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 Stone chips

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Stone chips Empty
PostSubject: Stone chips   Stone chips EmptySun Apr 24, 2016 10:36 pm

After a week with my new car driving around some of the Cornish highways I've noticed a fair number of stone marks on the front 12 inches of the bonnet. Most too deep to t-cut. Apart from driving a bit further back from the car or tractor in front I'm wondering if there is a sort of clear covering (bit like cling film) that you can put on that is not that visible?
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Stone chips Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stone chips   Stone chips EmptySun Apr 24, 2016 10:48 pm


I have a developed a special invisible shield net that wraps around car bonnets and helps protect them.

Here is a photo:

Good isn't it, hard to see and all that. It works great too!

Send me your car reg and a hundred quid via paypal and I will activate your own special force field!

Don't delay. Pay today!
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Stone chips Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stone chips   Stone chips EmptySun Apr 24, 2016 10:59 pm

Very Happy
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Stone chips Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stone chips   Stone chips EmptyMon Apr 25, 2016 12:41 am

Rickler wrote:

You've spilt some Rickler - can't see your post!
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Stone chips Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stone chips   Stone chips EmptyMon Apr 25, 2016 12:46 am

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Stone chips Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stone chips   Stone chips EmptyMon Apr 25, 2016 8:39 am

tigertony wrote:
After a week with my new car driving around some of the Cornish highways I've noticed a fair number of stone marks on the front 12 inches of the bonnet. Most too deep to t-cut. Apart from driving a bit further back from the car or tractor in front I'm wondering if there is a sort of clear covering (bit like cling film) that you can put on that is not that visible?

Years back I had a 1600cc Beetle.....used to be known as the pregnant Beetle because of it's larger boot at the front and the use of McPherson strut front suspension allowing more storage space.

This meant quite a large area of bonnet that was prone to paint chippings......VW's answer to this was a vinyl bonnet cover foamed lined that covered the first quarter of the bonnet....generally in black.....was probably the equivalent to a go faster stripe....although the 1600cc engine did give it a surprising take-off from the traffic lights that did upset many a boy racer who lined up at the lights on the outside lane expecting to leave you standing when the green light came on.....gave me many a satisfying moment as I looked in my rear-view mirror at an upset boy racer back down the road.
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Stone chips Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stone chips   Stone chips EmptyMon Apr 25, 2016 9:41 am

My T 5 is covered in them the device Zyph mentions is now known as a bra btw.
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Stone chips Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stone chips   Stone chips EmptyMon Apr 25, 2016 3:12 pm

Amsterdamage wrote:
My T 5 is covered in them the device Zyph mentions is now known as a bra btw.
them bra's are they big enough for BMW owners lol!
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Stone chips Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stone chips   Stone chips EmptyMon Apr 25, 2016 6:30 pm

Amsterdamage wrote:
My T 5 is covered in them the device Zyph mentions is now known as a bra btw.
Thanks - I'll search for a bra. Had loads on my bedroom wall when I was younger alongside pairs of ....... I'll stop now. BMW???? Nah its a Saab 9-5 and it doesn't half shift. Gave my Saab convert to my son so his may get a load of bra's in due course. Laughing
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Stone chips Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stone chips   Stone chips EmptySun May 01, 2016 5:52 pm

tigertony wrote:
Amsterdamage wrote:
My T 5 is covered in them the device Zyph mentions is now known as a bra btw.
Thanks - I'll search for a bra. Had loads on my bedroom wall when I was younger alongside pairs of ....... I'll stop now. BMW???? Nah its a Saab 9-5 and it doesn't half shift. Gave my Saab convert to my son so his may get a load of bra's in due course. Laughing

Very interesting indeed......A Saab Convertible indeed ??  With Clyde sitting in it..... fishing
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