a Day End"
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 9:31 am

A mate of mine lives in Plymouth and has done since the age of four, but was born and supports the scummy Leeds, he will turn up for any game against Leeds plus any other fixture that grabs his fancy, £20 every time he decides to go, maybe £40 a year on average. Admittedly he is not an Argyle fan but I bet that the fact he can see the ground from his flat in Peverall means he will have something to say about Newells masters plans, and why shouldn't he?
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 9:34 am

How anyone, going to any Argyle match can be described as a glory hunter makes me lol!
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Han Solos Other Ship

Han Solos Other Ship

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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 9:42 am

Thing is what would happen if these 'plastic' Janners didn't turn up for big games? 8900 to watch us play a prem side in the cup and a half empty stadium wouldn't look too good. At least it's arses on seats
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 10:05 am

Han Solos Other Ship wrote:
Thing is what would happen if these 'plastic' Janners didn't turn up for big games? 8900 to watch us play a prem side in the cup and a half empty stadium wouldn't look too good. At least it's arses on seats

Every club with our 'history' is/was the same.

The fact remains that since Hull's inspiring new stadium and the resultant feelgood factor propelled then to the PL, Plymouth is now the biggest city club/catchment area never to have made the top flight.

It has nothing to do with apathetic janners, or in the case of brent's janner jamboys, just plain thick janners.
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 10:41 am

For the record, I once didn't go to a Northampton vs Argyle match (even though Sixfields is a mere 20 miles away) because I was busy installing some shutter blinds

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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 1:10 pm

I once went from Truro to Sunderland by coach for a league game at Roker Park, with Noddy piping up every now and Cool again

The funny thing was as we left the Far Post Club a few people started off some football songs and it was a few Liverpool songs, then a group of United lads sang a couple and then Arsenal. I couldn't understand it then and I still don't now.

Why travel 12 hours on a coach to watch Argyle and prefer another team? You could easily get United or Liverpool tickets if you tried, so why not do that?
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 1:27 pm

Greenjock wrote:
I once went from Truro to Sunderland by coach for a league game at Roker Park, with Noddy piping up every now and Cool again

The funny thing was as we left the Far Post Club a few people started off some football songs and it was a few Liverpool songs, then a group of United lads sang a couple and then Arsenal. I couldn't understand it then and I still don't now.

Why travel 12 hours on a coach to watch Argyle and prefer another team? You could easily get United or Liverpool tickets if you tried, so why not do that?

Because you are a bit thick and enjoy the whole moronic football thing ? Nool likes a trip to Old Trafford, so I've been informed .
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Han Solos Other Ship

Han Solos Other Ship

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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 2:45 pm

Playing in an old band I was in years back we were asked by a Janner Man Utd fan

"Ere beys, know aneee noonited moosic?"

Er sorry?

"Man yooooo songs inniy bey. Yoo knows never walk alone an' nat"

Think that's a Liverpool song mate, maybe later yeah?

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Han Solos Other Ship

Han Solos Other Ship

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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 2:46 pm

Edit: Double post pig
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 3:11 pm

Ian Newell has a totally discredited character and highly questionable motives as far as Argyle and the fans are concerned, is there anyone on this planet that will be taking a word that leaves his mouth seriously? - If there is then please tell me who it is because I have a ton of crap here that I want to sell to a half wit.
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 6:10 pm

GOB wrote:

Ian Newell has a totally discredited character and highly questionable motives as far as Argyle and the fans are concerned, is there anyone on this planet that will be taking a word that leaves his mouth seriously? - If there is then please tell me who it is because I have a ton of crap here that I want to sell to a half wit.

Well, you could try a certain Mr J Brent. Laughing
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 9:20 pm

How the f*** can any Argyle fan be accused of "glory hunting"? I must have missed the "glory" then. All I've seen in my years of being a Green is shite and not quite so shite. It seems to me only a grade A idiot could call any Argyle fan a "glory hunting plastic".......oh hang on
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 9:22 pm

I suppose all those (place any top premiership side here) clubs should return the money to their foreign fans that buy all those shirts then, as they are only plastic Very Happy
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 9:58 pm

I saw Eddie Izzard at the weekend and despite being a comedy genius and generally nice man he made the comparison between him touring through Europe (looking outwards) and the current Europhobic response of the Tories (looking inwards). Currently every club I see is trying to broaden its appeal beyond its traditional geographical base. Argyle engaged its two superfans privately without consulting either the AFT or the PASB and both have spent the past week criticising either our core exile support or alienating the floating local supporter, who we are supposed to be encouraging, who's only crime is that they want to see either good football or a winning team. How village.
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Glory Hunting Plastics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics EmptyThu May 23, 2013 10:19 pm

Tringreen wrote:
Greenjock wrote:
I once went from Truro to Sunderland by coach for a league game at Roker Park, with Noddy piping up every now and Cool again

The funny thing was as we left the Far Post Club a few people started off some football songs and it was a few Liverpool songs, then a group of United lads sang a couple and then Arsenal. I couldn't understand it then and I still don't now.

Why travel 12 hours on a coach to watch Argyle and prefer another team? You could easily get United or Liverpool tickets if you tried, so why not do that?

Because you are a bit thick and enjoy the whole moronic football thing ? Nool likes a trip to Old Trafford, so I've been informed .
how is travelling all that way thick? it aint jocks fault to have some manc/scousers on the bus
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PostSubject: Re: Glory Hunting Plastics   Glory Hunting Plastics Empty

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