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 Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.

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Les Miserable
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 9:57 am

Another thread that proves that Mr. Newell finds it really really hard to tell the truth, ever. I am not a mod, I am not site owner, I haven't been backed by the owner, ect, ect...

IJN wrote:
Love the fact that YOU feel the need to tell him.

If only you could put mods on ignore

That's "Mr" Womble to you.


 Post subject: Re: Peter Shilton - Sport Life Stories on ITV 4Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:46 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:15 pm
Location: By the Ocean.
I'm not a Mod matey, you go ahead.

I'll feel better for it.  

True Janner, born within the sound of the Dockyard siren - Follow me @IJN3 & @Plymouth Lover


 Post subject: Re: Peter Shilton - Sport Life Stories on ITV 4Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:55 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:21 pm
Location: Plymouth
IJN wrote:
I'm not a Mod matey, you go ahead.

I'll feel better for it.  

I just tried - it tells me your a mod.

That's "Mr" Womble to you.


 Post subject: Re: Peter Shilton - Sport Life Stories on ITV 4Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:00 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:15 pm
Location: By the Ocean.
Can someone tell me what Womble just posted?

True Janner, born within the sound of the Dockyard siren - Follow me @IJN3 & @Plymouth Lover


 Post subject: Re: Peter Shilton - Sport Life Stories on ITV 4Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:02 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:21 pm
Location: Plymouth
IJN wrote:
Can someone tell me what Womble just posted?

I tried to add you to my foes list (as you recommended). As you are a mod the site doesnt allow this action to proceed.

That's "Mr" Womble to you.


 Post subject: Re: Peter Shilton - Sport Life Stories on ITV 4Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:11 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:15 pm
Location: By the Ocean.
Again, can someone let me know what he's saying.  

True Janner, born within the sound of the Dockyard siren - Follow me @IJN3 & @Plymouth Lover


 Post subject: Re: Peter Shilton - Sport Life Stories on ITV 4Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:19 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:21 pm
Location: Plymouth
IJN wrote:
Again, can someone let me know what he's saying.  

You are a mod. Pasoti doesnt let me ignore you when i add you to my foes. Keep asking for explanations, it makes you look very silly.

That's "Mr" Womble to you.


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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 10:05 am

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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 11:06 am

He's not a mod...................... he's more important than that. Wonder if he knows what omnipotent means ? brent worship
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 11:42 am

I'm always amazed why anyone would want to post on a forum owned and controled by the loathsome Nool.
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Les Miserable

Les Miserable

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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 11:54 am

Yeah yeah yeah alright I am a mod but I like to spell it with a G pig
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 1:36 pm

Tringreen wrote:
He's not a mod...................... he's more important than that. Wonder if he knows what omnipotent means ? brent worship

It's a bit like Jesus and his disciples. (not that Jesus existed because all religion is fuukin shit and most of the worlds problems are because of this fuukin shit called religion), anyway Laughing They can't help themselves.What do his followers think they'll get out of all this? I just don't understand?

It's like people who will only ever buy Apple products, or never buy a French car? Cooperate blindness? Brainwashed? Sheep-like mentality? Slaves? Robot's? Pwah, I don't know.
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 3:08 pm

If he is the owner he has mod powers at the end of the day. No point him lying that he doesnt because no one is that dumb to believe a word he says.
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 3:22 pm


Newell 'owned' by Womble.

How embarrassing is that?
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 4:37 pm

The site owner has to have mod powers on the forum they own because ultimately and legally they are the ones responsible for the content of their forum.
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 5:17 pm

as I stated on the zoo thread - Nool is not denying that he has mod powers because the question posed by womble is not 'do you have mod powers due to being site owner' which of course he does, but, 'are you a mod' and he isn't.
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 5:45 pm

But he is...

He's just not playing fair and wearing his badge.
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 6:09 pm

I don't see what an 'I am a fat pig' badge has to do with it? Very Happy
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 6:10 pm

Newell obviously doesn't either!
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 6:10 pm

PatDunne wrote:
as I stated on the zoo thread - Nool is not denying that he has mod powers because the question posed by womble is not 'do you have mod powers due to being site owner' which of course he does, but, 'are you a mod' and he isn't.

I could ask Chem or Mouldy are you a mod and they will say no but i am a keyholder which is basically the same thing only they have a nicer canteen.
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 7:17 pm

I posted this on the zoo thread.

As a keyholder I have all the powers of a Mod and more. I can't see how Pasoti can be any different.

It is bullshit on his part.

And Angry is right we do have a better canteen as well as chairs and free beer served by naked women! Razz

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  affraid

Now an officially semi retired old fart! bounce
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 7:29 pm

and i have to bring them pizza
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 7:46 pm

And we have asked you on many occasions not to do it naked!! affraid

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  affraid

Now an officially semi retired old fart! bounce
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 7:56 pm

You never ask me, cnuts

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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 8:52 pm

That's because we like you! clown

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  affraid

Now an officially semi retired old fart! bounce
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 8:57 pm

That's all right then.

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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 9:04 pm

mouldyoldgoat wrote:
I posted this on the zoo thread.

As a keyholder I have all the powers of a Mod and more. I can't see how Pasoti can be any different.

It is bullshit on his part.

And Angry is right we do have a better canteen as well as chairs and free beer served by naked women! Razz

Kin hell man. All I got when I was in the mod room was Iggy's stale ginger nuts and mouldy peanut butter.

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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 11:00 pm

All the others got more! Very Happy

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  affraid

Now an officially semi retired old fart! bounce
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 11:04 pm

Rickler wrote:

Newell 'owned' by Womble.

How embarrassing is that?

Very Happy
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 11:55 pm

mouldyoldgoat wrote:
All the others got more! Very Happy

Damn, I knew I was hated the minute I stepped into that damn mod room.

Hey ho! Laughing
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. EmptySat Feb 21, 2015 4:09 am

i share your pain Sad Sad
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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.   Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell. Empty

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Another example of bare faced lies by Mr. Newell.
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