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 god save the queen

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Les Miserable
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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 7:21 pm

Another myth there Les. The far left never idolised Stalin's Russia, and following regimes. It was regarded as state capitalist. The real communal folk, the Bolsheviks, were done away with when the pigs rose to the top with help from the thugs. Not very communal behaviour I'm sure you would agree. Community is not about encouraging children to dob in their parents. Funnily enough our Western democracies are starting down this sort of road.
Surely effective competition in a country such as ours should encourage an elite to be held to account, challenged and moved on for a new breed. The same old families just breeds you know what. Hardly Darwinian.

Last edited by Sir John Hawkins on Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Les Miserable

Les Miserable

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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 7:24 pm

Thank you for dispelling that myth Sir John Smile
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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 7:28 pm

You may mock Les Very Happy , but it's a fact.
The last thing decent community minded people want is a murdering state killing on a whim, ruling by totalitarian fear. That's also why we don't like the history of monarchies
There's a third way. Unfortunately maybe Blair coined that one, or maybe it was Alvin Tofler talking business
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Les Miserable

Les Miserable

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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 7:37 pm

I agree Sir John, however, to deny that a large percentage of the far left never aspired to the ideals of communism is wide of the mark imo, perhaps the true horrors and brutality perpetuated by the ruling elite was not as evident to those less educated than your good self.
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Les Miserable

Les Miserable

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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 7:45 pm

Sir John Hawkins wrote:
You may mock Les Very Happy , but it's a fact.
The last thing decent community minded people want is a murdering state killing on a whim, ruling by totalitarian fear. That's also why we don't like the history of monarchies
There's a third way. Unfortunately maybe Blair coined that one, or maybe it was Alvin Tofler talking business

I agreed with the sentence in bold, not the later addition.

You have a habit of posting and then adding additional sentences.
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Cornish Chris

Cornish Chris

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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 7:54 pm

Les Miserable wrote:
An unpatriotic cornishman, now there's a surprise.

So if you don't like the head of state, you're not patriotic?

Is this the 15th century?
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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 7:55 pm

Sorry Les, its how I post. Think of a bit more and chuck it in. Don't send me to the tower or gulag. I'll mend my ways, I promise.
As it happens, I think the phrase "hard left" is much over used. Probably coined in language to imply negative connotation, just like loony left. How anyone can describe J Corbyn esq as hard left is quite beyond me. Pol pot was hard left, and a thug, and a totalitarian, and an authoritarian murderer. And hence no different from hard right.
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Les Miserable

Les Miserable

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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 8:01 pm

Sir John Hawkins wrote:
Sorry Les, its how I post. Think of a bit more and chuck it in. Don't send me to the tower or gulag. I'll mend my ways, I promise.
As it happens, I think the phrase "hard left" is much over used. Probably coined in language to imply negative connotation, just like loony left. How anyone can describe J Corbyn esq as hard left is quite beyond me. Pol pot was hard left, and a thug, and a totalitarian, and an authoritarian murderer

Not by me Sir John.....owf with ees ead queen
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Les Miserable

Les Miserable

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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 8:03 pm

Cornish Chris wrote:
Les Miserable wrote:
An unpatriotic cornishman, now there's a surprise.

So if you don't like the head of state, you're not patriotic?

Is this the 15th century?

Only in some parts of Cornwall, others have yet to catch up!
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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 10:00 pm

Les Miserable wrote:
Cornish Chris wrote:
Les Miserable wrote:
An unpatriotic cornishman, now there's a surprise.

So if you don't like the head of state, you're not patriotic?

Is this the 15th century?

Only in some parts of Cornwall, others have yet to catch up!
15th century? Bleedy Hell we ain't that advanced around Aberfal.
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Cornish Chris

Cornish Chris

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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 10:14 pm

tigertony wrote:
Les Miserable wrote:
Cornish Chris wrote:
Les Miserable wrote:
An unpatriotic cornishman, now there's a surprise.

So if you don't like the head of state, you're not patriotic?

Is this the 15th century?

Only in some parts of Cornwall, others have yet to catch up!
15th century? Bleedy Hell we ain't that advanced around Aberfal.

Ain't that the truth. Good job I'm from the 21st-century metropolis that is Penryn.
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Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 08, 2015 10:34 pm

Punchdrunk wrote:
sufferedsince 68 wrote:
The queen/ royal family bring far more wealth to this country than she takes out, she's done a fantastic job as head of state over the last sixty years. Whats the alternative? a Rank politician like Corbyn or Cameron, or even worse a gobby socialist worker Student who's never worked a day in his life. When the Queens reign ends i'd like to see William take over, a nice sensible intelligent chap.

Here here

I'm loving the irony here. People who defend the monarchy expressing an opinion as to who they'd like as head of state...

That's the whole point. It doesn't work like that.

Barring an unexpected death it'll be Charlie whether anybody likes it or not. Whether he deserves it or not. Whether he'll be any good at it or not.

He'll even be head of the CofE whether he's a Christian or not.

And if he's a complete disaster he'll stay in situ as long as he draws breath.

It's all daft. Get rid.
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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 12, 2015 3:53 pm

Cornish Chris wrote:
Mock Cuncher wrote:
shorely it's time to sack them off, once she goes?

Also the National Anthem is crap. Obviously all national anthems are crap, but we could at least have something vaguely interesting. Just compare the Italians' operatic bonanza to our dreary trudge through meek subservience.

Agree. It's terrible. Horrible sycophantic derge written and adopted for George II after the Jacobite rebellion. I hate it.

Now the French 'Le Marseillaise' is what I call a national anthem. Can't beat a song about revolution and waving blood splattered flags.

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god save the queen - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: god save the queen   god save the queen - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 12, 2015 4:21 pm

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