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 League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.

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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 9:21 pm

Not a new story, but i would be interested in why the majority of League One and League Two clubs have decided to support this.

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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: Re: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 9:58 pm

why not its a pointless comp at least now there could be some merit to it now.
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Sir Francis Drake

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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: Re: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 12:39 am

VillageGreen wrote:
Not a new story, but i would be interested in why the majority of League One and League Two clubs have decided to support this.

PL says "jump!"; FL says "how high?"

That's basically it although the PL will no doubt dangle some cash and all the cash-strapped clubs, which is nearly all of them, will greedily grab at it with all thoughts of sense, dignity and decorum cast asunder.

In fact the more money the FL negotiates for itself the worse it will be because then the PL will have even more leverage and the very threat that the money might one day dry up will panic them into accepting any potty self-serving idea that Scudamore's brainstrust can conjure up: re-enter the B team proposal, probably.

The analogy here is prostitution. Do the clubs want to whore themselves around? They do? The next question is simply one of money not whether they'll want to do it or not. The answer to that is implicit from the off.

I'd hate to see Argyle go along with this but I fully expect it to and I'll be shocked if it doesn't.
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X Isle

X Isle

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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: Re: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 8:17 am

Thin end of the wedge, a wedge that at it's fattest end had PL reserve teams occupying the lower leagues forevermore.

Shitty short sighted decision from Argyle.
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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: Re: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 9:44 am

Have to agree with above. The FA have to stand up for the other clubs. The Prem league and clubs like Chelsea, Man U, Liverpool etc have trampled over the needs of the Football League clubs for too long. If the Prem want B teams then let them have them in their own league and cup comps and not infest the FL.

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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: Re: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 11:32 am

Sir Francis Drake wrote:
VillageGreen wrote:
Not a new story, but i would be interested in why the majority of League One and League Two clubs have decided to support this.

PL says "jump!"; FL says "how high?"

That's basically it although the PL will no doubt dangle some cash and all the cash-strapped clubs, which is nearly all of them, will greedily grab at it with all thoughts of sense, dignity and decorum cast asunder.

In fact the more money the FL negotiates for itself the worse it will be because then the PL will have even more leverage and the very threat that the money might one day dry up will panic them into accepting any potty self-serving idea that Scudamore's brainstrust can conjure up: re-enter the B team proposal, probably.

The analogy here is prostitution. Do the clubs want to whore themselves around? They do? The next question is simply one of money not whether they'll want to do it or not. The answer to that is implicit from the off.

I'd hate to see Argyle go along with this but I fully expect it to and I'll be shocked if it doesn't.

Points taken.
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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: Re: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 2:51 pm

mouldyoldgoat wrote:
Have to agree with above. The FA have to stand up for the other clubs. The Prem league and clubs like Chelsea, Man U, Liverpool etc have trampled over the needs of the Football League clubs for too long. If the Prem want B teams then let them have them in their own league and cup comps and not infest the FL.

i Much prefer them playing reserve teams in the JPT than setting up a League 3. The JPT is a pointless comp that hardly any team takes seriously so this might now give it some merit and purpose.
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X Isle

X Isle

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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: Re: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 2:55 pm

If it was guaranteed to be just that I'd agree, trouble is it gives them a foot in the door to justify Dyke's idiotic 'League 3' idea.
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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: Re: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 10:40 pm

The problem with the JPT is that, in general, it's another game against clubs that we will be playing already during the season. And if we don't, is there any attraction in a visit of a club from division 3, probably bringing the reserves too. There will be the occasional exception - the trouble ridden Exeter game being one because we hadn't met for years, but even back in the 1990's a home game against them only attracted 1847 to Home Park.

It could kill the competition dead if Wembley has to host the final between a couple of B teams as I can't imagine huge interest for that prospect.
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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: Re: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. EmptyWed Mar 04, 2015 9:49 am

The money would be much better spent if given to lower leagues to develop home grown talent, this is just about developing the structure for the reserves to take over this shite league which is why we need out of it.
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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: Re: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. EmptyWed Mar 04, 2015 11:57 am

I read somewhere that Bristol City are expected to take 40,000 to Wembley when they play Walsall in the JPT final. I assume Walsall will take between 15,000-20,000.

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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty
PostSubject: Re: League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.   League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT. Empty

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League One and League Two clubs give thumbs up for Premier B sides to take part in JPT.
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