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 RIP Captain Sir Tom

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Dog Bone Malone
9 posters

RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyTue Feb 02, 2021 4:48 pm

RIP Sir Tom, what a life the chap had and especially this last 12 months, condolences to his family
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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyTue Feb 02, 2021 5:19 pm

Great man and proud old soldier! Not many would be able to inspire the country like he did in dark times. What a great legacy he leaves behind. RIP.
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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyTue Feb 02, 2021 5:28 pm

National treasure. The epitome of GREAT Britain. RIP. Sad
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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyTue Feb 02, 2021 5:40 pm

RIP Captain Tom. You will be sorely missed. Condolences to his family and friends.

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Now an officially semi retired old fart! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyTue Feb 02, 2021 5:55 pm

Captain Tom Moore R.I.P. Rest easy now soldier. Your duty is done. God Bless you.

Last edited by POI on Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyTue Feb 02, 2021 5:55 pm

Well played that man RIP
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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyWed Feb 03, 2021 8:44 am

He got a century, nice innings and finished it beautifully. RIP
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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyWed Feb 03, 2021 10:29 am

From the generation that picked themselves up and got on with, it a trait sadly lacking in a lot of modern men. Respect.
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Lord Melbury

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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyWed Feb 03, 2021 11:14 am

A inspiration to the country just when we needed it.
RIP Sir Tom.
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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyWed Feb 03, 2021 7:08 pm

Did a wonderful gesture to raise the money he did. He was fortune to have the corporate machine get behind him that brought his story to the masses and made them care even though there were thousands of others raising money during the lockdown last year they took him to their hearts.
Im sure he will have a hospital named after him in the near future seeing as he raised enough money to build one. RIP Captain Sir Tom
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Hugh Midde

Hugh Midde

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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyThu Feb 18, 2021 10:31 am

POI wrote:
Captain Tom Moore R.I.P. Rest easy now soldier. Your duty is done. God Bless you.

Splendid eulogies from one and all. A pat on the back to all my greenie chums for saying what many thought but didn't put into words.

Sadly, some people have been less than gracious that I find it hard to begin to understand their motives for attacking the memory of that truly gallant gentleman.

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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyThu Feb 18, 2021 10:50 am

The Trolls stories get on my tits a bit. Sadly it's part of the world where we live in and that world is populated by all sorts of people with a certain percentage being absolute cnuts. I think we should ignore them rather than give them the oxygen of publicity and also get some perspective. Just in the UK we have 68 million people and a very small portion of them have mental issues, some are just nasty, leave them lurking in the shadows where they belong.
The story also gets twisted by despicable twats like Bercrow who thought it was fine to drive a coach and horses through the Parlimentary rules to try and steer democracy in the direction he thought it should go but when he got a massive online backlash moaned about trolls like he was Captain Tom. The two situations are worlds apart.
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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyThu Feb 18, 2021 11:18 am

Bercow, another cnut of the highest order.

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Now an officially semi retired old fart! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Hugh Midde

Hugh Midde

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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyThu Feb 18, 2021 11:58 am

mouldyoldgoat wrote:
Bercow, another cnut of the highest order.

Odious little turd-bucket ain't he. At least our Lord Melbury won't have to sit next to him in the Lords. Wink

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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyThu Feb 18, 2021 12:49 pm

i see one of the many fake irish celtic fans from glasgow was in court today for his tweet saying only good brit soldier is a dead one burn old fella,

that is one horrid fanbase.
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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom EmptyThu Feb 18, 2021 2:39 pm

Like I say he's a small germ in a big pond, quite right he should be done but do it quietly I swear they love the notoriety.
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RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Captain Sir Tom   RIP Captain Sir Tom Empty

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RIP Captain Sir Tom
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