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 Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs!

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Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! Empty
PostSubject: Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs!   Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! EmptyTue Sep 23, 2014 8:34 am

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Classic example of the corporatisation of the university sector. Job cuts are made, and then some highly paid manager goes on an expensive and pointless spending spree.
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Mock Cuncher

Mock Cuncher

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Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs!   Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! EmptyTue Sep 23, 2014 8:56 am


I think I'm gonna need to sit dain.
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Sir Francis Drake

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Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs!   Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! EmptyTue Sep 23, 2014 8:59 am

Dunno what the fuss is about.

A couple of days ago those chairs were £150k. Now they're £95k.

Their value is dropping faster than the Tesco share price. By the end of the week they'll be paying us to park our bottoms on them.
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Cornish Chris

Cornish Chris

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Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs!   Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! EmptyWed Sep 24, 2014 9:29 am

The black hole of student finances is going to be enormous one day. How many graduates are ever going to earn enough to pay off their £30k-plus worth of debt before it gets written off?
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Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs!   Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! EmptyWed Sep 24, 2014 11:10 am

Shows what a joke this country has become, the people at the top of the pile have no idea of the value of money quite simply because they have been having smoke blown up their collective arses ever since they were in university and ever since. They live in a world of new cars, all bills paid by direct debit and any surplus wages go to their property portfolio, they holiday abroad several times a year and take part time jobs to keep the lifestyle up when they get pensioned off, how the feck are they meant to relate to how much £150k is? I had a mate who was a lab technician in the uni, he lost his £14k a year job two years ago in cut backs, if they can afford to buy chairs at 25k each why do they need to cut back staff?
The latest bit of good news for the uni is that retired judge Taylor (who was renowned for his couldn't give a toss sentencing btw) is being investigated for being a bit touchy feely shall we say? Funny as fook. I just hope that the retired judge is tried fairly and to THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW as he would do to and has done to many a petty criminal.
Not to mention Wendy Purcell? Place is a fookin shambles.
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Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs!   Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! EmptyWed Sep 24, 2014 11:18 am

They raised tuition fees so many couldnt go to university to splash out on chairs!!!

honestly why isnt brent trying to get in on this Wink
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Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs!   Plymouth Uni spend 95k on 7 chairs! Empty

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