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 Football programs on the way out?

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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptyThu Apr 07, 2022 8:47 pm

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Funny that I came across this story this morning, whilst at the Oxford match with one of my bheys he asked where the program sellers were, I hadn't thought about it before but I haven't seen one since before Covid. Used to have to buy one for the bhey every single game, he has boxes of them in my loft, all through the Luggy days up until after when Brent spoilt our club. Must have cost me thousands. I think clubs have gone to digital content but I can't see anybody selling an online version in twenty years time.
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptyThu Apr 07, 2022 9:36 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
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Funny that I came across this story this morning, whilst at the Oxford match with one of my bheys he asked where the program sellers were, I hadn't thought about it before but I haven't seen one since before Covid. Used to have to buy one for the bhey every single game, he has boxes of them in my loft, all through the Luggy days up until after when Brent spoilt our club. Must have cost me thousands. I think clubs have gone to digital content but I can't see anybody selling an online version in twenty years time.

They're there, usually on the corner outside the Devonport and Lyndy where the kids play football and further on after you get frisked and where the first steps are. Only bought one for a couple of games this season, used to be a regular and have thousands here somewhere.
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptyFri Apr 08, 2022 1:16 am

Always one level with the memorials bricks on the left or half way down back of the Lyndhurst
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptyFri Apr 08, 2022 2:26 am

Always a kiddie behind the Lyndhurst top of the steps flogging them
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Posts : 12371
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptyFri Apr 08, 2022 2:34 am

Walked up through Barn Park and up the steps didn't see any. From what the article says it's Prem and CCC clubs are going virtual.
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptyFri Apr 08, 2022 3:34 am

stopped buying them years ago and more so when plebb and friends got peggy kicked off it.
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptyFri Apr 08, 2022 6:28 pm

I ended up with boxes of them also, quite good to read them on the train back to Newton post match, I always thought the Argo programmes were pretty good.
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Clodagh Rubbish

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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptyFri Apr 08, 2022 7:09 pm

They are still selling them corner of Demport/Lyndy and Mayflower/Life Centre but I would imagine since smart phones there is less requirement for half time reading material or team line ups. Other than the FA cup games I haven't bought on in years. I do have the Stourbridge one lying about somewhere.
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Posts : 12371
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptyFri Apr 08, 2022 8:32 pm

It just shows how the internet has changed football news content. Like I said before I would always buy a program for the bhey and before that for myself, Rub of the green was must have reading at a certain time as well. Back in the day news was gleaned from Sunday Independent to read match reports then Western morning news on Monday morning, WMN was the go to place for Argyle news generally where as now it's this place, PAFC itself and the biggest improvement being the sky video highlights viewed on the PC. It's changed a hell of a lot in the last twenty years.
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Posts : 10244
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptyFri Apr 08, 2022 10:50 pm

Same with anything really. How many people under 50 still buy newspapers any more?

Pointless really paying out to read 24hr-old news, when there is instantaneous news available everywhere for free.
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Posts : 6044
Join date : 2015-07-09

Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptySat Apr 09, 2022 7:47 am

I stop buying em when jimmy took the reins
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptySat Apr 09, 2022 3:47 pm

Clodagh Rubbish wrote:
They are still selling them corner of Demport/Lyndy and Mayflower/Life Centre but I would imagine since smart phones there is less requirement for half time reading material or team line ups. Other than the FA cup games I haven't bought on in years. I do have the Stourbridge one lying about somewhere.

That's if you can get any signal in the ground.
Very poor on 02 at least
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptySat Apr 09, 2022 9:55 pm

Jethro wrote:
Clodagh Rubbish wrote:
They are still selling them corner of Demport/Lyndy and Mayflower/Life Centre but I would imagine since smart phones there is less requirement for half time reading material or team line ups. Other than the FA cup games I haven't bought on in years. I do have the Stourbridge one lying about somewhere.

That's if you can get any signal in the ground.
Very poor on 02 at least

EE isnt much better
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Posts : 6044
Join date : 2015-07-09

Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptySat Apr 09, 2022 10:47 pm

Angry wrote:
Jethro wrote:
Clodagh Rubbish wrote:
They are still selling them corner of Demport/Lyndy and Mayflower/Life Centre but I would imagine since smart phones there is less requirement for half time reading material or team line ups. Other than the FA cup games I haven't bought on in years. I do have the Stourbridge one lying about somewhere.

That's if you can get any signal in the ground.
Very poor on 02 at least

EE isnt much better
yeah I second that About EE to absolutely useless the signal
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptySat Apr 09, 2022 11:11 pm

RegGreen wrote:
Angry wrote:
Jethro wrote:
Clodagh Rubbish wrote:
They are still selling them corner of Demport/Lyndy and Mayflower/Life Centre but I would imagine since smart phones there is less requirement for half time reading material or team line ups. Other than the FA cup games I haven't bought on in years. I do have the Stourbridge one lying about somewhere.

That's if you can get any signal in the ground.
Very poor on 02 at least

EE isnt much better
yeah I second that About EE to absolutely useless the signal

outside it works fine for me but inside the stadium its dreadful yet their are kids livestreaming with no issues around me lol
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Posts : 12371
Join date : 2017-09-09

Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptySat Apr 09, 2022 11:12 pm

RegGreen wrote:
Angry wrote:
Jethro wrote:
Clodagh Rubbish wrote:
They are still selling them corner of Demport/Lyndy and Mayflower/Life Centre but I would imagine since smart phones there is less requirement for half time reading material or team line ups. Other than the FA cup games I haven't bought on in years. I do have the Stourbridge one lying about somewhere.

That's if you can get any signal in the ground.
Very poor on 02 at least

EE isnt much better
yeah I second that About EE to absolutely useless the signal

Not sure if it's bad signal or ten thousand people on their phones at once that's the problem? When I left the game last week I tried checking the other scores and it took ages to load, looked about and every other person was doing the same thing.
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Football programs on the way out?   Football programs on the way out? EmptySat Apr 09, 2022 11:19 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
RegGreen wrote:
Angry wrote:
Jethro wrote:
Clodagh Rubbish wrote:
They are still selling them corner of Demport/Lyndy and Mayflower/Life Centre but I would imagine since smart phones there is less requirement for half time reading material or team line ups. Other than the FA cup games I haven't bought on in years. I do have the Stourbridge one lying about somewhere.

That's if you can get any signal in the ground.
Very poor on 02 at least

EE isnt much better
yeah I second that About EE to absolutely useless the signal

Not sure if it's bad signal or ten thousand people on their phones at once that's the problem? When I left the game last week I tried checking the other scores and it took ages to load, looked about and every other person was doing the same thing.

thar would play apart but other networks work fine in there as i said already some kids live stream near me and dont suffer like those on o2 and ee.
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Football programs on the way out? Empty
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