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 James Brent - the ultimate C**T

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Dog Bone Malone
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James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Brent - the ultimate C**T   James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 EmptyFri Apr 14, 2023 3:36 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Nool and Daz playing the superfan card for Brent now FFS. Old Zippy isn't much of a fan although he's supported the club for 75 years, lol. JB bleeds green, mainly from the coffers of PCC and Argyle.
Love the way that they are changing the narrative that we have to thank JB for saving the club so that Hallett could save it. Lol. If JB and his PASOTI goon squad had their way we would now have no car park on Outland rd, a capacity of about 12k with a shite mini grandstand with retail and takeaway joints underneath, dentists and a school in the corners with ALL the profits going to JB and his missus. We saved the club from the shyster his plans would have hamstrung the club and consigned us to league 2 forever.
We know what Nool is but that plastic manc Darren is running Nipples close in the Brentmare booty licking cheers cheers just had a look at the coffee bar lol! lol! lol!  fookin ell dogshit is to mild for that steaming pile, how about a name change Nipples, Tuggers bar seems apt! Yep if Jimmys parkmare had happened Argyle would have a boxed in lego ground like the sidhole and the club would by now be fighting relegation with Torquay at the bottom of the National league.
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Les Miserable

Les Miserable

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James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Brent - the ultimate C**T   James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 EmptyFri Apr 14, 2023 6:01 pm

Czarcasm wrote:
ATD’s legacy as a Forum, will be that it exposed and publicised everything that Brent planned to do, that would have been to the overwhelming long-term detriment of the club.

It opened a lot of people’s eyes to Brent’s priorities at the time.

We were spot on then….and everything Brent has done ever since has justified our actions and words, with his calamitous business and property failings.

It’s been said many times, but Argyle had the luckiest of all escapes when we finally got rid of the prick.

Absolutely, those who knew then know now, those blinded by the reluctant bidder and his shithouse business practices have dug themselves so deep into the messiahs pit that they can't/wont dare admit how wrong they were about the king of smarm, it's a tragic but hilarious situation.
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James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Brent - the ultimate C**T   James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 EmptySun Apr 16, 2023 9:33 am

Nool multi has last word,

I don’t really think it is fair to be calling out, or having a dig at individuals, who have friends on this site, it does cause bad feeling and upset and is not tasteful

Mr Brent stepped in as the best of poor options and kept the greens ticking over until a better option was available

everyone has their own views on Mr Brent, but where and how he earns his money is his business and now he has no financial interest in Argyle i for one am not bothered

we can all allow a little jealousy to taint our views.

We'm all jelous of the fine gennleman! Where have we heard that before?
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James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Brent - the ultimate C**T   James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 EmptySun Apr 16, 2023 2:48 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Nool multi has last word,

I don’t really think it is fair to be calling out, or having a dig at individuals, who have friends on this site, it does cause bad feeling and upset and is not tasteful

Mr Brent stepped in as the best of poor options and kept the greens ticking over until a better option was available

everyone has their own views on Mr Brent, but where and how he earns his money is his business and now he has no financial interest in Argyle i for one am not bothered

we can all allow a little jealousy to taint our views.

We'm all jelous of the fine gennleman! Where have we heard that before?

still suckling the agenda deeply of brent to this day isnt he lol
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sufferedsince 68

sufferedsince 68

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James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Brent - the ultimate C**T   James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 EmptySun Apr 16, 2023 6:25 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Nool multi has last word,

I don’t really think it is fair to be calling out, or having a dig at individuals, who have friends on this site, it does cause bad feeling and upset and is not tasteful

Mr Brent stepped in as the best of poor options and kept the greens ticking over until a better option was available

everyone has their own views on Mr Brent, but where and how he earns his money is his business and now he has no financial interest in Argyle i for one am not bothered

we can all allow a little jealousy to taint our views.

We'm all jelous of the fine gennleman! Where have we heard that before?
lol! lol! lol! 90% of the posts on pantsoti, are Nool or his imaginary real mates,  not sad at all! cheers cheers cheers
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James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Brent - the ultimate C**T   James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 18, 2023 11:31 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Nool multi has last word,

I don’t really think it is fair to be calling out, or having a dig at individuals, who have friends on this site, it does cause bad feeling and upset and is not tasteful

Mr Brent stepped in as the best of poor options and kept the greens ticking over until a better option was available

everyone has their own views on Mr Brent, but where and how he earns his money is his business and now he has no financial interest in Argyle i for one am not bothered

we can all allow a little jealousy to taint our views.

We'm all jelous of the fine gennleman! Where have we heard that before?
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James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Brent - the ultimate C**T   James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 18, 2023 11:35 pm

Les Miserable wrote:
Czarcasm wrote:
ATD’s legacy as a Forum, will be that it exposed and publicised everything that Brent planned to do, that would have been to the overwhelming long-term detriment of the club.

It opened a lot of people’s eyes to Brent’s priorities at the time.

We were spot on then….and everything Brent has done ever since has justified our actions and words, with his calamitous business and property failings.

It’s been said many times, but Argyle had the luckiest of all escapes when we finally got rid of the prick.

Absolutely, those who knew then know now, those blinded by the reluctant bidder and his shithouse business practices have dug themselves so deep into the messiahs pit that they can't/wont dare admit how wrong they were about the king of smarm, it's a tragic but hilarious situation.
mmw swp
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James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Brent - the ultimate C**T   James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 13, 2024 8:27 am


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Future legacy;

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James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Brent - the ultimate C**T   James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 13, 2024 9:08 am

Bent by name, bent by nature.

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James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Brent - the ultimate C**T   James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 13, 2024 9:57 am

A investigative documentary should be made about brent's activities.

Also try posting those links on pasoti and see how many seconds before they're taken down.
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James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Brent - the ultimate C**T   James Brent - the ultimate C**T - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 13, 2024 9:19 pm

One thing the fat shit nool did get right !
James ain’t No property developer yeah you was right you fat shit !
He was a shyster & a absolute scumbag
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