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 Football fan pass away RIP

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Football fan pass away RIP Empty
PostSubject: Football fan pass away RIP   Football fan pass away RIP EmptySun Jan 03, 2016 7:13 pm

A FOOTBALL fan has died after becoming ill at an Exeter City match.

The man, who has not been named, fell down in the Big Bank terrace at the home game with AFC Wimbledon on Monday.

He has since died in intensive care.

The club said it was “saddened” to learn that the “long-term supporter” had passed away.

A statement released by the club said: “Exeter City are saddened to learn that a supporter who was taken ill and fell down in the Big Bank at Monday's home game with AFC Wimbledon has passed away.

“A long-term city supporter, sadly, he lost his battle in intensive care.

“His family have been in touch with the club to pay tribute to the speedy response time of the paramedics and doctors who attended to him at St James's Park.

“Exeter City Football Club sends its condolences to his family and friends.”

Do not matter who he supports he is one of us a football fan. RIP
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Football fan pass away RIP
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