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 Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured

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Les Miserable
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyFri Jun 26, 2015 5:45 pm

A terror attack has taken place on a Tunisian beach front. Many killed and others injured. The victims are mostly British, German and Belgium tourists.

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Cornish Chris

Cornish Chris

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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyFri Jun 26, 2015 7:49 pm

And in France, someone has decapitated their boss, stuck his head to a fence post and scrawled Arabic all over it.

And in Kuwait, someone has blown up a mosque, killing dozens.

What a wonderful world.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyFri Jun 26, 2015 9:07 pm

Cornish Chris wrote:
And in France, someone has decapitated their boss, stuck his head to a fence post and scrawled Arabic all over it.

And in Kuwait, someone has blown up a mosque, killing dozens.

What a wonderful world.

All may be linked to IS.

The west are really going to have to think about other options regarding IS and how they can stop them. If they have to send in troops to take the fight to IS, then so be it.

Another concern is the migrants that are flooding to Europe. Some commentators are suggesting that as most of the migrants are young males of fighting age, the theory is that some of them may be IS related terrorists who want to cause harm and distress.

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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyFri Jun 26, 2015 9:15 pm

It's coming, yes let's take all these migrants !

A decisive battle isn't far away.
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Mock Cuncher

Mock Cuncher

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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyFri Jun 26, 2015 11:40 pm

God awful foreign policy, built up over 50+ years, has brought this shit to a head.

More intervention required? I honestly don't know.

RIP to all the atheists, christians and muslims killed today.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 10:40 am

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i wont pay to read the suns made up story with their fake sheikh so here is the guardians take on it.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 1:11 pm

On the radio last night it was suggested that the West will have to open talks with IS and resolve the matter from there.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 1:13 pm

Angry wrote:

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i wont pay to read the suns made up story with their fake sheikh so here is the guardians take on it.

Sooner or later there will be a big attack here, it is just a matter of time.
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Les Miserable

Les Miserable

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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 1:39 pm

Sooner or later the sun will destroy the earth, it's just a matter of time.
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Cornish Chris

Cornish Chris

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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 2:53 pm

Most Mediterranean migrants are relatively affluent by the standards of their own countries (remember they have to fork out at least £800 just to get on the boat). They're more likely to be doctors or teachers than extremists.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 5:44 pm

Les Miserable wrote:
Sooner or later the sun will destroy the earth, it's just a matter of time.

Or the profiteers will destroy the sun.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 5:57 pm

Cornish Chris wrote:
Most Mediterranean migrants are relatively affluent by the standards of their own countries (remember they have to fork out at least £800 just to get on the boat). They're more likely to be doctors or teachers than extremists.

Considering they're willing to risk their kids on said boat, how much is a 15 year old worth?

I would assume anyone with enough wherewithal to become a doctor would have enough nous to find a different route. It's not the poorest of the poor on those boats but they are all engaged with criminality.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 7:41 pm

VillageGreen wrote:
Angry wrote:

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i wont pay to read the suns made up story with their fake sheikh so here is the guardians take on it.

Sooner or later there will be a big attack here, it is just a matter of time.

yeap however when it comes i dont think anyone will see it coming as that tends to be the point of terrorist plots.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 8:32 pm

Don't be fooled by the African boat people, they may look half starved but give them radicalization ,and a machine gun & you got your next 'loan wolf'.

We have backed Isis against Assad & now they are taking on al-queda we may have to side with all queda. Gulp.
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Lord Tisdale

Lord Tisdale

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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyMon Jun 29, 2015 3:45 pm

Elias wrote:
Don't be fooled by the African boat people, they may look half starved but give them radicalization ,and a machine gun & you got your next 'loan wolf'.

We have backed Isis against Assad & now they are taking on al-queda we may have to side with all queda. Gulp.

" 'loan wolf' "?

Not going into to business with Auction Pig's mate are they?
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Lord Tisdale

Lord Tisdale

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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyMon Jun 29, 2015 3:58 pm

VillageGreen wrote:

The west are really going to have to think about other options regarding IS and how they can stop them. If they have to send in troops to take the fight to IS, then so be it.

I trust you will be volunteering then?

Same stupid rhetoric we have been hearing from the plastic ex generals and admirals, you can't fight an ideology with the blood of your own young men on their soil. This clusterfork was an inevitability the moment the septics disbanded the Iraqi Army, subsequent fork ups like arming and training any opposition to Gadaffy Duck and Assad have just exacerbated the problem, we need to get the fork out of there before we make things worse still, stop picking up jihadis from their boats in the Med and bringing them to the EU, impose proper immigration controls and search every frigging container and car coming into this country.

The problems in the Sandpit are for the people there to sort out, if that means an oil shortage then we shall all have to learn to ride a bike again, but these issues are intractable, the Sunnis will continue killing the Shias, and vice versa, until one group or the other is all dead, or they kill themselves into a state of stupor and a couple or three decent despots get a grip on things.

Us and the septics muscling in again can only make it worserer for longerer.
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Mock Cuncher

Mock Cuncher

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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyMon Jun 29, 2015 5:03 pm

Cant argue with that, Tis.

We're better off showering them with aid than sending our yoof in to fight them.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyMon Jun 29, 2015 6:16 pm

Its easy to say send in ground troops and wipe out ISIS. but lets remember something important.. We still havent wiped out the taliban or al qaeda despite killing many of their rulers and troops. they are still very much active and recruiting.

So with the UK/USA having fought two terrorist groups and still not achieving the objective set out in 14 years what makes people think they will be any different fighting isis who seem to be a more determined than those two groups? Also not forgetting our armed forces are seeing budget cuts left right and centre, out of date equipment aswell as having to cut the numbers of soldiers, sailors and airmen so who are we going to send in to make any difference?

I do believe despite having a thread bare armed forces troops will eventually be sent into syria and other areas isis are occupying as no air strike is going to do the job but this time it will have to take a united nations of countries fighting ISIS not just USA/UK and eventually it will lead to world war 3.

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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyMon Jun 29, 2015 7:53 pm

If the ground forces went in ISIS would then melt away into urban areas mixing with local's using human shield tactics making it impossible to take them out without the occurrence of civilian casualties, and then of course using these civilian casualties as a tool to discredit and cause resent among the populace against any 'allied' force, they know what their doing.
It's the same typical tactics that have been used time after time by almost any insurgency this century.
It would turn into a massive sh*tcake just like Afghanistan turned into in it's final years where moving even the shortest distance taken hours and all the while bogged down with protective equipment that weighs more then your average human.
That's not fighting that's bullshit, sort our own country out first before we start getting ourselves emerged in yet another unwinnable sandpit campaign.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptySat Jul 04, 2015 1:12 pm

Russell Brand off to Syria then

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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptySat Jul 04, 2015 2:02 pm

Lord Tisdale wrote:
VillageGreen wrote:

The west are really going to have to think about other options regarding IS and how they can stop them. If they have to send in troops to take the fight to IS, then so be it.

I trust you will be volunteering then?

Same stupid rhetoric we have been hearing from the plastic ex generals and admirals, you can't fight an ideology with the blood of your own young men on their soil. This clusterfork was an inevitability the moment the septics disbanded the Iraqi Army, subsequent fork ups like arming and training any opposition to Gadaffy Duck and Assad have just exacerbated the problem, we need to get the fork out of there before we make things worse still, stop picking up jihadis from their boats in the Med and bringing them to the EU, impose proper immigration controls and search every frigging container and car coming into this country.

The problems in the Sandpit are for the people there to sort out, if that means an oil shortage then we shall all have to learn to ride a bike again, but these issues are intractable, the Sunnis will continue killing the Shias, and vice versa, until one group or the other is all dead, or they kill themselves into a state of stupor and a couple or three decent despots get a grip on things.

Us and the septics muscling in again can only make it worserer for longerer.

Daesh are a different thing altogether though. They are attemping to start armageddon, and as it is written down in the form of Islam they follow, daesh believe it is a devine right that they do so.

I read today that affiliated daesh rebels have fired rockets into Israel, is that a game- change move by them. Draw Israel in, Israel retaliates and the region becomes even more of a mess.

It will take a multi-nation force to destroy Daesh and by that i mean boots on the ground. At the moment there is no stomach for that, especially with Obama in office. After the US elections next year, i think we could well see a different attitude coming from the White House
regarding Daesh.

A former high ranking army chief has already said on Radio5live that troops must go in, most notably, the SAS and other international covet ops units.

Failing that, the West could beg the friendly Arab countries to go in and sort the mess out, but a move such as that could lead to more tensions in the region.

Failing that, the West could talk to daesh and make deals which would be beneficial to all.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyMon Jul 06, 2015 8:05 pm

Not saying a word,i know nothing about the Middle East.Or North Africa.
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyMon Jul 06, 2015 8:32 pm

VillageGreen wrote:
Lord Tisdale wrote:
VillageGreen wrote:

The west are really going to have to think about other options regarding IS and how they can stop them. If they have to send in troops to take the fight to IS, then so be it.

I trust you will be volunteering then?

Same stupid rhetoric we have been hearing from the plastic ex generals and admirals, you can't fight an ideology with the blood of your own young men on their soil. This clusterfork was an inevitability the moment the septics disbanded the Iraqi Army, subsequent fork ups like arming and training any opposition to Gadaffy Duck and Assad have just exacerbated the problem, we need to get the fork out of there before we make things worse still, stop picking up jihadis from their boats in the Med and bringing them to the EU, impose proper immigration controls and search every frigging container and car coming into this country.

The problems in the Sandpit are for the people there to sort out, if that means an oil shortage then we shall all have to learn to ride a bike again, but these issues are intractable, the Sunnis will continue killing the Shias, and vice versa, until one group or the other is all dead, or they kill themselves into a state of stupor and a couple or three decent despots get a grip on things.

Us and the septics muscling in again can only make it worserer for longerer.

Daesh are a different thing altogether though. They are attemping to start armageddon, and as it is written down in the form of Islam they follow, daesh believe it is a devine right that they do so.

I read today that affiliated daesh rebels have fired rockets into Israel, is that a game- change move by them. Draw Israel in, Israel retaliates and the region becomes even more of a mess.

It will take a multi-nation force to destroy Daesh and by that i mean boots on the ground. At the moment there is no stomach for that, especially with Obama in office. After the US elections next year, i think we could well see a different attitude coming from the White House
regarding Daesh.

A former high ranking army chief has already said on Radio5live that troops must go in, most notably, the SAS and other international covet ops units.

Failing that, the West could beg the friendly Arab countries to go in and sort the mess out, but a move such as that could lead to more tensions in the region.

Failing that, the West could talk to daesh and make deals which would be beneficial to all.

Why are you calling them daesh? they are called islamic state
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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyMon Jul 06, 2015 9:13 pm

I see no one has picked this up .North Africa and Middle East has a massive youth unemployment problem up to 25-30% in some countries.Recruitment easy for the ghad Massive problem that will last for years,but i'm a racist loon.
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Lord Tisdale

Lord Tisdale

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Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured   Terror attack in Tunisia, many Europeans killed or injured EmptyMon Jul 06, 2015 9:37 pm

VillageGreen wrote:

Daesh are a different thing altogether though. They are attemping to start armageddon, and as it is written down in the form of Islam they follow, daesh believe it is a devine right that they do so.

I read today that affiliated daesh rebels have fired rockets into Israel, is that a game- change move by them. Draw Israel in, Israel retaliates and the region becomes even more of a mess.

It will take a multi-nation force to destroy Daesh and by that i mean boots on the ground. At the moment there is no stomach for that, especially with Obama in office. After the US elections next year, i think we could well see a different attitude coming from the White House
regarding Daesh.

A former high ranking army chief has already said on Radio5live that troops must go in, most notably, the SAS and other international covet ops units.

Failing that, the West could beg the friendly Arab countries to go in and sort the mess out, but a move such as that could lead to more tensions in the region.

Failing that, the West could talk to daesh and make deals which would be beneficial to all.

Feck but you are one stupid individual.

Since the fecking Crusades of the 11th century muppets have been trying to subjugate the Rags, with no necks like you cheering them on, overwhelming military capability in Afghanistan could not deal with the Tally Tubbies, same as the might of Merka created the current problem with daesh, the military solution is to get the feck out of the way and let daesh, the Syrian Free Army, the YPK, what's left of Assad's Alawites, Hezbollah, the Iraqi army, the Iranian backed shiite militias, the KSA, Qatar and last but not least, the Israels, fight until they can't fight any more, amongst themselves.

Ex army chief talks tough?

Wow, wtf else would a rupert say?

When they are shooting the shit out of each other they are no threat at all to us, daesh cannot win, they are a sunni minority within the sunni world , the Kurds are 90% sunni, the FSA are mostly sunni, they were backed by the sunni KSA and Qatar but they have now woken up to the fact that nobody can control the nutbags, Western ground troops would just make the whole thing worse and extend the violence, it's a shame for the local non coms, but hey, life's a bitch.

This is a battle between religious feck wits in a self contained fight zone, only a complete fecking idiot would think getting involved, step up Village Green.

If you are really so keen I will pay for you to get out there and I will even tell you which end of the AR to point at the nasty people.
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