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 Argyle going down well in Kansas

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Argyle going down well in Kansas Empty
PostSubject: Argyle going down well in Kansas   Argyle going down well in Kansas EmptyTue May 25, 2021 9:40 pm

In collaboration with First Team partner Anheuser-Busch, Sporting Kansas City announced today the launch of Sporting Argyle Amber Ale, a commemorative craft beer from Breckenridge Brewery.

Sporting Argyle Amber Ale is inspired by “A Force for Good,” a new philanthropic campaign in which Sporting Kansas City joins forces with partners to serve communities across the region. Over the course of 2021, a portion of profits from Sporting Argyle Amber Ale will go to Sporting Community Kitchen, one of the primary platforms of “A Force for Good.”

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Argyle going down well in Kansas
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