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Pasoti...again!! Empty
PostSubject: Pasoti...again!!   Pasoti...again!! EmptySat May 12, 2012 7:14 pm

I see on Pasoti they are having a pop at ATD for criticizing the senior greens, who even mentioned them? as usual they are spouting off without providing facts, the sooner that odious, corrupt, and despicable website goes to the wall the better.
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Pasoti...again!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pasoti...again!!   Pasoti...again!! EmptySat May 12, 2012 7:22 pm

Being discussed on The Trust being attacked thread Punchy. Maybe you would like to join in with the Mod squad bashing? They haven't got much to do these days because of their new "feck Off if you don't like it" rules.
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Pasoti...again!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pasoti...again!!   Pasoti...again!! EmptySat May 12, 2012 7:46 pm

They are totally discredited, who cares what they think.
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Location : Plympton and Sucina

Pasoti...again!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pasoti...again!!   Pasoti...again!! EmptySun May 13, 2012 11:53 am

Weren't the Senior Greens one of Newell's targets recently? I seem to recall he started a thread about them (in perfect innocence obviously).

I'd try and find it but it's probably been locked and deleted by Postcode.
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Age : 74
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Pasoti...again!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pasoti...again!!   Pasoti...again!! EmptySun May 13, 2012 12:33 pm

PlymptonPilgrim wrote:
Weren't the Senior Greens one of Newell's targets recently? I seem to recall he started a thread about them (in perfect innocence obviously).

I'd try and find it but it's probably been locked and deleted by Postcode.

This was part of one of our threads in which this particular Senior Green passed comment.


Posts: 30
Join date: 2012-01-24

Subject: Re: Presidents Progress Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:22 pm
I've just returned home from the Senior Greens meeting where James Brent was, as per usual, an engaging and entertaining speaker. The membership of this club, which used to be a haven for having an afternoon off from 'jobs around the house' or shopping, a place to have a chat and a cup of tea, has recently had its ranks swollen by a couple of younger members - El Prez and sidekick, Is nowhere safe from this pair.

I was also disturbed to hear from JB's mouth that El Prez will be making the arrangements for and overseeing the GASBoard election - as it had to be seen as a separate entity from the club itself. But how is the President of the club (even though he has graciously turned down the parking space he was entitled to) not representing the club. Especially as he is taking every opportunity to criticise the Trust and even loudly endorsing one of the possible candidates.

James Brent is keen to strengthen the links between the club and the university. Why not let the business school run the election so it can be seen as a truly independent and democratically run event.
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Pasoti...again!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pasoti...again!!   Pasoti...again!! Empty

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