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 Superstore and Ticket Office opening times amended

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Superstore and Ticket Office opening times amended Empty
PostSubject: Superstore and Ticket Office opening times amended   Superstore and Ticket Office opening times amended EmptyWed Jun 28, 2023 8:54 am

The Argyle Superstore and Ticket Office will move to different opening hours from Monday 3 July following feedback from supporters.

Opening hours will change from 9am until 3pm, to 10am until 4pm.

This will allow people to purchase their Argyle merchandise and tickets potentially after work and also give our youngest members of the Green Army the chance to visit the Argyle Superstore after school.

Please also note the Argyle Superstore will be closing at 1pm Thursday, 29 June.
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Join date : 2011-10-23

Superstore and Ticket Office opening times amended Empty
PostSubject: Re: Superstore and Ticket Office opening times amended   Superstore and Ticket Office opening times amended EmptyWed Jun 28, 2023 12:33 pm

This is an area that is still a bit ‘backward’.  A ticket office and shop that only opens 6 hrs a day is very ‘League2’ innit.

If they genuinely want to make it easier for people to get there after school or work, then change it properly to open till 6pm.
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Superstore and Ticket Office opening times amended
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