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 Plymouth's a crime haven!!!

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Plymouth's a crime haven!!! Empty
PostSubject: Plymouth's a crime haven!!!   Plymouth's a crime haven!!! EmptySat Mar 02, 2024 8:43 pm

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so the sun have done a article on plymouth being one of the most dangerous cities for violence and homelessness in the country. there is a video in the link its too long to cut n paste on here unfortunately. Worth a read especially some of the sensationalise stories its doesnt paint the city in a good light at all.

yet the herald would have you believe its all sunshine lollipops and rainbows in plymouth city centre.
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Plymouth's a crime haven!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plymouth's a crime haven!!!   Plymouth's a crime haven!!! EmptySat Mar 02, 2024 10:17 pm

Must be true if it's in the Sun.

Doesn't really sound if Mr Musgrave or whatever he's called has a great grasp of Plymouth by calling it a small town. And "most dangerous city in Devon"? lol! lol! lol! Against all that red hot competition too. Is Sydenham Damerel a city? The things you here about that place makes Plymouth seem like one big Trappist monastery.
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Plymouth's a crime haven!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plymouth's a crime haven!!!   Plymouth's a crime haven!!! EmptySun Mar 03, 2024 7:19 pm

Most UK 'big city' centres are crime and drug ridden shitholes but Plymouth does seem to have far more than its fair share of problems. This is mainly because it's nearly all retail space much of it now unused and there is literally nothing else there. Plus the council homes a lot of its problems in and around the city centre. Walk through the city centre after about 17:00 on any evening and its mostly deserted apart from druggies and gangs of knobheads.
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Plymouth's a crime haven!!! Empty
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