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 Noel Clark sexual allegations...

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Noel Clark sexual allegations... Empty
PostSubject: Noel Clark sexual allegations...   Noel Clark sexual allegations... EmptySat May 01, 2021 6:58 am

Most will be aware by now of the allegations of sexual harrassment against the actor and director Noel Clarke

Now what most wont remember is that Noel was part of the Auf Weidershen Pet cast in 2002 (which had now switched to the BBC ) where huge scenes were filmed in Soi Cowboy in Bangkok in and outside of the Go Go bars and in Jacuzzis etc etc

Clarke being the youngest actor by far at the time around 25 had the most scenes oggling and interacting with the Girls and I watched the two particular episode again last night deliberately

It does make you wonder if that had any influence on him moving forward !  I cant help thinking it did and unless you've experienced it yourself you may not understand my reasoning

One other boardie here certainly will

(I'm not remotely condoning any of the recent allegations I will add)
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