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 our friend Damon Lenszner

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our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: our friend Damon Lenszner   our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 26, 2019 8:40 pm

However way its view at least plymouth parkway are getting some national attention lol
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our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: our friend Damon Lenszner   our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 8:37 am

Earwegoagain wrote:
Damon was done for kicking off badly at a march against the actions of Israel. If its anti Semitic to object to murdering and stealing the land of another ethnic group then so am I. Corbyn and others are also anti the actions of Israel doesn't make them racist. Sadly it's another example of Jezza showing a lack of leadership again, he should man up and say what it's all about instead of ducking the question and appearing like a racist.
The main bugbear it seems is the Labour party not adopting the Holocaust survivors statement against antisemitism the trouble is some in the party want to adapt the statement to allow them criticise some of the actions of Israel, sounds fair enough to me.

The contentious statement was that to criticise Israel in terms of being it a racist endeavour, is anti semitic. It got adopted eventually, I'm pretty sure its not anti semitic to call its Government a bunch of cnuts which they are.
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our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: our friend Damon Lenszner   our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 9:10 am

Good job Corbyn has apologised for the antisemitism that's rife in the Liebour party. Oh, Hang on!
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our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: our friend Damon Lenszner   our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 10:25 am

Hugh Watt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Damon was done for kicking off badly at a march against the actions of Israel. If its anti Semitic to object to murdering and stealing the land of another ethnic group then so am I. Corbyn and others are also anti the actions of Israel doesn't make them racist. Sadly it's another example of Jezza showing a lack of leadership again, he should man up and say what it's all about instead of ducking the question and appearing like a racist.
The main bugbear it seems is the Labour party not adopting the Holocaust survivors statement against antisemitism the trouble is some in the party want to adapt the statement to allow them criticise some of the actions of Israel, sounds fair enough to me.

The  contentious statement was that to criticise Israel in terms of being it a racist endeavour, is anti semitic. It got adopted eventually, I'm pretty sure its not anti semitic to call its Government a bunch of cnuts which they are.

it isnt but brain washed fools like Damon seem to think they are the same thing, They can try merging the definitions of antisemitism with anti Zionism as much as they like to try and reflect the actions of israel which gets condemmed by the un but never acted apon people will still march for and demand a free state for Palestine.
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our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: our friend Damon Lenszner   our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 10:30 am

Israel would be given short shrift by us and the US if they weren't squatting on a really handy base to control the middle east from.
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our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: our friend Damon Lenszner   our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 10:34 am

The problem is when half the US Congress have strong links to Israel ( ie they’re Jewish) then we start getting dragged into these Middle Eastern wars that we can neither want or afford.

The anti Jewish bit gets thrown around at anyone who objects to their illegal occupation or the way that they have manipulated the global banking system, governments and the media for generations.
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our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: our friend Damon Lenszner   our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 10:58 am

Angry wrote:
Hugh Watt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Damon was done for kicking off badly at a march against the actions of Israel. If its anti Semitic to object to murdering and stealing the land of another ethnic group then so am I. Corbyn and others are also anti the actions of Israel doesn't make them racist. Sadly it's another example of Jezza showing a lack of leadership again, he should man up and say what it's all about instead of ducking the question and appearing like a racist.
The main bugbear it seems is the Labour party not adopting the Holocaust survivors statement against antisemitism the trouble is some in the party want to adapt the statement to allow them criticise some of the actions of Israel, sounds fair enough to me.

The  contentious statement was that to criticise Israel in terms of being it a racist endeavour, is anti semitic. It got adopted eventually, I'm pretty sure its not anti semitic to call its Government a bunch of cnuts which they are.

it isnt but brain washed fools like Damon  seem to think they are the same thing, They can try merging the definitions of antisemitism with anti Zionism as much as they like to try and reflect the actions of israel which gets condemmed by the un but never acted apon people will still march for and demand a free state for Palestine.

I think they can be conflated and anti Zionism can be used as a cloak for inherent antisemitism, I think its perfectly reasonable that Jewish people should have a place to call home. It becomes a problem when this turns into Apartheidism which currently seems to be the policy of the governing Likud party.
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our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: our friend Damon Lenszner   our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 6:07 pm

Hugh Watt wrote:
Angry wrote:
Hugh Watt wrote:
Earwegoagain wrote:
Damon was done for kicking off badly at a march against the actions of Israel. If its anti Semitic to object to murdering and stealing the land of another ethnic group then so am I. Corbyn and others are also anti the actions of Israel doesn't make them racist. Sadly it's another example of Jezza showing a lack of leadership again, he should man up and say what it's all about instead of ducking the question and appearing like a racist.
The main bugbear it seems is the Labour party not adopting the Holocaust survivors statement against antisemitism the trouble is some in the party want to adapt the statement to allow them criticise some of the actions of Israel, sounds fair enough to me.

The  contentious statement was that to criticise Israel in terms of being it a racist endeavour, is anti semitic. It got adopted eventually, I'm pretty sure its not anti semitic to call its Government a bunch of cnuts which they are.

it isnt but brain washed fools like Damon  seem to think they are the same thing, They can try merging the definitions of antisemitism with anti Zionism as much as they like to try and reflect the actions of israel which gets condemmed by the un but never acted apon people will still march for and demand a free state for Palestine.

I think they can be conflated and anti Zionism can be used as a cloak for inherent antisemitism, I think its perfectly reasonable that Jewish people should have a place to call home. It becomes a problem when this turns into Apartheidism which currently seems to be the policy of the governing Likud party.

I think it's great the Jews have somewhere to call home, I may support it if they hadn't stolen their homes off other people.
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our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: our friend Damon Lenszner   our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 7:27 pm

I have merged both threads.

Anonymity, lol you soft cocked cnut.
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our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: our friend Damon Lenszner   our friend Damon Lenszner - Page 2 Empty

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