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 Jezza Corbyn

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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyMon Aug 10, 2015 2:16 pm

This latest story cracks me up, I can't work out who's more worried the Tories or the new Tories. Isn't it obvious why he is getting he support that he is? He's a man of principles and we all know that you need to flush away all of those to be in parliament nowadays. I even had someone say to me with horror on his face that Corbs will nationalise the railways even though we the British public pay four times more in subsidies today than we did to the nationalised version. Is it that the whole country wants to have one party politics? Is a choice between left and right just too much to process for the voting public? Sadly I think that's the answer.
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Cornish Chris

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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyMon Aug 10, 2015 7:26 pm

We've been here before with Clegg and Farage haven't we?

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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyMon Aug 10, 2015 7:52 pm

Clegg? For real? Farage doesn't come close either, it not like he's a man of principles he's good at judging what people want to hear, as a comparison try Foot, man of principle, didn't always agree with everything he did but you know he did it for the right reasons.
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Sir Francis Drake

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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyMon Aug 10, 2015 8:18 pm

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Mock Cuncher

Mock Cuncher

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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyMon Aug 10, 2015 10:57 pm

Corbyn would at least differentiate Labour from the Tories.

There is a reason so many voted SNP, Green etc.
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 9:43 am

Right on cue, here's The President shamelessly hopping on the Corbyn bandwagon, months after trying to get a Conservative elected.

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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 10:20 am

Surely this is just the same as those £3 Tories joining the Labour party to get Corbyn elected?
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 10:35 am

Alistair Campbell of Blair spin doctor fame the latest Tory to side against Jezza. They hate democracy don't they?
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 10:45 am

Obviously Labour use the same model as the Farm to ensure unity.

Anonymity, lol you soft cocked cnut.
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Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 11:32 am

Iggy wrote:
Alistair Campbell of Blair spin doctor fame the latest Tory to side against Jezza. They hate democracy don't they?

I saw a tweet by Irvine Welsh the other day and he suggested that the election was really about owning the "Labour" brand. If Corbyn wins then Labour stays/becomes (?) a leftist party if any of the others wins then there's no room for "Old Labour" in its own party anymore and a split is inevitable either way.

If there is a split then the New New Labour (or whatever they decide to call themselves if Corbyn wins) will have to be very wary of its future. Where are the Liberals now? Or the SDP? Or the Lib Dems? They either don't exist at all or are ruined. I reckon that's the inevitable fate of any centrist party.
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 12:05 pm

I agree with that. Since the banking crisis and the war on terrorists/extremists/anybody you don't like, we've been told you're either with us or against us. Centrist politics are no longer the fashion. Greece, Spain, and the rest of Europe is polarising. Go Jezza.
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Cornish Chris

Cornish Chris

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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 1:05 pm

He's great at preaching to the converted. Not so great at persuading people who voted Tory in May in the Tory/Labour marginals to start voting Labour again. Competitive socialism is great in a sixth-form common room, but what will it actually achieve at a general election other than guaranteeing that more people vote Conservative? Someone who jumps on every bandwagon passing through Islington, whether that's cosying up with Hamas and Hezbollah or recommending Russia Today as a reliable news source, is not going to reassure many people that Labour are worth the risk.

Interesting too to see that Corbyn's fans are calling Kendall a 'Tory', when Corbyn has voted against his own party and with the Conservatives something like 500 times.
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Mock Cuncher

Mock Cuncher

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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 1:11 pm

Cornish Chris wrote:
He's great at preaching to the converted. Not so great at persuading people who voted Tory in May in the Tory/Labour marginals to start voting Labour again. Competitive socialism is great in a sixth-form common room, but what will it actually achieve at a general election other than guaranteeing that more people vote Conservative? Someone who jumps on every bandwagon passing through Islington, whether that's cosying up with Hamas and Hezbollah or recommending Russia Today as a reliable news source, is not going to reassure many people that Labour are worth the risk.

Interesting too to see that Corbyn's fans are calling Kendall a 'Tory', when Corbyn has voted against his own party and with the Conservatives something like 500 times.

The Hamas/Hezbollah link is becoming pretty tiresome, given that almost every politician has history of coddling up to the wrong people.. Hamas were, of course, elected.

Thatcher - Taliban
Blair - Gaddafi
Cameron - ISIS/Saudis

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Cornish Chris

Cornish Chris

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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 1:35 pm

You can add Pinochet to Thatcher's list too. It doesn't make it right though.

As for Cameron cuddling up to ISIS - not quite sure I get your drift there.
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 2:07 pm

Mock Cuncher wrote:
Cornish Chris wrote:
He's great at preaching to the converted. Not so great at persuading people who voted Tory in May in the Tory/Labour marginals to start voting Labour again. Competitive socialism is great in a sixth-form common room, but what will it actually achieve at a general election other than guaranteeing that more people vote Conservative? Someone who jumps on every bandwagon passing through Islington, whether that's cosying up with Hamas and Hezbollah or recommending Russia Today as a reliable news source, is not going to reassure many people that Labour are worth the risk.

Interesting too to see that Corbyn's fans are calling Kendall a 'Tory', when Corbyn has voted against his own party and with the Conservatives something like 500 times.

The Hamas/Hezbollah link is becoming pretty tiresome, given that almost every politician has history of coddling up to the wrong people.. Hamas were, of course, elected.

Thatcher - Taliban
Blair - Gaddafi
Cameron - ISIS/Saudis


Also the Hamas/Hezbollah link is being in accurately portrayed in the case of Jezza, he has long campaigned for dialogue as a way forward to peace in the middle east instead of bombing raids, he was fully behind the peace talks in NI (which actually worked whereas 400 years of warfare failed). He was fully against the Iraq war and his side has been more than vindicated in its position since even though Campbell and Blair are still delaying the report on their illegal warmongering.
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 3:39 pm

I think it would be the opinion ( certainly publicly anyway) of Corbyn, along with a number of posters on here, that no war is ever a necessary war. Peace and love. Ban the bomb. CND rulz etc etc...

Sadly, we live in a world that has an increasing amount of deranged lunatic types. The sort that throw people off buildings for being gay.

These feckin nut jobs aren't interested in getting around a table for dialogue.

Nuclear weapons are possibly the biggest reason that there hasn't been a WW3, because the Russians aren't lunatic enough to want to die for any cause - and any war of the nuclear variety obviously means a literal end to us all. The problem will come if the middle eastern crazies are given enough breathing space to develop genuine WMD's.

When you are not particularly concerned about whether you live or die, you're a very dangerous breed.
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 4:22 pm

They don't make these weapons themselves, although we were supposed to believe that they could.
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 6:20 pm

The idea that people wouldn't vote for a socialist government is media driven nonsense. As Mock said, people vote SNP and Green for a reason. Far more people deserted the Labour bunch than the Tories due to the immigration issue... simple as.
The "people" voted for a far more socialist government here than Corbyn would deliver, after a war when the health of the nation and housing stock was at it's lowest ebb. Only a socialist government could have built all that social housing as there was no profit to be had in doing it. And the National Health services across the West were probably the greatest success in modern civilisation. And lets not forget Cuba's fantastic health service even whilst under the sanction cosh of the Americans.
I remember some time ago someone on here, stating that " private enterprise had fed the world". No it didn't, and it hadn't succeeded in doing so for thousands of years left to it's own inefficiencies. It was post war centre left government intervention that fed the world. The Americans, and a European "Common Market" subsidised the private growers and told them what to grow. Those governments then even had to take charge of distribution, and of course still do in a world wide sense through many NGOs etc. We ended up with mountains of the stuff. No free market has ever been so efficient and productive, and if anyone thinks it is capable in the future of producing food, shelter and health for all, think again. It will produce more trinkets for some, along with a mass cull. There's no profit in selling anything to people with no money.
There's going to be nine billion of us soon, minus me. Go Jezza Very Happy
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 6:29 pm

And the arms that are spraying our troops with bullets now were supplied by us for he Syrians to fight Assad and the Libyans Gaddafi, our foreign policy is as much to blame for radicalisation as the mullahs are. For the record I'm not a total pacifist, no one would fight harder to protect our borders than me and mine, offensive action is quite different and most of our current problems arise from us trying to be a world super power, leave that to the yanks we should be a peaceful nation of traders.
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 6:34 pm

Well put Hawkins.
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 6:38 pm

The doctrine of "pre-emptive defence" suddenly appeared after the Wall came down, and look what's happened since. Sounds like something Nool would come up with to excuse his hacking/abusing of total strangers. It used to be called aggression.
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 6:43 pm

We need to be careful here, expecting people to accept peace in our time and a lefty government would get the migration flowing the other way.
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 7:06 pm

I don't see peace coming anytime soon, with a left or right government. I have always understood human culture and happenings to be part of the weather systems. War is coming our way in Europe, like it has done time and time again.
I laugh at Nige and his cronies really thinking they can halt immigration. America couldn't have tried harder to stop the Mexican thing and looked what happened there. People have always migrated "economically" and nothing will stop it, it's like flocks of birds and trade winds. Us Cornish soon scarpered off to South America when we didn't like the poverty and pestilence the squires had created here.
The only answer is a level playing field.
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Dick Trickle

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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 7:12 pm

I "like" you Mr Hawkins.

The immigrants I know are working. They are young, pay taxes, never visit the doctor and want to engage. Cameron should use them as a template for every young person.
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 7:39 pm

An example to a lot of kids born here.......
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Jezza Corbyn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jezza Corbyn   Jezza Corbyn Empty

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Jezza Corbyn
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