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 Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season

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Chemical Ali
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 10:34 am

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PLYMOUTH Argyle, the Green Army and the Royal British Legion are entering into a partnership unique in football this coming season.

Thanks to the Argyle Fans’ Trust, the Pilgrims will wear the Royal British Legion’s poppy logo on their shirts – home and away – during the 2014-15 Sky Bet League 2 campaign.

The AFT are making a sponsorship donation to Argyle on behalf of the RBL to acknowledge the work the organisation carries out for the men and women of the Armed Services.

As well as wearing the poppy on the back of their shirts, Argyle will help promote the Trust’s season-long campaign to fundraise for the RBL. The Trust hope supporters of other clubs will join them in supporting the RBL.

AFT Press Officer Tim Chown said: “Plymouth has a proud history as a military city, and the sponsorship recognises the tremendous work done by the Royal British Legion in supporting our forces personnel, past and present, and is also timed to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of the first world war.

Argyle Chief Executive Martyn Starnes said: "Plymouth Argyle is proud to be at the heart of a city rich in military history and tradition, and the club is fully committed to supporting our armed forces. We were the first club in the country to stage an Armed Services Day, which is now a high-profile regular event in the season, to honour and financially support our military and their families. This agreement takes that commitment to the next level."

Carole Arnold, the Royal British Legion Community Fundraiser for Devon, said: "The Royal British Legion is delighted to be in partnership with Argyle, the Trust and fans. The club has always been supportive of the work of the RBL and to join forces at this time, with the first world war commemorations, is even more important.  The club has a wonderful reputation within the community and, with Plymouth being a major military city, it will enable us to continue our work with serving and ex-serving military.

Further details of the unique arrangement will be revealed at Home Park on Tuesday.

Last edited by Tim Chown on Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 10:51 am

Would it be best to put on the main board? Excellent btw.
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 11:08 am

Mods feel free to move.
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 1:11 pm

Well done to the AFT for doing a three in one.
Promote our Team PAFC
Promote a really good cause the RBL
Promote the AFT’s thoughtful and caring image
Congratulations on such great project that you have undertaken and I sincerely hope you get the support you deserve from all the supporters and affiliated supporters groups.
Makes me proud to be a member
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 1:43 pm

Stop it Ballboy, I'm filling up and my lip is starting to quiver.
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 4:18 pm

Holier than thou comes in at the end   Rolling Eyes . There's an interestingly unexpected alliance forming. No wonder certain people don't want any ripples just now.

Post subject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this seasonPostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:24 pm

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Andy Holland wrote:
John Eldridge wrote:
I think its a great idea, well done to all involved.

As a club, and the City steeped in military history, we should all be proud to wear the poppy with pride.

But, if you don't like it or what it stands for don't wear it. simple really....

But that's quite clearly not the issue at hand, is it?

The issue is that AFT money is being used in support of a charity, and given to the football club - you can make all the arguments you like about it being noble and worthwhile etc, but the point being made is that this money was paid to the AFT in the first place in the understanding it was to help further the aims of the AFT, and that if people want to donate to charities, they can do that themselves.

I think it's poor form from Argyle that they're charging at all to put this on the kits, myself, but what do I know?

I won't get into rights and wrongs cause it's a matter of opinion but again to confirm because there seems to be a bit of misunderstanding: the money for both pots (the sponsorship pot and the direct to RBL pot) will be raised by fundraising. It will not be paid from the AFT coffers into either of those two pots. And nor will future donations unless the donating member actually chooses to do so. All of the previous money will continue to go towards continuing the aims of the AFT as you say and so well any future money unless the donor actually specifies otherwise. I understand your concerns but to clarify, there is no question of anyone's money being used for purposes other than the one which they initially intended.

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Post subject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this seasonPostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:32 pm
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What a great move, well done to the AFT.

This great City of ours is inexorably linked with the Armed Forces, so it's a lovely touch and great PR.

If we're got to have red on our shirt, then this is very acceptable to me.

Please let me know where to donate and I will.

Plus PASOTI will put £100.00 into the Poppy Pot.

I'm always proud to be a Pilgrim, I'm even more proud at the moment.

From individuals through to major companies, all football clubs support the poppy appeal. For PAFC to actually take money from one of the fund raising pots for the RBL is to me nauseating. Have the poppy on the shirts all season if you so desire but don't accept money for the privilege.

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Last edited by Tringreen on Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:45 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 4:21 pm

A bit like putting the Christmas decorations up in July isn't it?

How's that meeting with Tudor going?
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 7:41 pm

As tyhee slim has said, how do you buy a shirt without a poppy?

I used to wear the poppy proudly, when it was about free choice. Now anyone who doesnt wear one a month before remembrance sunday is veiwed as unpatrootic.
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 7:42 pm

Unpatriotic even Smile
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 7:52 pm

How times change. Pasoti soon jumped on this AFT initiative.
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 7:53 pm

Womble wrote:
As tyhee slim has said, how do you buy a shirt without a poppy?

I used to wear the poppy proudly, when it was about free choice.  Now anyone who doesnt wear one a month before remembrance sunday is veiwed as unpatrootic.

There has been plenty of times where I have not been wearing one round that time of year but no-one has ever came up to me and called me "unpatriotic" but you live and learn I suppose.
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 8:20 pm

Womble wrote:
As tyhee slim has said, how do you buy a shirt without a poppy?

I used to wear the poppy proudly, when it was about free choice.  Now anyone who doesnt wear one a month before remembrance sunday is veiwed as unpatrootic.

it is a free choice, maybe you could wear one to remember some who had no choice but to fight and pay the price
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 8:41 pm

Elias wrote:
Womble wrote:
As tyhee slim has said, how do you buy a shirt without a poppy?

I used to wear the poppy proudly, when it was about free choice.  Now anyone who doesnt wear one a month before remembrance sunday is veiwed as unpatrootic.

it is a free choice, maybe you could wear one to remember some who had no choice but to fight and pay the price

Some people don't choose to make a song and dance about who/why/how they remember the sacrifices made by the armed forces, or why they give to any other charity for that matter. It's personal .
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 8:55 pm

Be interesting to see how much is 'raised'.
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 11:11 pm

"PLYMOUTH Argyle, the Green Army and the Royal British Legion are entering into a partnership unique in football this coming season. "

Another first in football? Why does it take a partnership to do this? Why can't the RBL just talk to PAFC?I think it's a shit idea personally. We have rememberance day to remember those that gave thir lives for the country, we Observe a silence. It's special in its own right.
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 4:15 am

So basically the AFT have turned into a fundraising group for the RBL?

So whose favourite charity was that?

When did Argyle become such a 'charity' case?  It's got bucket rattling disease.

We have a bucket - sorry "pot" - to raise money to send to Argyle to forward to the RBL as payment for the use of the poppy.

And is if that is not enough, we have a bucket - sorry pot - to raise money to send to the RBL directly..

Actually, there's a third bucket..  To raise money for the AFT itself!

Well done AFT,  Pasoti's finest will be proud of you - you're 'three bucket rattlers'!

I've got an idea..  You can colour the buckets Green, White and Black!

But I'm worried...  with the new fanzine and all...  How will you ever find the time to do anything else?

How's that HHP meeting with Tudor coming?  What did 'Martyn' say about the supporters bar, again?

When's the next Brent meeting with the fans?

Can you keep your eye on the ball?
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 7:48 am

Surely at a time when cash is needed at the club a real sponsor could've been found rather than giving the space away for free.

By all means incorporate a poppy but it seems financially crazy to give up a potential sponsor space.
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 8:23 am

Yea Man wrote:
Surely at a time when cash is needed at the club a real sponsor could've been found rather than giving the space away for free.

Ironically... I think we're actually paying to give it away for free?
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 10:04 am

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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 10:08 am

ironic to see wogan with children in need !
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Chemical Ali

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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 1:23 pm

Argyle World interview with RBL, Greensam and Martyn Starnes-

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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 1:39 pm

I'm still not sure about the finer details of the deal, i.e, who pays what to who for what but it's a valiant effort for a good cause none the less, well done.
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 1:52 pm

why arent a percentage of shirts sold with the logo going to the RBL aswell?
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Chemical Ali

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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 1:53 pm

It seems the RBL have donated to the Trust, who have then paid Argyle for the back of the shirt sponsorship (where the FES logo was previously). The Trust will raise funds for the RBL (with Argyle's support I think) for the season- some of which will be used to pay back the cost of the shirt sponsorship, some will go direct to the RBL.

Whilst its commendable of the Trust to support a charity in this way, surely a lot of time and energy will be spent fundraising for the RBL (let's say the back sponsorship costs £50k [I'm guessing] that will take a lot of fundraising to achieve), when surely there is a need to deal with matters relating to Argyle's existence when the balloon payment is due in 2 years time? I'm not trying to criticise, just wondering whether the Trust have the resource and time to do this?
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Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season   Argyle will wear a Poppy on their shirts this season EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 1:59 pm

I thought the same as Angry(welcome back Very Happy ) Couldn't the club donate £1 for each shirt sold to the RBL ? maybe they are, please can you explain exactly how the deal works Sam.
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