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 one last post by greenjock

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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 3:39 pm

Ok I feel I should make one last post on here as a guest, as I have deleted my account and won't be using this site or Pasoti anymore.

I wasn't going to until I had a look whilst sat in the Drs Surgery waiting room and saw Chris Webb had been posting and so had Dane Bunney.

This will take a while, so if anyone doesn't want to read a long post, look away now.

I'll start with a bit of background information. I have been an Argyle fan since 1983 I think it was, when I went to see a pre-season friendly at Home Park , Brian Johnsons testimonial,against Aston Villa who had just won the European Cup. I wasn't aware that there was no train back to Cornwall after the game, and the friend I was going to go with had found this out but didn't think to tell me Razz A 13 year old alone in Plymouth, I had to go to Derry's Cross Police station and spent the night in a cell! Anyway I had gotten autographs from all the Argyle and Villa players and was hooked. I went to almost every game in the cup run in 83-84, every home tie and away at WBA, the replay at Derby and the semi-final at Villa Park. I cried all the way home with my dad who wasn't an Argyle fan but loved football, you have to love football to be a Hibs fan he used to say, but he was happy to take me to matches as fathers do.

For the next 28 years I have attended hundreds of Argyle games, home and away, but now live in Wiltshire so it's hard for me to get to games at Home Park, and expensive, and I now am a stay at home dad looking after my 9 month old son so I can't attend too many games due to my partner working Saturdays.

In the late 90's, I was married and used to go to almost every home game, and between 6 and 10 away games a season. This used to really upset my wife as I went to away games for the weekend with mates, rather than travel up and back the same day. I used all of my holidays on Argyle, even taking Tuesdays off work to go to some evening games. The huge breaking point in my marriage came when I refused a promotion at work, as it would have meant working Saturdays and missing games. The promotion was worth around £5,000 a year extra to us, but I turned it down.

Anyway all of that is just background, so on with the point of my post.

When Ian Newell sent me a private message about the identity of the sponsor who invited Tony Wrathall to Home Park, which caused a huge outcry on Pasoti and on here, he also called the sponsor a c***. I didn't know the guy and didn't even kow of his business or his sponsorship of Argyle. To avoid anymore trouble, lets just call this guy taximan.

I didn't post the details because I found it strange that Ian Newell had chosen to reveal the details to me, when I posted on both Pasoti and ATD, and there were literally dozens of posts on Pasoti clambouring for the name to be revealed and both Ian Newell and Chris Webb, who had come in for some stick for posting, a week or two earlier, about Tony Wrathall coming back to Argyle to watch games and that Chris would buy him a pint and donate his match ticket if he wanted to.

On 4th January I believe it was, a new member called Porkie started posting on ATD, saying he was Ian Newell, and he said that I was banned from Pasoti for linking to porn sites, which was utter rubbish, I was banned for posting a link that had a really funny montague about the recent events at Argyle, from an Exeter fan. I found it both funny and depressing as it really hit home what had happened at Argyle over the last year or two. I was banned and my post removed, but later that day, somebody else posted the same thing and it was allowed to stay, with Ian Newell saying he thought it was funny and that I was banned for linking to a libellous website. I still don't know if Ian meant ATD or Exeweb, where it had originated, but I found it unfair that I had been banned and yet someone else could post it and it was humorous apparently. This was just an example of how Pasoti works, how it is not Ok for anyone to dispute certain things or question people like Ian Newell, Chris Webb or James Brent, or mention ATD without having posts deleted, or moved to Junior Pasoti as a punishment. I hadn't even heard of ATD until I came across a thread on Pasoti that Ian Newell was posting on asking people to change their username to their real name, as Pasoti was open and honest unlike ATD, so again another example of who can do things on Pasoti, where others cannot.

So anyway I digress, and back on track. When the Porkie posts started, I reacted to these posts as they were saying I was linking to porn sites, and publishing my e-mail address, and I started questioning that it actually was Ian Newell, as Porkie started sending me abusive messages and I could tell it was not him. Eventually Daneb, Dane Bunney in real life, messaged me to say it was him posting as Porkie, but not to tell anyone. A lot of arguments started between ATD and Pasoti that day, and the story of how Ian Newell helped shut down the original Argyle Talk site was posted. After reading that and the comments made about how Ian Newell had posted over 10,000 times on Exeweb, mainly abusive it was said, as Porkus, and I did check and there were over 10,000 posts by Porkus on an Exeter City site, I thought sod it, maybe people should know who the mystery sponsor was who invited Wrathall to Home Park where he was treated like royalty!

When I had posted details of Ian Newell's message to me, after I had read about him posting details of private messages himself from other people, I was messaged again by Dane Bunney making the fake auctioned shirts Ian allegation. I told him to post the details then but he said he had been given the info in confidence from another Pasoti mod so he couldn't. Dane then messaged me to show that a new poster on Exeweb has posted the details of the taximan message. Frank Bullitt then messaged me to say that Ian Newell had contacted him in fear because taximan was not a pleasant person and wouldn't be happy with Ian Newell for being named and being called a c*** . Frank made it clear that Ian Newell was actually really in fear of the guy so I agreed to remove any posts that named the sponsor, as I didn't want any harm to come to Ian. I also pointed out to Frank that someone had posted the details on Exeweb, so it might be an idea to try and get the posts removed on Exeweb too.

The story of Ian Newell being really afraid of taximan has also been corroborated by Dane Bunney today.

Now it has come to light that Ian Newell admitted to Frank that he had indeed tried setting me up to name the sponsor, so he is basically saying that he wanted me to be the subject of taximans anger, even though he was extremely frightened of him himself.

So questions for Chris Webb as he's been on here again today. Are you really close friends with Ian Newell? Are you the President of Plymouth Argyle Football Club? Do you think that Ian Newell is a complete liar, lying to Dane Bunney and Frank Bullitt about being so afraid of taximan? Or do you think that Ian Newell was telling the truth about setting me up to take the blame with taximan who is indeed a really nasty piece of work? And if you think he was telling the truth about taximan, do you think that it is a nice thing to do, to put myself at risk from this guy, and indeed my family including a 9 month old child? Or is all of this just what you would call banter? I'll leave a space here for you to insert any answers you feel able to put, but I rather think the space will not be needed.

Now onto the fake shirt allegations. These came from Dane Bunney to me in a message, which I relayed to a mod on here who told me that Dane had told several people the same thing. After days of Dane Bunney being abusive to people on here, and now telling everyone that Ian Newell was a really good guy andpeople shouldn't be having a go at him, I asked Dane if I should post the messages he had sent me about the fake shirt allegations. Dane said that Ian Newell knew Dane had made these allegations and had apologised to Ian so I could post them if I wanted. I looked on twitter to see Dane Bunney tweeting Ian Newell, which seemed strange as Dane had caused so much trouble pretending to be Ian Newell, and making the fake shirt allegations. Dane also called people on ATD spastics. This got me angry due to having lost a disabled brother aged 16, and the insult spastic being vile. My partners father also has cerebral palsy, so the spastic insult was the final straw for me, so I posted the fake shirt allegations Dane had made.

This prompted Ian Newell to start a Pasoti thread about the shirt auctions, and lots of abuse towards ATD from all and sundry on Pasoti.

At 05.30 on Monday morning, I was up with my baby son and went on my laptop and saw Chris Webb tweeting that he was on his way to a meeting in London on the twitter feed on Pasoti, so I looked at Chris's profile on Twitter and saw he was tweeting Dane and vice versa about Dane being banned from ATD, which actually wasn't true, his account had been suspended while the mods debated what to do about his posts, my posts and someone posting as General Rastus who had called Ian Newell a racist, so I tweeted Chris Webb to say Dane hadn't been banned and said about him making the fake shirt allegations. Chris tweeted me back calling me an obsessive for tweeting at 05.30am, even though he was tweeting before me! #doublestandards Chris? Chris also said get a grip and my obsessiveness wasn't good for my health.

Another question to Chris Webb. Would my obsessiveness be worse for my health than taximan?

Now on Pasoti, someone started a thread praising Ian Newell for all his hard work raising money via the shirt auctions, and I would also like to add that I think the money raised is amazing and very much appreciated. Now last year I made several donations to the staff fund anonymously, but didn't feel the need to add a banner on my avatar here on Pasoti advertising this. The money I donated equated to around a months wages for me, not in a highly paid job and now about to be made redundant, so nowhere near the £60k figure that the auctions are said to have raised, and when my partner found out the size of the donations I made, she went absolutely beserk at me as we were struggling financially with a newborn baby. I would add that I think James Brent should be paying the staff faster and not relying on these auctions, and dozens of people posting on Pasoti how great Ian Newell was,and not one dissenting post regarding the fact he had basically either outright lied to cause trouble, or was willing to put me and my 9 month old son at risk from taximan. Now looking on Pasoti, I see that Andy Symonds had in fact raised some points on this thread and these posts had been removed, along with others, and had contacted the mods at 9.39am this morning, and at 14.45 he had received no response. There has also been a post on here and Pasoti from a local businessman trying to ask both sites to try and get on with each other, and apparently his post has been locked on Pasoti, but kept open on ATD, as it was a genuine really good post trying to stop the war of words. This guy is a Pasoti member and has his post locked, and a local businessman who is treated with contempt.

I read now that Ian Newell has said he is being accused of being a racist on Exeweb, well maybe he should take that up with Exeweb, but I do wonder if anything said on Exeweb might have something to do with the 10,000+ posts he has made on Exeweb, but maybe they were all posts of support for City during their financial problems or relegation out of the Football League?

I feel persoanlly that Chris Webb and Ian Newell did wonders for Argyle during the crap that went on over the last couple of years, but they can't seem to stop reminding people of it, and it seems like they feel the need to be carried on peoples shoulders for ever more for it. A few more volunteers maybe needed for one of them, but I'm sure that won't be a problem.

With the actions of Ian Newell and Dane Bunney, I was going to attend the fanfest on Saturday, just to see Ian Newell's face whn I introduced myself to him, and for the pleasure of seeing him soil his underwear in public, and ditto with Dane Bunney, who is by his admittance the owner of a recruitment company in Plymouth so must be well known in local circles, and apparently is still welcome at Fanfests and in the Pyramid Suite, despite the trouble he has caused. Then I thought I am better than that, so thought of attending with my 9 month old son to ask Ian Newell in front of all his worshippers, to ask if he thought it was fair to set me up in the way he had, making me wonder who might be lurking with intent to harm me or my family, and if Ian,Chris or Lee Jameson want to say that I am being a drama queen, then I would question thier worries about their safety when receiving tweets from General Rastus, who again is not someone who posted on ATD until the last few days, with the obvious intent of causing trouble on this site, and again was another great excuse for them to publicly state how ATD users were freaks and weirdos in Ians own twitter words.

Following the news that Ian Newell had set me up with someone he was physically scared of, I was going to call the taxi firm last night and try to speak to the owner to see if he had a problem with me, and if he did I would have arranged to meet him in person as Ian Newell likes to put it, as I won't have my family feeling threatened in any way and wouldn't want anyone coming near my home while my family are here. When my partner saw how angry I was last night and knew I was going to call the sponsor and have it out with him, she begged me not to and said that she would leave me if I did not get the hell out of the whole situation where there was even the remotest possibility of our son being put at risk, hence I have deleted my ATD account and this will be my final post, and this is not a Cobi Budge leaving post.

What this has all done is make me vow that I will no longer spend one penny on Plymouth Argyle again. I have cancelled my Player subscription, I will never attend a game at Home Park again, but will go to away games when I can as the money won't benefit the club whilst associated with these people, and I will never spend anything on Argyle merchandise again, and believe me I'm a bit sad and ask for Argyle t-shits, jumpers hoodies etc for Xmas and birthday presents, and have a wardrobe full of this stuff jocolor my baby even has Argyle babygrows and bibs, but I will not buy anything from Argyle again because of all of this. I hope James Brent is proud of you all, and doesn't mind losing another customer because of the actions of these people I have mentioned, but then I'm not a praaaaper fan like Chris and Ian who didn't storm the boardroom and save Argyle from the clutches of evil. Shame that where especially Chris had my respect for standing up and asking questions about what was going on at Argyle, and making sure Heaney wasn't involved, and exposing the actions of the former directors, he now discourages any questions and concerns people may have about how Argyle is being run and the motives of the new owner, because he sits at James Brent's right hand and has changed his lifelong principles.

There are several people who post on both Pasoti and ATD who I have lots of respect for, like Greengenes and ZeeZan, who are obviously more Pasoti than ATD, but recognise that Pasoti is too restricted and does not allow an alternative view to the select few, and try to post on ATD to build bridges and bring some reasoned debate, there are others but I'm getting tired now and can't think of other names off the top of my head, and there are some people on ATD that I find their views much much too anti Pasoti and inflamatory, and I apologise that I did on occassions get caught up in joining in with Pasoti bashing just for the sake of it, and somewhere in the middle would be an ideal place, but that will never happen while the likes of Ian Newell are involved in Pasoti and Argyle. The majority of regular posters on ATD are decent people who support Argyle with such a passion that they don't want the mistakes of the past made, and quite rightly feel that their voice should be heard and is every bit as important as Mr and Mrs Aviva who would follow Ian Newell through brick walls without even asking why can't they just go through the door?

So thats it from me. Sad that it's come to this, sad at the state of Argyle at the moment, sad at the North Korean like state Pasoti is and sad that I will miss lots of people on here, but I'm not prepared to be involved in these games anymore. Oh and one last thing Mr. Newell. If anything I have said is incorrect or lies, feckin sue me!
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 4:07 pm

Family first and Argyle second, Jock.

Jock, I know I speak for everyone on ATD when I say that you are welcome to use ATD anytime mate, but you're 100% right to put your family before anything else.

Is it really acceptable in society that rattling a bucket justifies the behavior that Jock has provided examples of?
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 4:21 pm

Spot on, Gob.

Jock, you've obviously got a lot on your plate, and there's no way your support for this or any other football club should add to it. Thank you for being so open in this post, and for all your other contributions. If you ever want to come back, you'll be more than welcome.

flower for you, and

flower for your partner, and

flower for your little one
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 4:26 pm

Agree with Gob and Peggy.

Such a shame it's come to this where a supporter (yes a REAL supporter) feels this way.

While I don't actually think greenjock or his family would really have been in any danger (Newell probably doesn't even know what he looks like) I can understand exactly how he feels and do not blame him one bit.

Greenjock's posts will be missed, he was a good poster and hopefully someday he will return as a new poster with a different name and nobody will even know it's him!

jocolor just one more time! lol!
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 4:32 pm

Moved to its rightful place by me.

Adios, Greenjock. Take care of yourself and family, and if I find myself around your way I'll track you down and buy you a pint at The Kings Arms.
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Charlie Wood

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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 4:38 pm

Step away now Jock and don't be tempted back for a good while, listen to your partner and put her and your son first, second and third. We've all seen your anger and outrage and understand but it's only a football club and it's cyber fans, there's more...much more to life.
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 4:54 pm

A heartfelt posting and a very sad outcome.

We all have an addiction to Argyle. The responsibility for the crap that continues, centred around Newell and Pasoti, is a direct result of how they run that forum. The bannings, the censorship, the one dimensional thinking and adulation of 'our wonderful leaders'. It's all so Animal Farm .

Those capable of seeing the bigger picture must be silenced. We know best.

These people will get the club they deserve. Lowly and going nowhere fast.

Enjoy the ride you insular janners.
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 5:03 pm

I can only echo what the others above said.

I love your honesty, open-ness and integrity at posting what you have. It wasn't a woe-is-me post nor an angry get-your-own-back. Good on you. Great man! Semper fidelis as someone once said.... Smile

Your family - your partner and your child are far more important than anything else. Maybe being a dick-head and vomiting a whole month's pay over a sodding football club has been enough to pull you up and think if nothing else, in my humble opinion.

Good luck.
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 5:07 pm

Greenjock, it will be a shame to see you leave this site.
I liked you as a poster.

Best wishes for the future, for you and your family.
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 5:13 pm

Charlie Wood wrote:
Step away now Jock and don't be tempted back for a good while, listen to your partner and put her and your son first, second and third. We've all seen your anger and outrage and understand but it's only a football club and it's cyber fans, there's more...much more to life.

Absolutely - in the big scheme of things, people like Newell are insignificant and little people like him shouldn't be able to affect the way you live your life. He really doesn't matter, none of us on this site do.

Well, we matter more than he does, but you know what I mean.

All the very best to you and your family.
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 5:18 pm

greenjoc wrote:
I have just received an e-mail from an unnamed pasoti mod telling me its time for me to wind down, that this unnamed mod had spoken to ian about an e-mail i sent to them last night, pretty much the same as my last post earlier, not that the mod is ian you understand because he's not a mod on pasoti anymore Sleep ian has told this other mod, not ian remember, that it was NOT his intent to set me up, so i guess that means frank is lying about that, and the thought of ian playing with my family is derisable,it really is.

You couldn't make it up, you really couldn't. When i saw i had received an e-mail from pasotimods, i actually thought it was going to be an apology Razz and i guess that shows how naive i am, and just confirms my belief that while these people are associated with Argyle, i want nothing further to do with the club. i should e-mail james brent with it all, but i really really have totally washed my hands of Argyle now

Just seen that posted aswell on the trust board.
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 5:22 pm

Is anyone in contact with Jock via email?
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Chemical Ali

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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 5:37 pm

Good luck for the future Jock, and I think you need a break from all this internet crap. As many have said family comes first. FWIW I don't think the taxi bloke would come after you, but you don't want to risk anything.

It clearly looks like you have been set up/ attempted to be set up by 2 people- I bet you still don't have an answer why you were originally PM-ed.
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:13 pm

dane's statement just shows what a disgusting episode this has been, he still manages to infer that he was only going along with this site really, as if he were led astray!

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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:23 pm

I think that was the intention Dogger. As much as I would like to, I just can't believe anything anymore from Dane_b, given his actions over the last weeks.
We have been subject to wind ups from him and wind ups from Ian Newell, one of which he actually admitted in public.
Take a long break Jock, settle yourself down and get those people out of your head. leave the internet, Home Park etc alone for a while. You will feel the benefit very very quickly.

Last edited by penzancepirate on Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:26 pm

Even now Ian Newell is making out greenjock is lying....ffs man just admit you were in the wrong as much as everyone else and move on!
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:44 pm

Yea Man wrote:
Even now Ian Newell is making out greenjock is lying....ffs man just admit you were in the wrong as much as everyone else and move on!

Is he really? The desperation of the man is getting funny now lol!

I bet he wishes he never closed our last site now, eh!
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:48 pm

Quote :
draw a line in the sand and let's calm it down.

Not a chance in hell Ponty, the truth is coming out and it hurts, doesn't it!
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:51 pm

GOB wrote:
Yea Man wrote:
Even now Ian Newell is making out greenjock is lying....ffs man just admit you were in the wrong as much as everyone else and move on!

Is he really? The desperation of the man is getting funny now lol!

I bet he wishes he never closed our last site now, eh!

Naughty Forty

Post subject: Re: PASOTI & ATD

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:58 pm

Greenjocks fairwell speech................. thats disgraceful, he's got a 1 year old kid ffs


Post subject: Re: PASOTI & ATD

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:13 pm

If it were true, you'd be right.
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:51 pm

Where did he post that?

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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:52 pm

IJN or decide! lol!
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:53 pm

seadog wrote:
Where did he post that?
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:57 pm

At least everyone on both sites agree on one thing, Dane is one sad mudda!....All but Newell that is!
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 7:01 pm

Jock - please accept my apologies for posting that info in my long post yesterday. It was not my intention to cause you so much upset and grief. I hope you come back to Argyle soon and forget all about this internet bollocks.
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 7:07 pm

Fans like Jock are few and far between and the way he's been treated and the effect it has had on his family is absolutely bloody appalling, yet Newell is STILL continuing it!
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one last post by greenjock Empty
PostSubject: Re: one last post by greenjock   one last post by greenjock Empty

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