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 Danish club plans football drive-in

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Danish club plans football drive-in Empty
PostSubject: Danish club plans football drive-in   Danish club plans football drive-in EmptySun Apr 19, 2020 7:27 pm

Football is suspended because of coronavirus across most of Europe, including Denmark where there have been no matches in the Superliga since 9 March.
When games do resume they are likely to be played behind closed doors in empty stadiums due to social distancing measures.
Danish Superliga leaders FC Midtjylland have come up with an idea to ensure their supporters are as close as possible to the action - while also remaining at a safe distance - after announcing plans for a drive-in on match days.
The plans will allow around 2,000 cars to park outside their stadium in Herning and watch matches on two big screens.
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Danish club plans football drive-in Empty
PostSubject: Re: Danish club plans football drive-in   Danish club plans football drive-in EmptySun Apr 19, 2020 8:12 pm

Tgwu wrote:
Football is suspended because of coronavirus across most of Europe, including Denmark where there have been no matches in the Superliga since 9 March.
When games do resume they are likely to be played behind closed doors in empty stadiums due to social distancing measures.
Danish Superliga leaders FC Midtjylland have come up with an idea to ensure their supporters are as close as possible to the action - while also remaining at a safe distance - after announcing plans for a drive-in on match days.
The plans will allow around 2,000 cars to park outside their stadium in Herning and watch matches on two big screens.

What an idea!  What could possibly go wrong?
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Join date : 2016-02-18

Danish club plans football drive-in Empty
PostSubject: Re: Danish club plans football drive-in   Danish club plans football drive-in EmptySun Apr 19, 2020 9:39 pm

Tgwu wrote:
Football is suspended because of coronavirus across most of Europe, including Denmark where there have been no matches in the Superliga since 9 March.
When games do resume they are likely to be played behind closed doors in empty stadiums due to social distancing measures.
Danish Superliga leaders FC Midtjylland have come up with an idea to ensure their supporters are as close as possible to the action - while also remaining at a safe distance - after announcing plans for a drive-in on match days.
The plans will allow around 2,000 cars to park outside their stadium in Herning and watch matches on two big screens.

This would be a dream for Nool and PASOTI to muscle in on.
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Danish club plans football drive-in Empty
PostSubject: Re: Danish club plans football drive-in   Danish club plans football drive-in EmptySun Apr 19, 2020 11:28 pm

do we get to have those giant ribs that tip over cars when the waitress brings it over at this driv thru like in the movies?

if so great if not it wont work.Danish club plans football drive-in C0c3da256bd2b072a9c085b5bec74ede--fred-flintstone-food-food
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Join date : 2017-09-09

Danish club plans football drive-in Empty
PostSubject: Re: Danish club plans football drive-in   Danish club plans football drive-in EmptyMon Apr 20, 2020 9:38 am

Angry wrote:
do we get to have those giant ribs that tip over cars when the waitress brings it over at this driv thru like in the movies?

if so great if not it wont work.Danish club plans football drive-in C0c3da256bd2b072a9c085b5bec74ede--fred-flintstone-food-food

If anything is fake news it's the Flintstones, all the dinosaurs were dead long before people were around.
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Danish club plans football drive-in Empty
PostSubject: Re: Danish club plans football drive-in   Danish club plans football drive-in Empty

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Danish club plans football drive-in
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