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 Trouble at Bovisand Park Estate

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Trouble at Bovisand Park Estate Empty
PostSubject: Trouble at Bovisand Park Estate   Trouble at Bovisand Park Estate EmptySun Jun 06, 2021 8:29 pm

A couple who have owned a business for 20 years in Bovisand are thinking of shutting up shop after a dispute with the board of directors of a holiday park near Plymouth

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Trouble at Bovisand Park Estate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trouble at Bovisand Park Estate   Trouble at Bovisand Park Estate EmptyMon Jun 07, 2021 10:58 am

My own family and Auntys family can relate to this as we own two of the chalets thats referred to.
My own grandad and nan literally founded what was Paiges Field originally in the 1920's and 30's moving from tents to caravans and in 1970 chalets were built.

About 20 years ago it became a limited company with as the article says a board of directors who have been complete arseholes and I have no doubt whatsoever are scamming monies from the accounts. (I know they having caught them bang to rights over electronic key fobs for main gate and the site manager resigned rather than having another run in with me and my brother)

I was delivering Calor Gas as a 10 year old around the site in the 1970 onwards (2/6 I got lol) but these days its a world apart from those times.
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Trouble at Bovisand Park Estate
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