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 Shoe E on budget

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Shoe E on budget - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shoe E on budget   Shoe E on budget - Page 2 EmptySun May 14, 2023 5:52 pm

I think the basic problem with this site is trying to desperately find something/someone to have a pop at.
With Brent there was a universal dislike.
With Hallett he’s overseen 2 promotions in 4 years with what we’re being told was with limited budget’s
As suffers says above Hallett is probably the best chairman/owner he’s seen in his time and I have to agree and I’ve been there since the 60/61 season.
Is that wrong?
I clearly remember during the Sturrock 2 reign the clamour to buy a striker in the January window and what did we get- Steve frigging Maclean for 500k.
I’m an old git now but never to old to learn, I was guilty of knee jerk reactions during the Brent reign, “The proposed dentist debacle “ refers.
My view at the time was to just get it built, mainly because of me approaching the twilight of my life wanting to see the ground developed before I pegged it, clearly I was wrong.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing but we should make use of it and learn from the past.
Is it right that Exeter have a better academy structure than our ?
Are we happy with that ?
So the club has to start laying foundations and getting the balance right between non playing and players investment.
We’ll know if it’s right as the season progresses.
Personally I think the club are purposely lowering expectations.
If anybody thinks we’ll barnstorm the championship then a shock awaits them, however the clubs recruitment team have got it pretty well spot on last season, I mean whoever heard of Mumba, the Wrights, Butcher Saxon Early et al.
So I’m going to enjoy other supporters torments during the playoffs, look forward to the fixture list, players re-signing and arrivals and roll on August
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Shoe E on budget - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shoe E on budget   Shoe E on budget - Page 2 EmptySun May 14, 2023 6:11 pm

If/when we're relegated next season because of lack of investment in the playing side it will take another 13 years at least to get back to this level again.  Argo don't do quick returns to the second tier.
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Shoe E on budget - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shoe E on budget   Shoe E on budget - Page 2 EmptyWed May 24, 2023 2:18 am

PlymptonPilgrim wrote:
It's always the same.

Before last season started according to the all knowing on here, most of the playing budget had been diverted to paying for the big screen and new seats. Well, last season we had just short of £4m - and won the league. This year we have £11m -£12m. That's triple what we had last year.

Schuey and his staff have proved that they can use the money they have very well.

I know we're going to have 3 months of negativity before the season starts, but give the club a chance for fecks sake.

Indeed.......there's a good chance that with his reputation, our manager will ne able to loan some quality younger players from PL clubs to add to those players he signed in the Jan window.
A bit more pace and experience at the back will also be vital.
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Shoe E on budget - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shoe E on budget   Shoe E on budget - Page 2 EmptyWed May 24, 2023 5:21 pm

Tringreen wrote:
PlymptonPilgrim wrote:
It's always the same.

Before last season started according to the all knowing on here, most of the playing budget had been diverted to paying for the big screen and new seats. Well, last season we had just short of £4m - and won the league. This year we have £11m -£12m. That's triple what we had last year.

Schuey and his staff have proved that they can use the money they have very well.

I know we're going to have 3 months of negativity before the season starts, but give the club a chance for fecks sake.

Indeed.......there's a good chance that with his reputation, our manager will ne able to loan some quality younger players from PL clubs to add to those players he signed in the Jan window.
A bit more pace and experience at the back will also be vital.

i do feel most if not half of our transfers incoming will be season long loanees again hopefully this time we dont agree on recall clauses on all of them like we did this season. i agree we will need experience and pace especially in defence.
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