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 Implications for football and other sports of Brexit

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Implications for football and other sports of Brexit Empty
PostSubject: Implications for football and other sports of Brexit   Implications for football and other sports of Brexit EmptyFri Jun 24, 2016 2:41 pm

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Who knows, clubs may even have to go back to producing their own players and managers rather than relying on ready made imports. Must have some implications for cricket and other sports as well with the Bosman and Kolpak rulings no longer applicable.
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Implications for football and other sports of Brexit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Implications for football and other sports of Brexit   Implications for football and other sports of Brexit EmptyFri Jun 24, 2016 4:00 pm

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Implications for football and other sports of Brexit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Implications for football and other sports of Brexit   Implications for football and other sports of Brexit EmptyFri Jun 24, 2016 4:16 pm

Except it won't. Football clubs have too much money and are too demanding of success to care about the national game. Sure young players will be developed but mainly as a revenue stream.
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Implications for football and other sports of Brexit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Implications for football and other sports of Brexit   Implications for football and other sports of Brexit EmptyFri Jun 24, 2016 4:40 pm

I think Mirage said we're all going to go back to the days of Dylan Dimkins flying down some Yorkshire wing, where all games are played on Saturdays at 3pm. Training will be jumpers for goalposts, and beer followed by a trip to the bookies will be mandatory pre match preparation.
Then again, he could have been fibbing, and nothing of any consequence will change whatsoever. I'm betting on him having told porkies, just as he did with the NHS thing.
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Implications for football and other sports of Brexit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Implications for football and other sports of Brexit   Implications for football and other sports of Brexit EmptyFri Jun 24, 2016 5:03 pm

Never believe a word a politician or a big businessman tells you and you won't be disappointed old boy. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Implications for football and other sports of Brexit   Implications for football and other sports of Brexit Empty

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Implications for football and other sports of Brexit
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