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PostSubject: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 7:35 am

Following the recent events concerning myself and Ian Newell which caused another huge row to break out between ATD and Pasoti, myself and Ian have now had an exchange of e-mails to try and sort out the problem. Ian has apologised for any distress caused to me or my family over the misunderstanding, and I have apologised to Ian for some of the comments directed towards him previously by myself on here.

Please see Pasoti subject PASOTI AND ATD as I can't post the link as a guest.

Ian has also kindly agreed to auction a shirt soon for the Niemann-Pick Research Foundation, as I had a younger brother, also called Ian, who died aged 16 from this extremely rare disease. I have posted a link below to the NRFC site for anybody who would like to learn more about this disease which affects children randomly, and currently there is no known cure for it.

If Ian and myself are able to make this the end of the matter, then I would like to think that anybody else who has had a say on the subject, can also now not mention it again.

I would like to say personally, and this is not something I told Ian during our conversations, that I understand that there has been ill feeling for some time for past events, and both sides will feel that they are right and that the people with opposing views are wrong, that it is ridiculous that two sites who both are for supporters of Plymouth Argyle, can let things get out of hand the way they have. I would like for ATD members to please lay off the insults and abuse now, without losing the purpose this site is meant to be for. Question, yes, abuse and insult, no. Have opposing views and if these views still differ at the end of the day, agree to disagree and have a pint together and talk about something else for a while! I would also hope that Ian could say something similar on Pasoti, and maybe see if the banning or censorship can be discussed, and for ATD to be mentioned on Pasoti without posts being removed etc.

I have enjoyed posting on ATD, but will take a back seat for a while now and concentrate on my family, especially my young son, again called Ian, who I named after my brother incidentally and not Ian Newell Razz and if the site can tone it down with regard to the insults and personal attacks, I may rejoin one day because there are some people with lots of good things to say, and people like Freathy who's optimism knows no bounds lol! come on Freathy crack a smile if we win on Saturday.

I would also like to say that some of the problems caused recently were as a direct result of "games" played by Dane Bunney, so I would like to say to Dane, thank you for your apology, but let this be an example of what happens when internet games are played, and hopefully he won't do these things again, and Dane if you are reading, maybe a small donation to the NPRF would go a long way to redeeming youself? Just click on the link to donate.

Ok thats my last word on the subject so please everyone leave it go now and debate in an adult manner, and if you cannot do this, then anything said that carries this on, would certainly not be in my name.

Please take the time to click on the NPRF link and read up on the disease, or donate if you can spare anything, as it really is the most horrible thing to see a loved one go from being a bright bubbly child to a person unable to do anything for themselves, and always with the knowledge that there is no cure currently.

For my brother Ian Gordon 1972-1989 never forgotten.

h t t p : / / w w w.n p r f.o r g .u k

Pete Gordon-Greenjock-Tynans Jockstrap-Argyle fan

Edited to add as a guest I cannot post an external link so if anyone could repost this with the link added including no spaces I would be grateful.
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 7:53 am


When "Ian" donates a shirt for my dead brother and really starts putting his money where his mouth is, instead of just coming out with any old shit just to save his own fat bacon, then I might have a change of heart.

Until then.. I'm not quite ready to sign up for a hippy dippy ATD - Newell love in!

But that's just me...
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 8:00 am

Thanks Rickler, thats really going to help any chance of something decent coming out of this, with regard to awareness and donations for the disease, please remove this from my thread and post it as a seperate subject if you like, but I am saying it is the end of it as far as I am concerned, andd wanted to use Ians apology as a chance to raise awareness for a horrible disease that affected me and my family in a way you could probably not imagine. Whatever personal feelings you have towards Ian Newell, do it on another thread please.
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 8:16 am

With all due respect...

I more than imagine what it's like to lose a brother to a horrible disease. I have thought about it everyday for the last twelve years.

Your post is as much to do with 'making' up with "Ian' and the possibility of ATD doing the same, as it is to do with regarding raising awareness for your brothers ailment.

Well sorry.. But I don't see ATD as a vehicle for raising awareness about disease, and as for making up with 'Ian'...

To be honest... ATD doesn't evolve around you and your personal situation.


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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 8:58 am

Again, it is not and has never been the policy of this site for any single person to set the agenda of this site, that's for the majority to uphold.

I think Jock's post is the 7th attempt to reconcile differences to assist Ian Newell, each time Newell has failed to deliver and returned to the dark and devious nature of his Internet character.

I will continue to ask questions and to question the integrity of one or two people without being swayed by the exploitation of perceived charitable acts that have for to long justified the tactics of Internet thuggery, I will not allow myself to be used as such.

I would suggest that Jock has once again been set up to help to deliver a "what scum ATD are" comment following Jock's comments. He has unwittingly placed ATD users in a "support this or be slurred" position. I would be surprised if Jock has not been offered the chance to return to Pasoti.

Last edited by GOB on Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 9:17 am

I think Jock's intentions are heartfelt and commendable. Ian's response to him, whilst commendable on the surface and of course further evidence of what a great and charitable fella he is, will never go as far as Jock would hope.

Newell has stated to me quite categorically that he and Pasoti will never change. The fallout created by Pasoti's gleeful bannings of dissenting voices, is entirely their own fault.
They do not want to change. They refuse to lift bans and moderate in a fair manner.

As a result, they deserve all the flack they get.

I'm sorry Jock but forgiveness and being the better man is a two way thing. Newell plays the game and always tries to grab the moral high ground but the bigger picture will not change. Of course he'd like people like me off his back. I ruined his fun on Exeweb apparently. One of our own attacking dear old Ian. How disgraceful !
He's recently been bleating on the farm that he was giving up all his fund raising because of the nasty people on ATD and Exeweb etc.

The day that he and Pasoti become inclusive and fair to all Argyle fans, is the day that all Argyle fans will treat them with respect. Don't hold your breath.

I think it must be in the genes, being small minded and parochial. Pasoti has consistently backed the very people who have ruined the club until the reality was actually hitting them in the face. Those who tried to warn them before it was too late were silenced.
Sadly, I can't see things ever changing.
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 9:30 am

PBM passive behaviour manipulation
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 9:36 am

Whatever then guys, but could someone please post the link to the Niemann-Pick Reseach Foundation site, in its correct form, as I'm unable to do this as a guest. Thanks
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 9:41 am

I'm on my iPhone so it's not so easy. Anyone else?
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 9:44 am

GOB wrote:
I'm on my iPhone so it's not so easy. Anyone else?

On phone too Sad
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 9:58 am
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 10:00 am

Thanks to anyone who would be able to post the link for me, and just to clarify I have not been offered the chance to use Pasoti again, and nor do I want to, I suggested to Ian that he could post something on my behalf, raising awareness of Niemann-Pick disease, so that was my idea. Whether by doing so Ian will raise his own stock or not is irrelevant to me, my sole aim was to have my name cleared publicly, and whether ATD is a vehicle for raising awareness of a disease or not, I probably naively thought some good could come out of the situation and even if one extra person became aware of the disease, and some money raised to research it, but that chance seems to have passed now so I will leave you all to it.
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 10:12 am

Nothing wrong with raising awareness Jock, I have a Mum with dementia and I work with people that have LD, all are valid causes. The older users on here may remember a certain individual attempt to gain a piss take from my personal circumstances, unbelievable!

Thanks to Dougie for the link
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 11:03 am

Thanks for your input Jock. I'm glad you've had the chance to say what you needed to say as a guest.
This was an exceptional circumstance involving someone who has given this site a fair old bit of input. But my concern is that this could set a precedent that any old guests would expect in the uture to strike up a debate on the Trust forum that has nothing to do with the Trust. In fact another guest did just that the other day. that's not the intention of this Trust forum.... if folk want to discuss matters Argyle outside of the Trust , just join up and use the appropriate bit of the site.
So, I'm now going to move this thread over to the Blck 17 forum if any mmembers wish to continue. It has a higher readership than the Trust forum anyway.

Once again Jock, take it easy... good to see there's a smillie or two in there.
I'll leave this post on here locked for a week so everyone knows it hasn't been deleted, just moved to the appropriate place..... Blck 17, which fortunately is still open on here unlike at a certain football stadium I could mention. cat
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Mock Cuncher

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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 12:34 pm

It all got a bit too serious, really, didn't it. Teh internet can get like that, and it is sad.

Hope to see you back soon Jock.
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 3:06 pm

Tringreen wrote:
I think Jock's intentions are heartfelt and commendable. Ian's response to him, whilst commendable on the surface and of course further evidence of what a great and charitable fella he is, will never go as far as Jock would hope.

Newell has stated to me quite categorically that he and Pasoti will never change. The fallout created by Pasoti's gleeful bannings of dissenting voices, is entirely their own fault.
They do not want to change. They refuse to lift bans and moderate in a fair manner.

As a result, they deserve all the flack they get.

I'm sorry Jock but forgiveness and being the better man is a two way thing. Newell plays the game and always tries to grab the moral high ground but the bigger picture will not change. Of course he'd like people like me off his back. I ruined his fun on Exeweb apparently. One of our own attacking dear old Ian. How disgraceful !
He's recently been bleating on the farm that he was giving up all his fund raising because of the nasty people on ATD and Exeweb etc.

The day that he and Pasoti become inclusive and fair to all Argyle fans, is the day that all Argyle fans will treat them with respect. Don't hold your breath.

I think it must be in the genes, being small minded and parochial. Pasoti has consistently backed the very people who have ruined the club until the reality was actually hitting them in the face. Those who tried to warn them before it was too late were silenced.
Sadly, I can't see things ever changing.

Exactly my thoughts on the subject.

Good luck Jock!
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PostSubject: Re: PASOTI AND ATD   PASOTI AND ATD EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 7:54 pm

Fair "do's" to Ian...

He's got a 'big un' for Green Jock!

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