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 Truss and the economy.

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Dog Bone Malone
Clodagh Rubbish
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Truss and the economy. - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truss and the economy.   Truss and the economy. - Page 8 EmptySun Nov 20, 2022 10:01 pm

I did, because it is true.

Whoever tells the most lies wins, simple as that.

Forty hospitals,
levelling up,
20,000 Police,
Trade with the EU will be tariff-free and involve minimal bureaucracy
Northern Ireland border 'absolutely unchanged
Take back control on immigration and asylum, and cut migration to the tens of thousands
Britain will take back control of its fisheries
£350M for the NHS instead of being sent to Brussels
New trade deals, and access to a European trading zone 'from Iceland to Russia
Levelling up, lol.

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Truss and the economy. - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truss and the economy.   Truss and the economy. - Page 8 EmptyMon Nov 21, 2022 9:46 am

Not accepting losing still after six years lol. Swiss style soft Brexit will not work because the Tories will lose their MAJORITY that voted for it. Boris didn't lie when he said he would get Brexit done, he did it.
Anyway half of what you've said above is total lies and most was said by the Leave camp not the Tories. Cameron who started the process and May who got binned for watering down Brexit with her deal were proper Tories who hated Brexit and fought tooth and nail to prevent the will of the people.
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