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 potential unbudgeted income Jack Stephens to watford for 8mill

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potential unbudgeted income Jack Stephens to watford for 8mill Empty
PostSubject: potential unbudgeted income Jack Stephens to watford for 8mill   potential unbudgeted income Jack Stephens to watford for 8mill EmptyMon Aug 15, 2022 2:20 pm

We got a 10-15% sell on clause on this don't we?

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potential unbudgeted income Jack Stephens to watford for 8mill Empty
PostSubject: Re: potential unbudgeted income Jack Stephens to watford for 8mill   potential unbudgeted income Jack Stephens to watford for 8mill EmptyMon Aug 15, 2022 6:13 pm

Don't count your chickens yet.

There might be a player swap with both players "valued" at next to nothing.

Even if he goes for a decent fee it'll be 25% down then instalments for several years.
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potential unbudgeted income Jack Stephens to watford for 8mill
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