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Bob Crow

Posts : 1331
Join date : 2018-05-12
Location : Giving Lee Jameson's private detective the slip and runaround

Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyWed May 27, 2020 5:36 pm

Rickler wrote:
Bob Crow wrote:
Rickler wrote:
Bob Crow wrote:
What gives you the impression I have a problem with John Lloyd Rickler?
Bearing in mind he lives literally minutes from mine and I would often see him on the bus on our way to work and always have a chat about most things Argyle.

Try again troll.

Okay I will.

Bob Crow wrote:
You can count on it that John the muppet Merrick still sends him a Western Union care package every payday.

Nice way to talk about your friends, Bob.  With friends like you etc...

Not a patch on the bilge you use to aim at Andy when he was AFT chair aye? Your language aimed at Roger was equally industrial too, not to mention how you hounded Bees off.
Still want to take the moral high ground hmm?

We were talking about you.  I notice how you did not defend yourself but changed the subject...

Anyway, since you did...

Would you like to point out what was incorrect in my criticism of Andy Symons.  The AFT under his direction was, and still is, a disaster.  Symons  couldn't even get it together to announce he had stepped down.

I wasn't the one calling 'Roger' a cnut.  That was other people.  Once again...  Would you like to point out what I said about him that was unfair?

As for Beezy...  He could have come back.  He didn't.  He was also thrown off Freechat by your good friend John Lloyd.  Basically Beez is a social misfit.

Yes...  I will take the moral high ground.

How are the racist rants going?

Racist rants? Please enlighten me?
Condemnation of a paraiah rogue state does not constitute racism.
If you want to know what racism is, then I'd start with the 1979 genocide that forced my family to flee their home and seek refuge in a neighbouring country. So I'm a racist ? Sheep
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyWed May 27, 2020 5:41 pm

Bob Crow wrote:
Rickler wrote:
Bob Crow wrote:
Rickler wrote:
Bob Crow wrote:
What gives you the impression I have a problem with John Lloyd Rickler?
Bearing in mind he lives literally minutes from mine and I would often see him on the bus on our way to work and always have a chat about most things Argyle.

Try again troll.

Okay I will.

Bob Crow wrote:
You can count on it that John the muppet Merrick still sends him a Western Union care package every payday.

Nice way to talk about your friends, Bob.  With friends like you etc...

Not a patch on the bilge you use to aim at Andy when he was AFT chair aye? Your language aimed at Roger was equally industrial too, not to mention how you hounded Bees off.
Still want to take the moral high ground hmm?

We were talking about you.  I notice how you did not defend yourself but changed the subject...

Anyway, since you did...

Would you like to point out what was incorrect in my criticism of Andy Symons.  The AFT under his direction was, and still is, a disaster.  Symons  couldn't even get it together to announce he had stepped down.

I wasn't the one calling 'Roger' a cnut.  That was other people.  Once again...  Would you like to point out what I said about him that was unfair?

As for Beezy...  He could have come back.  He didn't.  He was also thrown off Freechat by your good friend John Lloyd.  Basically Beez is a social misfit.

Yes...  I will take the moral high ground.

How are the racist rants going?

Racist rants? Please enlighten me?

Really, You need enlightening? Are you for real?

You just served a suspension for racism, have you forgotten that already?

...and the racist comments that you made yesterday are currently under review by the mods.

You need help.
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Bob Crow

Posts : 1331
Join date : 2018-05-12
Location : Giving Lee Jameson's private detective the slip and runaround

Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyWed May 27, 2020 5:51 pm

Rickler wrote:
Bob Crow wrote:
Rickler wrote:
Bob Crow wrote:
Rickler wrote:
Bob Crow wrote:
What gives you the impression I have a problem with John Lloyd Rickler?
Bearing in mind he lives literally minutes from mine and I would often see him on the bus on our way to work and always have a chat about most things Argyle.

Try again troll.

Okay I will.

Bob Crow wrote:
You can count on it that John the muppet Merrick still sends him a Western Union care package every payday.

Nice way to talk about your friends, Bob.  With friends like you etc...

Not a patch on the bilge you use to aim at Andy when he was AFT chair aye? Your language aimed at Roger was equally industrial too, not to mention how you hounded Bees off.
Still want to take the moral high ground hmm?

We were talking about you.  I notice how you did not defend yourself but changed the subject...

Anyway, since you did...

Would you like to point out what was incorrect in my criticism of Andy Symons.  The AFT under his direction was, and still is, a disaster.  Symons  couldn't even get it together to announce he had stepped down.

I wasn't the one calling 'Roger' a cnut.  That was other people.  Once again...  Would you like to point out what I said about him that was unfair?

As for Beezy...  He could have come back.  He didn't.  He was also thrown off Freechat by your good friend John Lloyd.  Basically Beez is a social misfit.

Yes...  I will take the moral high ground.

How are the racist rants going?

Racist rants? Please enlighten me?

Really, You need enlightening?  Are you for real?

You just served a suspension for racism, have you forgotten that already?

...and the racist comments that you made yesterday are currently under review by the mods.

You need help.

No, I was banned for condemning an illegal paraiah state. None of my language was in a derogatory manner against an ethnicity like yours was referring to all muslims as fananitical martyrs. It just underpins how you have free reign to spout Frank Harper style islamophobic rhetoric here without the fear of reprisals.

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Bob Crow

Posts : 1331
Join date : 2018-05-12
Location : Giving Lee Jameson's private detective the slip and runaround

Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyWed May 27, 2020 5:54 pm

Well, I must have been the only white racist to have voted for The ANC at SA House in London last May in the SA general elections then :pighug:
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyWed May 27, 2020 5:59 pm

Point me to my words of referring to all muslims as fananitical (sic) martyrs? You can't. There weren't any.

LOl. You are in denial. Typical feckin racist. Nobody cares if you voted for the ANC.  You were suspended from this site for racism against Jews. Simple as.

You're so feckin stupid you don't ever realise it.
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Bob Crow

Posts : 1331
Join date : 2018-05-12
Location : Giving Lee Jameson's private detective the slip and runaround

Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyWed May 27, 2020 6:10 pm

Rickler wrote:
Point me to my words of referring to all muslims as fananitical (sic) martyrs? You can't. There weren't any.

LOl. You are in denial. Typical feckin racist. Nobody cares if you voted for the ANC.  You were suspended from this site for racism against Jews. Simple as.

You're so feckin stupid you don't ever realise it.

Keep up with the lies, I was banned for for comment as against the illegal state of Israel and NOT for anything about Judaism.
God I'd love to meet you over the barrel of a gun.....
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Bob Crow

Posts : 1331
Join date : 2018-05-12
Location : Giving Lee Jameson's private detective the slip and runaround

Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyWed May 27, 2020 6:12 pm

If you can find such a post i got banned for where I proclaimed I wanted Judaism wiped out, then please refresh me.

Ohh and BTW, neither myself or Punchy are banned off FreaKHat before you allude to us as social outcasts lol!
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyWed May 27, 2020 6:29 pm

Bob Crow wrote:
Rickler wrote:
Point me to my words of referring to all muslims as fananitical (sic) martyrs? You can't. There weren't any.

LOl. You are in denial. Typical feckin racist. Nobody cares if you voted for the ANC.  You were suspended from this site for racism against Jews. Simple as.

You're so feckin stupid you don't ever realise it.

Keep up with the lies, I was banned for for comment as against the illegal state of Israel and NOT for anything about Judaism.
God I'd love to meet you over the barrel of a gun.....

Sounds like a threat and not a nice one, you just keep on digging holes.
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyWed May 27, 2020 7:17 pm

Bob Crow wrote:
If you can find such a post i got banned for where I proclaimed I wanted Judaism wiped out, then please refresh me.

Oh, so sorry.. I had it wrong. You just wanted the state of Israel wiped out. So what are you telling us? You wanted all the jews within Israel spared?

...and as for your little threat. You wouldn't do feck all if we met.
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 4:35 am

seadog wrote:
harvetheslayer wrote:
Rickler wrote:
Lol..  The irony of Harve, Reggie and Bob taking the piss out of John Lloyd.

No self awareness whatsover.  FYi fellas..  John L has more sense in his toenail clippings than the three of you combined.

Ahh the fat wanker resurfaces with his weekly trolling.
Now fook off you odious twat.

(I do apologise to guests reading these threads but until Admin/Mods hammer down on this repulsive troll it will continue)

Hammer down indeed Harve. Take this as a final warning be civil or leave.

Utterly staggering beyond belief. You're complicit in allowing this complete and utter troll Rickler to spew his bile incessantly across the forum against his target for the day and yet warn me for responding to the odious muppet....... How many times have I written the same apology as regards this animal just hoping one of you spineless mods will deal with him ??  You do NOTHING absolutely nothing each and every time. Pathetic utterly pathetic
What is it will you fella ?? Whats the geezer got on you that make you all so afraid of him. Jesus wept.

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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 7:58 am

I am disappointed by this reaction.

i look forward to signing up to your BORA forum soon.

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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 8:55 am

harvetheslayer wrote:
seadog wrote:
harvetheslayer wrote:
Rickler wrote:
Lol..  The irony of Harve, Reggie and Bob taking the piss out of John Lloyd.

No self awareness whatsover.  FYi fellas..  John L has more sense in his toenail clippings than the three of you combined.

Ahh the fat wanker resurfaces with his weekly trolling.
Now fook off you odious twat.

(I do apologise to guests reading these threads but until Admin/Mods hammer down on this repulsive troll it will continue)

Hammer down indeed Harve. Take this as a final warning be civil or leave.

Utterly staggering beyond belief. You're complicit in allowing this complete and utter troll Rickler to spew his bile incessantly across the forum against his target for the day and yet warn me for responding to the odious muppet....... How many times have I written the same apology as regards this animal just hoping one of you spineless mods will deal with him ??  You do NOTHING absolutely nothing each and every time. Pathetic utterly pathetic
What is it will you fella ?? Whats the geezer got on you that make you all so afraid of him. Jesus wept.

ATD mods have a particularly hard job and this week must have been difficult, your response does you nor them any favours
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 10:39 am

Harvetheslayer could self-isolate with the Crower and they could peck at each other in their own little world.
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 10:39 am

Harvetheslayer could self-isolate with the Crower and they could peck at each other in their own little world.
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 11:48 am

seadog wrote:
I am disappointed by this reaction.

i look forward to signing up to your BORA forum soon.

No such thing
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 2:58 pm

get it made then,


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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 7:02 pm

harvetheslayer wrote:
seadog wrote:
harvetheslayer wrote:
Rickler wrote:
Lol..  The irony of Harve, Reggie and Bob taking the piss out of John Lloyd.

No self awareness whatsover.  FYi fellas..  John L has more sense in his toenail clippings than the three of you combined.

Ahh the fat wanker resurfaces with his weekly trolling.
Now fook off you odious twat.

(I do apologise to guests reading these threads but until Admin/Mods hammer down on this repulsive troll it will continue)

Hammer down indeed Harve. Take this as a final warning be civil or leave.

Utterly staggering beyond belief. You're complicit in allowing this complete and utter troll Rickler to spew his bile incessantly across the forum against his target for the day and yet warn me for responding to the odious muppet....... How many times have I written the same apology as regards this animal just hoping one of you spineless mods will deal with him ??  You do NOTHING absolutely nothing each and every time. Pathetic utterly pathetic
What is it will you fella ?? Whats the geezer got on you that make you all so afraid of him. Jesus wept.

Lets get some things out of the way.

Rickler is not a troll.

You don't like him because he calls you out when you post some of your crap. I have learnt some of it is crap because we have been dealing with you for a long time before you were allowed to join ATD. For example when you say things like ' it's nailed on …..' then it is crap. You post things, he questions it, you can't prove it and then start to abuse him when he pushes you to answer. Not only you but others as well.

He doesn't give out abuse very often.

What abuse he gives out is mostly in response to what has been said to him. He has been warned about his behaviour both online and privately in the past.

He doesn't have anything on me and as far as I know he doesn't have anything on any other member of the ATD admin team.

So I am not worried or the other mods about telling him to behave.

He has never been a moderator since I joined this forum but he has been co-opted into admin when there has been an outside problem which has involved him or we have needed advice from him on something going on.

We are not spineless mods as you put it. We try to let the forum run without needless 'interference' from us so some arguments are left to carry on unless it gets out of hand. Rightly or wrongly.

This is one such time that we need to 'interfere'.

Your mate crow has been banned for constantly posting things that we have asked him not to but he carried on regardless. He was questioning our authority to run this forum by ignoring us.

I still believe he was here to cause trouble for us, sent by whoever. You work it out. You and others fell hook, line and sinker.

You are, by posting above, questioning our authority to run this forum as far as I am concerned. I don't mind constructive criticism but this is happing more and more from you. I will admit I have never liked crow and I don't particularly like you or one or two others on here but I try to put that to one side when dealing with issues. I just couldn't do that for crow.

I have said this on a number of occasions, if you don't like the way we run this forum then go somewhere else or start your own forum then you can run it how you and crow want. If you do start one we will not stop you or any other member of ATD joining it. We are not pasoti despite what some people think. Forums as a whole have seen better days and some like pasoti are dying on their feet for lack of good posters and threads to talk about. ATD is doing ok but we could always do with more new members and old ones posting more.

While writing this I see we have lost a member by self deletion which is a shame.

We don't want you or anyone else leave but we reserve the right to ban trouble makers like crow for the good of ATD.

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  affraid

Now an officially semi retired old fart! bounce
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 8:25 pm

Rickler is a feckin troll and the biggest needler on here. If I replied to everything the WUM said then the pair of us would be bickering on here twenty four seven it's only because ive decided not to engage that isn't happening. You only have to mildly criticise Si and he's off calling you thick, stupid ect. I agree with Mouldies views on the above apart from Rickler he is an annoying troll.
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 8:43 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Rickler is a feckin troll and the biggest needler on here. If I replied to everything the WUM said then the pair of us would be bickering on here twenty four seven it's only because ive decided not to engage that isn't happening. You only have to mildly criticise Si and he's off calling you thick, stupid ect. I agree with Mouldies views on the above apart from Rickler he is an annoying troll.

Aren't we all so lucky you're an Angel for turning the other cheek.

The reason you've got your knickers in a twist is you're just like Harve.   You get called out and you can't handle it.  

As for the claim that I won't let Simon Hallet be criticized?  I challenge you for the umpteenth time to bring up an example.  You'll huff and puff, throw a few insults around and change the subject.  What you won't do is produce an example.

..and you're stupid because you do things like "fook" off to Sri Lanka during a pandemic.  Now you have the audacity to complain about people visiting the west country!

You really are a piece of work...

Last edited by Rickler on Thu May 28, 2020 8:45 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 8:44 pm

I think mouldy’s post spells it out very clearly, as for Rickler’s alledged trolling I can’t say I’ve experienced it and from reading numerous exchanges where he and others have been involved it would seem to me he’s been responding to the ritual abuse that seems to be fermenting on here.

In my day Trolling was a form of fishing such a pity another passive word has been hijacked for another modern day meaning.
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sufferedsince 68

sufferedsince 68

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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 8:46 pm

The Mods here to be fair are fine all argo fans and they dont seem interested in leg humping club suits,unlike the site run by the Cornish Reds.
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyThu May 28, 2020 9:29 pm

Rickler wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Rickler is a feckin troll and the biggest needler on here. If I replied to everything the WUM said then the pair of us would be bickering on here twenty four seven it's only because ive decided not to engage that isn't happening. You only have to mildly criticise Si and he's off calling you thick, stupid ect. I agree with Mouldies views on the above apart from Rickler he is an annoying troll.

Aren't we all so lucky you're an Angel for turning the other cheek.

The reason you've got your knickers in a twist is you're just like Harve.   You get called out and you can't handle it.  

As for the claim that I won't let Simon Hallet be criticized?  I challenge you for the umpteenth time to bring up an example.  You'll huff and puff, throw a few insults around and change the subject.  What you won't do is produce an example.

..and you're stupid because you do things like "fook" off to Sri Lanka during a pandemic.  Now you have the audacity to complain about people visiting the west country!

You really are a piece of work...

lol! Crack on I'm out.
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyFri May 29, 2020 8:07 am

I support the MOG and his mates
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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyFri May 29, 2020 9:38 am

If I were living in a shack in Africa I too would be looking to get assistance from the affluent first worlders I encountered on the internet.

Sitting in our cosy world sneering at people much worse off than ourselves is not a good look.

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Wire me the monies - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wire me the monies   Wire me the monies - Page 4 EmptyFri May 29, 2020 1:46 pm

seadog wrote:
If I were living in a shack in Africa I too would be looking to get assistance from the affluent first worlders I encountered on the internet.

Sitting in our cosy world sneering at people much worse off than ourselves is not a good look.

I'd agree with that. I was travelling recently with a fella who has way more money than most people and he had most days spoilt by the Tuk Tuk drivers because he'd never have the right money for the fare. If we went from the village to the town it was 400SKR which is about £2.50 matey would offer them a 500 note and they'd immediately say sorry no change, my answer was always keep it his was to march up and down trying to change it and if he couldn't ranting about losing his fifty feckin pence for most of the day. In my opinion they see it as their job, within reason, to make as much as they can from us comparatively rich foreigners in as short a time as possible, sometimes when I get stung for a couple of quid I just laugh and admire their guile.
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