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 Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy

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Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy Empty
PostSubject: Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy   Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy EmptyWed Aug 05, 2020 5:32 am

Pretty savage times.....

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Never flown them personally. Proabably never will now...
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Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy   Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy EmptyWed Aug 05, 2020 11:08 am

Pfft. Used them about a dozen times.Mainly from LHR to NYC. Started off good, like in the 90's, but as the years went by, I got the feeling we were just cattle. Sadly, I think they, like many other carriers adopted the stack em and rack em mentality - all in the name of Profit.

Shorly Branson could prop them up until the pandemic blows over? Reportedly, he's got about 4 billlion or so in his back pocket!
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Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy   Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy EmptyWed Aug 05, 2020 11:29 am

I won’t cry for them or Branson.

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Now an officially semi retired old fart! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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PostSubject: Re: Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy   Virgin Atlantic files for Bankruptcy Empty

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