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 Ooohs goin wembley then?

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Dog Bone Malone
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Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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Ooohs goin wembley then? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ooohs goin wembley then?   Ooohs goin wembley then? - Page 5 EmptyTue Apr 04, 2023 8:07 am

Irreparable damage has been done after that shithousery on Sunday. There's a lot of very angry, frustrated and very disappointed fans, potential fans and future fans. The Shue has had very nervous look about him since Sunday.

Anyone got Potter's number?
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Ooohs goin wembley then? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ooohs goin wembley then?   Ooohs goin wembley then? - Page 5 EmptyTue Apr 04, 2023 10:16 am

Dog Bone Malone wrote:
Irreparable damage has been done after that shithousery on Sunday. There's a lot of very angry, frustrated and very disappointed fans, potential fans and future fans. The Shue has had very nervous look about him since Sunday.

Anyone got Potter's number?

Very strange that a match which was regarded as trivia by many should now assume such season altering importance
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Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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Location : Bluesville, Jannerbama

Ooohs goin wembley then? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ooohs goin wembley then?   Ooohs goin wembley then? - Page 5 EmptyTue Apr 04, 2023 10:26 am

Greenskin wrote:
Dog Bone Malone wrote:
Irreparable damage has been done after that shithousery on Sunday. There's a lot of very angry, frustrated and very disappointed fans, potential fans and future fans. The Shue has had very nervous look about him since Sunday.

Anyone got Potter's number?

Very strange that a match which was regarded as trivia by many should now assume such season altering importance

Football. It's a funny old game.
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Ooohs goin wembley then? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ooohs goin wembley then?   Ooohs goin wembley then? - Page 5 EmptyTue Apr 04, 2023 10:23 pm

PlymptonPilgrim wrote:
Don't think anyone expected that even the Bolton fans. Worst performance of the season by a long way. Just didn't start at all, Wright lost his player for the first goal, and we were just so open at the back, we couldn't deal with runners, Houghton was nowhere, Matete was getting caught and there was just too much space. Couldn't blame Burton for any of the goals, he had no protection today.

Improved marginally in the second part of the first half, Hardie was unlucky, the keeper got a big toe to his effort, and Mumba went down with contact, but didn't look like a penalty.

Looked forward to a better second half, but a gift for their third goal, and poor defending from a corner finished it as a contest.

So, back to to the league and how we react is crucial. So far, after a defeat we've won the next game, so expect that to happen at Morecombe.

This will be forgotten after we get promotion.

Actually, an old mate of mine was on a train and speaking to some Bolton fans who were saying they thought Bolton were not playing to their full potential. Christ on a bike, it could have been much worse then.
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Ooohs goin wembley then? - Page 5 Empty
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