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PostSubject: Re: Started a thread (thread)   Started a thread (thread) - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 21, 2016 4:00 pm

Czarcasm wrote:
There's shorely a nailed-on business opportunity here. I don't have a dog. I don't particularly want a dog. But I'm in a house where everyone else would like a dog.

I know darn well if we were to purchase a dog, once the honeymoon period is over there'd be one person and one person alone who would be walking the mutt first thing in the morning and last thing at night, in all weathers picking up shit in a glove with the permanent fear that one day it will split. I know this foreshore, because after years of standing firm I gave in and bought the youngest a goldfish. What is annoying is it has got to be a contender for the Guinessbook of records for longevity  - it's about 8 f ucking years old and refuses to die. Now I have a heart. I know this because if I didn't feed the f ucker he'd have been dead about 7 1/2 years ago because no one else in the house is the slightest bit interested in feeding it, let alone cleaning it out once a month.

So that's basically where my steadfast refusal to get a dog comes from - my bone idle lazy family.

The thing is, there are times when I would secretly quite like to have a dog. Pretty much exclusively  during the period June/July/August, and then possibly Xmas/Boxing Day, when a recreational visit to the park or the beach would be highly desirable - and ticks the box when it comes to thinking about a particular upside to dog ownership.

So here's the business opportunity - DOG RENTAL.

Who really wants a dog 12 months of the year eh? Shorely no one.  Think of the cash savings for starters. Factor in massively diminished heartache when it barks its last bark.

Just pop down to Dogs 'R' us on a fine day and hire one for a few hours. Short term contract where you agree to supply say, one meal and water. Also possibly agree that you won't take it to a gipsy site and indulge in 12 rounds of 'dog on dog'.

It's a goer, foreshore.  

A dog is just for Christmas, not for life.
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PostSubject: Re: Started a thread (thread)   Started a thread (thread) - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 21, 2016 4:04 pm

Les Miserable wrote:
Chingers wrote:
True story about a Chinese take away in Glen Park Ave (you'll have to work it out)

My mum and step dad were (probably) staggering back from town and decided to stop en route home to Mutley to get a Chinese.

Long story short, whilst waiting for the food, the women taking the orders, took a pot with her from the kitchen and went out of the take away through a glass door.

They said you could see her as clear as day squat down and take a pi** into the saucepan.  She then proceeded to take it outside and throw it into the gutter.

Cue them both out of there like a (I won't say rat up a drainpipe) shot.

It's got a 3 out of 5 food hygiene rate.  Which, with all things considered, ain't too bad.

Their hot and sour soup(no 19) is very 'watery'.

lol! lol! lol! lol! affraid
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PostSubject: Re: Started a thread (thread)   Started a thread (thread) - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 22, 2016 11:05 pm

We've got to page two, we've got to page twoooooooo. Started a thread (thread), we've got to page two.

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PostSubject: Re: Started a thread (thread)   Started a thread (thread) - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 22, 2016 11:08 pm

Went to the new West Ham stadium yesterday. What an experience afterwards in the bars round Hackney. Absolutely brilliant for going on the pi55.

Felt like I was on holiday. Until I remembered I was on an industrial estate in Hackey. But hey the pubs are quality. If Argyle draw them in a cup it will be immense.

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