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 Middle East Blood Bath 2014

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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 1:04 pm

Peggy makes a very good point I think.
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:56 pm

This is serious stuff chaps
This is WW3 very soon
BUT i'm a thick as pig Sh*t ,racist bigot
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 7:42 pm

downthetrack wrote:
This is serious stuff chaps
This is WW3 very soon
BUT i'm a thick as pig Sh*t ,racist bigot

Do you want to buy a DIY shelter I bought for when the world ended according to the Mayan calendar?

You sound like Alf Garnett after a couple of stouts  drunken 

I'll take my chance that nothing major will happen before I'm 90.
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 7:58 pm

With all the hate in the world, I'm sure there'll continue to be wars for many centuries to come. Hate and anger is where it's at with war, and it takes two to tango, or one greedy motherfecker.

It's not looking good DTT, I must admit, but where peoples meet there will be problems. It's as old as history. I'm personally more concerned about the split developing in Europe between these islands and the Germany rump. When the money balloon really goes up in Europe, which includes London and Frankfurt more than most, I'm not optimistic. We've all seen what huge unacustomed European poverty can spawn.
Some of the language has not been good of late between two of the big hitters in Europe
I remember my grandfather telling me he could feel the second war coming for about 10 years, with little to stop it. I only try to live within my personal beliefs in the time of the planet I'm given.
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptyThu Jun 12, 2014 12:39 am

Looking good hay? just a racist thickco from east Devon ?
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptyThu Jun 12, 2014 1:13 am

Guest wrote:
Agreed. It's actually really sad that human beings think it's fine to brand millions of other human beings as 'evil' based upon their religion. Personally, I'm atheist. I will however defend any one who wants to practice a religious belief.

All downthetrack does is bang on about how bad Muslims are. It's up to the Mods but I'd allow him to continue as he'll end up showing himself up for what he is - a racist slime bag.

makes me laugh ,makes you look a cock
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptyThu Jun 12, 2014 5:27 pm

Who is/was guest ?
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptyThu Jun 12, 2014 5:45 pm

Penz I think.

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Mock Cuncher

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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptyThu Jun 12, 2014 6:31 pm

downthetrack wrote:
Looking good hay? just a racist thickco from east Devon ?
Iraq completely fooked.

What a great job western christian intervention did there.

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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptyThu Jun 12, 2014 7:14 pm

Mock Cuncher wrote:
downthetrack wrote:
Looking good hay? just a racist thickco from east Devon ?
Iraq completely fooked.

What a great job western christian intervention did there.

Totally fxxxed it up.They do like to kill their own for being the wrong muslim,allen akhbar
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptyThu Jun 12, 2014 11:54 pm

Religion is the root of all evil.

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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptyFri Jun 13, 2014 9:54 am

downthetrack wrote:
Mock Cuncher wrote:
downthetrack wrote:
Looking good hay? just a racist thickco from east Devon ?
Iraq completely fooked.

What a great job western christian intervention did there.

Totally fxxxed it up.They do like to kill their own for being the wrong muslim,allen akhbar
Allen Akhbar? Never heard of him. With the middle eastern despots all dead and buried Hussein, Gaddaffi ect. the middle east will return to warring tribal regions, thank fook that we don't seem to have the appetite to interfere again. It would appear all the people against the wars were right after all.
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptyFri Jun 13, 2014 10:16 am

Tony and George will soon sort that lot out  Rolling Eyes 
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Lord Tisdale

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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptyFri Jun 13, 2014 4:14 pm

Good to see Tracky back, it's a shame some of the wankers can't come back as well and apologise.

A good mate of mine has gone back 'home' to Sulaymaniyah to try and help out as he fears his home town is on the ISIS radar. "These are crazy as feck religious nutters", his words not mine, he is a devout Sunni but would never have got involved in the violence had his family not been threatened for trying to make the Kurdish region of Northern Iraq a better place for people to live.

I remember the joy he and his brother displayed the day Saddam Hussein was captured, I told them then that their joy would turn to sorrow, they didn't believe it would, they do now.

The same as in Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Libya and everwhere else the 'West' has poked its fecking nose in, FUBAR has followed, as Tracky tried to tell you, this is just the start, just wait until Iraqi oil output falls to the same level as Libya's and the Yanks see Saudi Princes trading in their 767s for A380s festooned in gold or the price here hits £2 a litre, we shall be back involved again but there will be no nice Republican Guard columns to strafe but hundreds of thousands of well armed, crazy as you like, battle hardened, nutbags in every town and village, like the Taliban but times fifty.

At the moment it isn't really Sunni vs Shia yet, most of it so far is Sunni on Sunni, Iraq vs Iran is very much unfinished business, I know lads who fought on both sides, they are now middle aged men but the hatred still lives on.

But what the hell, all you divs that wanted to slag Tracky for a lack of erudition know better don't you?
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hairy j

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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 7:44 am

Tis, do you live on Sesame Street as you seem to have best mates of every creed, colour, religion and nationality.

It isn't the fact downthetrack can barely string a sentence together, it's the fixation on the Middle East and Islam that tends to suggest that old 'tracky has a bit Enoch Powell chip on his shoulder.

I know our old Jock once hinted at Mr Track's non-ATD social media persona and it was far more extreme than it is on here.
On ATD, there's a lot of extreme opinions - generally about other Argyle online personalities our club and what's going on - or not going on - however, the sheer hatred of an entire population of people isn't tolerated and downthetrack knows this so I suspect (might be wrong) that there's a lot more hidden beneath his posts.
To say it's "fooked" isn't really adding much to the debate/discussion.

I have an online friend (we've just finished an early morning session of Mario Kart Cool and he works at the Foreign Office. He's got a Phd in modern history, speaks four languages, including Arabic (Mesopitanian Arabic) and worked in Saudi Arabia for a year in 2008. This is his take on it which suggests a power vacuum caused by decades of conflict rather than a 'religious' jihad.

Quote :
So ISIS is the descendant of Al Qaeda in Iraq, which has always been the batshit insane, red-headed step child of Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda put up with this for years, allowing AQ in Iraq to keep its claim to being an official franchise, but it was clear that they disliked their especially brutal tactics- wholesale slaughter of civilians for example.

After the War in Syria started, Al Qaeda set up an official branch in Syria, the Al Nusra front. Al Qaeda in Iraq began sending fighters into aid Al Nusra, but it became clear they were really just attempting a hostile takeover. Zawahiri told them to knock it off, and they refused and changed their name to The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

For about a year tensions rose, but AQ was not willing to disavow ISIS. However, this fall ISIS began a massive campaign against practically every other rebel faction in Syria, and not just the moderates and secular rebels. They began attacking other jihadists, giving them the ultimatum to declare their loyalty or die; this included jihadists in Al Nusra. As a result, the rebels stopped bickering with each other and for the first time established a competent unified command with the sole purpose of defeating ISIS, while Al Nusra declared its neutrality.

ISIS refused to recognize this neutrality, and ignored Zawahiri's calls for a truce among the Syrian jihadists, so Al Qaeda publicly disavowed ISIS. Thus far I believe the Somali and Yemeni branches of Al Qaeda have acknowledged that ISIS is no longer their brethren, so I wouldn't characterize this as an internal dispute anymore; ISIS has definitely been expelled.
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 7:49 am

Just to add igto that, he uses Al Qaeda although doesn't recognise that it is a real group - it's a collective group of resistance rather than a real organisation. It's an American coined umbrella term for all the groups around the World who share a common (if fragmented) cause - if anything, Al Qaeda is warring against itself and that's what he means above. It's a bit like the Mafia in that respect.
To understand the situation, The West need to realise that they're fighting against eople who are fighting amongst themselves - as soon as the West pull out, it's just one less 'group' that's fighting.
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 7:59 am

As with all "terrorist" groups and movements ultimately it is power and control that are the quest.

Religion or dogma are just the tools and reasons to achieve it.

Corruption will ultimately decide who controls what, just as it does in the EU and US.

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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 9:55 am

There's nothing good that can come of further involvement. Leave them to it, imposing structures of democracy from outside does not work, and results in a return to violence, corruption etc.

Let's sort out the problems in this country, how's about that for an idea.
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 6:56 pm

Through out the last century 10s of millions of people of religion and race have been murdered and persecuted by the filth of socialism and communism.We know who the real racists are HJ.
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hairy j

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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 7:28 pm

downthetrack wrote:
Through out the last century 10s of millions of people of religion and race have been murdered and persecuted by the filth of socialism and communism.We know who the real racists are HJ.

If you want to make an actual contribution to the discussion, that's awesome. If you want to start the race stuff and the antagonistic personal poking, I'm not prepared to join in. Thanks.
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 7:55 pm

Unfortunately racism is not confined to white on black, if only it were that simple.

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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 8:20 pm

libya is on the brink also.

ukraine seems to be esculating into a proxy war much blood to be shed yet i fear
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 8:35 pm

Elias wrote:
libya is on the brink also.

ukraine seems to be esculating into a proxy war much blood to be shed yet i fear
Yes its next,absulute crying shame.Could have a fantastic tourisum industry.wonderful beaches
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySun Jun 15, 2014 10:30 am

It it's ok though because Blair is still involved, he'll sort It out.
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Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle East Blood Bath 2014   Middle East Blood Bath 2014 - Page 6 EmptySun Jun 15, 2014 10:35 am

Nice avatar iggy :-D
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