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 Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines

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Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines Empty
PostSubject: Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines   Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines EmptySat Jan 16, 2021 7:27 am

About a year ago and like most people virtually never using their landlines for calls I explored the possibility of completely binning it and using a Huawei 3 router which literally runs off a Sim card from the 3 network with unlimited data

Now I chopped £12 a month off the previous monthly bills having ditched the line rental as well and I get a much superior speed. Whilst it wont compare to some of Virgin media speeds its none the less impressive

I pay £22 a month. The Unit itself was free on 2 year contract.....currently they have a special offer whereby its only £11 a month for first 6 months. You just need to check that the 3 signal is good in your area albeit you have the right to cancel if it turns out to be poor...there is a postcode checker on their website

The advantage of the router is its completely portable all you need is an electrical supply to plug in so in my case I can take it over Bovisand in the summer

Course if you're on your own you could just hotspot off same 3 sim in a phone as well...think they're £18 unlimited

This was a few minutes ago but is fairly typical of the speeds this last year

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Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines Empty
PostSubject: Re: Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines   Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines EmptySat Jan 16, 2021 9:53 am

I've been looking into alternatives as well but sadly most places that get bad broadband (3mbs for me) we also get shocking mobile coverage. I have to wave my phone out of the window to get one or two bars and fifty percent of the time we get feck all. I did look in to get a mobile booster but that will only boost what bars you have so no good for four G.
We do have airband that is planning to launch a service with up to 125mbs which is broadcast from an areil at the top of the hill we live in hope.
What pisses me off is that BT and Openreach have paid billions to shareholders over the last twenty years, my bills are higher than any of yours believe it or not, and yet they have nothing in their contract to say they have to install or update any infrastructure. Our broadband is delivered down copper cables installed in the sixties yet they link from the post to our house in fibre and call it "faster fibre broadband" lmfao.
We do need change and quick, we run a couple of businesses that are all online now but no way is it fit for purpose and no feckin way in a million years are we ready for a cashless society outside of city centres.
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Lord Melbury

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Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines Empty
PostSubject: Re: Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines   Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines EmptySat Jan 16, 2021 11:15 am

Noticed this week that my Android mobile phone, after an update, is now using the wi-fi signal for phone calls.
Maybe I’m behind the times but I’ve not heard of this before.
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Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines Empty
PostSubject: Re: Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines   Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines EmptySat Jan 16, 2021 11:52 am

Binned the landline a few years ago. With practically all mainstream broadband suppliers except for Virgin (who have their own fibre network) you need a landline I think.
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Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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PostSubject: Re: Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines   Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines EmptySat Jan 16, 2021 12:40 pm

Lord Melbury wrote:
Noticed this week that my Android mobile phone, after an update, is now using the wi-fi signal for phone calls.
Maybe I’m behind the times but I’ve not heard of this before.

Wifi calling has been a thing for a few years now. I have to use it because the signal where I live is non-existent. The calls are are clearer than they have ever been.

As an aside re landlines - Although I don't ever use it, I have to have one in order to get my measly, and I use the term lightly 'broadband'. A bit of a shock to the system coming from a 200MBps connection from where I used to live, to 15MBps now I'm a resident of the Dartmoor tundra! feckin carrier Pidgeon is faster for downloading. FFS.
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Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines Empty
PostSubject: Re: Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines   Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines EmptySat Jan 16, 2021 12:52 pm

The easiest thing to do if your download speed is poor is not to do it. clown

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

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Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines Empty
PostSubject: Re: Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines   Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines EmptySat Jan 16, 2021 6:00 pm

Lord Melbury wrote:
Noticed this week that my Android mobile phone, after an update, is now using the wi-fi signal for phone calls.
Maybe I’m behind the times but I’ve not heard of this before.

Me too although I changed from 5S to 9S Galaxy phone. When I changed Sims it still wouldn't work and had to phone Virgin who had to change me from 3G to 4G sim all done from their end and now it works a treat.
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Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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PostSubject: Re: Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines   Of possible interest to Wifi users currently using landlines EmptySat Jan 16, 2021 6:16 pm

mouldyoldgoat wrote:
The easiest thing to do if your download speed is poor is not to do it. clown

I set pornhub videos downloading before I take the dog out. It's usually finished downloading by the time I get back. clown
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