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 Was Wrathal at HP today

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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 11:01 am

i dont know the protocol for match sponsorship but i assume the club have the details of who the sponsors guests would be surely when the events manager saw wrathals name he informed james brent or somebody close to him! maybe jb thinks he has something to offer and thats why there were moves to get him back in hp, one last thing it is refreshing to see ian newell and chris webb joining in the condemnation seeing that they have a direct line to brent i hope they make his ears ring.
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 11:08 am

argyledj wrote:
i dont know the protocol for match sponsorship but i assume the club have the details of who the sponsors guests would be surely when the events manager saw wrathals name he informed james brent or somebody close to him! maybe jb thinks he has something to offer and thats why there were moves to get him back in hp, one last thing it is refreshing to see ian newell and chris webb joining in the condemnation seeing that they have a direct line to brent i hope they make his ears ring.
I'm sure JB has stated no one from the previous board will be involved in any way with his new regime . Why on earth would he want a proven failure at involved .
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 11:12 am

They're all being used for monkeys ... Webby, Newell, all of them, while all the deals have been done in a gentlemanly manner away from the spotlight and the rather 'crude' methods of the Southern Dumpties. Ridsdale has always said the main imperative is to get the fans on board with whatever you do.
They have been handed big colourful hats, disgraced vacated seats nobody wants to sit in, and being fed certain snippets when it has been demed appropriate or useful... the Wrathall one being one of the more obvious. I would suggest Brent told Webby half a tale when talking of Wrathall a couple of weeks ago. The gall of wrathall is breathtaking, they really are on a different planet, these sort. I don't know what happened to the little ball boy of 40 years ago, but he sure as hell has changed, and not for the better. I predict, once James has had a little word in their shell likes, they will be full of "it's not perfect, but let's forgive and move on".
Of course they would say they're no moneys. All monkeys do. Webby regards Brent as a friend. cat
Classic manipulation of the estate workers. Have they no pride ?

Looks like my boycott is going to have to stay in place a little longer until this all unravels fully. It was a good pre Christmas crowd yesterday. I would assume quite a few have returned after Ridsdale's departure.

Last edited by penzancepirate on Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 11:16 am

The sponsors don't provide a guest list. They pay their money get the tickets and invite who they want. They then choose which 6 will be guard of honour on the pitch.
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 11:23 am

How could this happen after 'the water was tested'? What was the advice that was sent back to Brent by the President? The message at best was mixed although I would say with a bias towards to Wrathall staying away? Did Brent concur with or dismiss the advice? Did The President send him transcripts of the thread or a diluted précis?

I see some prominent posters over on Pasoti are changing their minds about Wrathall. Looking like there is a serial misjudging of people and/or issues. Why would anyone trust their opinions when they flip flop so much?
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 11:26 am

Pete, there's never an audit trail with this sort of thing... most human beings aren't daft, why would they be ?
One thing is certain, Tony Wrathall knew in advance he wold be going on the pitch, and obvioiusly didn't think it would be a problem. Just makes you think what has been said to him over all these months by the Ridsdale and Brents
Just what would be the topic of conversation when all these people, all the protagonists, the heroes and the villains, meeting up behind the grandstand ?
I'll tell you, they're very civil, friendly, full of regret, but very happy the employees took a very big share of the losses ... fair's fair eh... we're all in it together .... more food for this table please. These sort of people have their own unofficial trade union... always have had, they look after their own if there is enough dosh to get awy with.
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 11:43 am

PP if you think JB has been talking to Tony Wrathall behind the scenes you are living in cloud cuckoo land . You keep inventing excuses not to turn up .
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 11:50 am

greengenes wrote:
PP if you think JB has been talking to Tony Wrathall behind the scenes you are living in cloud cuckoo land . You keep inventing excuses not to turn up .

You sound very sure? How do you know he hasn't?
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 11:53 am

One person's excuse is another's moral imperative.
I was booked in for the Northampton game due to the pressure of visiting friends, but cancelled when hearing of the President's previous invite of Tony Wrathall. I had to do with meeting up for a drink AFTER the game.
Ridsdale's going is now appearing not the only problem, as he wasn't the only person making all the decisions ... his ghost and the deals left in his wake could be a deal breaker foir me. I'm a concientious consumer, always have been, always will be. I'm not perfect, but I try my best. The Argyle decision has been a piece of cake for me personally, but it does cause issues with friend and family.
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 11:55 am

OK if you accept that there has been no contact between Brent and Wrathall before yesterday (although there has been contact via intermediaries as evidenced by Brent releasing the fact that Wrathall want to blame so much and the Presidents teasing of the water) then the question is what did Brent think yesterday, did he meet and greet Wrathall pre match/post match. Even if they didn't meet what was his faction to Wrathall being there especially going onto the pitch. Has he told him not to do it again?

Stand up at a football ground and you risk a banning order. Be part of running a football club into the ground and you get to walk around the hallowed halls behind the grandstand and walk onto the pitch and shake hands with the team captain manager.

I surprised that someone didn't 'unleash the dogs' on him the moment it happened.
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Mr President

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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:00 pm

It was nice to have a night off the internet (well almost) last night.

I didn't know that Mr Wrathall was attending the match yesterday let alone going onto the pitch.

I was all over the place yesterday with the fansfest, scarf selling, songsheets, looking after our guests (the gentleman who always drops £100 into the GTs each match).

I went to the Devonport yesterday but my son stayed with Ian and they went to the Devonport 1st half, grandstand 2nd. I located Ian in the business lounge post match and that was the first time I saw TW.

It was not until Mikes post actually that I knew he had also gone onto the pitch.

Let me be very clear. My post a few weeks ago was about Tony coming back as a 'normal' supporter, paying for his ticket and watching a game.

What I saw yesterday was something very different from that. At best it was cringeworthy and at worst a bit gut wrenching to be honest.

I genuinely do not think TW deliberately set out to upset people but I think his clear lack of judgement and i'll say it - intelligence is unbelievable.

Shaking hands with people as if he had just bought Argyle. On the pitch that he shares a responsibility for not paying for. You really couldn't make it up.

Above all this, though comes the issue of rubbing the staffs noses in it. Some of these people are literally desperate and will have an awful Christmas. Humility and a little tact would have gone a long way. I saw none of that.

I think one of the major traits of a decent person is being able to put your hand up and say that you called it wrong. I am doing this on Tony Wrathall. I felt that he would show the sense to behave in the right fashion. He didn't and it turned my stomach to watch him parading in the business lounge being served by our staff. Not on.

Above all though, is the view of the staff. I am 100% sure that James Brent will take their opinions onboard and deal with this matter accordingly. He is also aware of the supporters concerns.

Overall - just not needed. Poor form Tony.

PS, hopefully this will go some way to demonstrating that I will ALWAYS speak against something I do not agree with - and nothing will ever change that.

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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:03 pm

Dougie wrote:
OK if you accept that there has been no contact between Brent and Wrathall before yesterday (although there has been contact via intermediaries as evidenced by Brent releasing the fact that Wrathall want to blame so much and the Presidents teasing of the water) then the question is what did Brent think yesterday, did he meet and greet Wrathall pre match/post match. Even if they didn't meet what was his faction to Wrathall being there especially going onto the pitch. Has he told him not to do it again?

Stand up at a football ground and you risk a banning order. Be part of running a football club into the ground and you get to walk around the hallowed halls behind the grandstand and walk onto the pitch and shake hands with the team captain manager.

I surprised that someone didn't 'unleash the dogs' on him the moment it happened.

Chris Webb has just unconditionally condemned Wrathalls pitch appearance . See Pasoti .
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Mr President

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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:04 pm

greengenes wrote:
Dougie wrote:
OK if you accept that there has been no contact between Brent and Wrathall before yesterday (although there has been contact via intermediaries as evidenced by Brent releasing the fact that Wrathall want to blame so much and the Presidents teasing of the water) then the question is what did Brent think yesterday, did he meet and greet Wrathall pre match/post match. Even if they didn't meet what was his faction to Wrathall being there especially going onto the pitch. Has he told him not to do it again?

Stand up at a football ground and you risk a banning order. Be part of running a football club into the ground and you get to walk around the hallowed halls behind the grandstand and walk onto the pitch and shake hands with the team captain manager.

I surprised that someone didn't 'unleash the dogs' on him the moment it happened.

Chris Webb has just unconditionally condemned Wrathalls pitch appearance . See Pasoti .

Or see above mate Very Happy
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:07 pm

Chris Webb wrote:
greengenes wrote:
Dougie wrote:
OK if you accept that there has been no contact between Brent and Wrathall before yesterday (although there has been contact via intermediaries as evidenced by Brent releasing the fact that Wrathall want to blame so much and the Presidents teasing of the water) then the question is what did Brent think yesterday, did he meet and greet Wrathall pre match/post match. Even if they didn't meet what was his faction to Wrathall being there especially going onto the pitch. Has he told him not to do it again?

Stand up at a football ground and you risk a banning order. Be part of running a football club into the ground and you get to walk around the hallowed halls behind the grandstand and walk onto the pitch and shake hands with the team captain manager.

I surprised that someone didn't 'unleash the dogs' on him the moment it happened.

Chris Webb has just unconditionally condemned Wrathalls pitch appearance . See Pasoti .

Or see above mate Very Happy
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:10 pm

Pretty clear there.

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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:10 pm

Chris, how was your initial contact with Wrathal brought about, who instigated it and who made contact with who etc?
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:11 pm

Pete1886 wrote:
The sponsors don't provide a guest list. They pay their money get the tickets and invite who they want. They then choose which 6 will be guard of honour on the pitch.

i find that incredible surely the club must know who will be attending whats to stop somebody with a banning order turn up as a sponsors guest and even if they did have no idea until he turned up surely there was enough time for a decision to be made that it would be inappropriate for him to go pitchside... a couple of weeks ago a thread about him returning to games and now this if anyone belives its a coincidence then they must be living in cloud cukoo land somebody at argyle has an agenda to see him return the question is why?.
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:12 pm

Who were the sponsors yesterday?
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Mr President

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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:16 pm

GOB wrote:
Chris, how was your initial contact with Wrathal brought about, who instigated it and who made contact with who etc?

I have never spoken to him in my life.

He went to Gary of the GTs saying he wanted to come back as a fan but feared for his safety. I felt that it was wrong for him to feel physically threatened if he wanted to pay his £ to get in etc.

I think I have made my feelings on yesterday clear enough.
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:16 pm

Weather there was info on who the sponsors wanted to invite or not that fact remains that Wrathal knew this would be exactly the reaction of him going onto the pitch, Also the people who invited him knew this reaction, Certain people who think they are in the know at the top level of PAFC are being fed information that others WANT them to know, It seems to me its just people testing the water, Get the reaction over with and then start the charm offensive.

PAFC may have been "Saved" but the site of one of the former board members stuffing himself in corporate surroundings and being served by the people who he fucked over stinks!!!

If the President and other "Top Table" people really do have any influence over Brent then they must meet and tell him this is way out of line and should not be repeated otherwise they withdraw their support of him!!!

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Mr President

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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:18 pm

argyledj wrote:
Pete1886 wrote:
The sponsors don't provide a guest list. They pay their money get the tickets and invite who they want. They then choose which 6 will be guard of honour on the pitch.

i find that incredible surely the club must know who will be attending whats to stop somebody with a banning order turn up as a sponsors guest and even if they did have no idea until he turned up surely there was enough time for a decision to be made that it would be inappropriate for him to go pitchside... a couple of weeks ago a thread about him returning to games and now this if anyone belives its a coincidence then they must be living in cloud cukoo land somebody at argyle has an agenda to see him return the question is why?.

What agenda could that be then? He's lost most of his money so offers nothing in that way. Oh so that means that James Brent must want him onboard for his incredible judgement??............not everything requires a conspiracy theory argyledj.
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:19 pm

Thanks for the post Mr President.
Many people said you were backing the wrong horse with Wrathall a couple of weeks ago.
You didn't listen.
I would wager the Wrathall thing isn't the only thing that just might come back to bite you in the next couple of months when bones rise to the surface as they inevitably must given the probable deals done.. It's not your integrity that is at question here, that's irrelevant and would take a milenium to debate, it's your judgement.
What are you going to do about Wrathallgate thaen Mr President, or are you just a token post for branding and sales purposes. What of the fans at the centre of the club ?
Watch out for your friend James, or his worker, taking you aside for a quick matey word.
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Mapperley, darling

Mapperley, darling

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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:22 pm

argyledj wrote:
Pete1886 wrote:
The sponsors don't provide a guest list. They pay their money get the tickets and invite who they want. They then choose which 6 will be guard of honour on the pitch.

i find that incredible surely the club must know who will be attending whats to stop somebody with a banning order turn up as a sponsors guest and even if they did have no idea until he turned up surely there was enough time for a decision to be made that it would be inappropriate for him to go pitchside... a couple of weeks ago a thread about him returning to games and now this if anyone belives its a coincidence then they must be living in cloud cukoo land somebody at argyle has an agenda to see him return the question is why?.

i would think , going from previous experience, that pete is correct. ive been a guest at other clubs and my name was not written down, i just turned up at reception, said im with blah blah, and was let in.

edited to correct poster
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Mr President

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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:25 pm

penzancepirate wrote:
Thanks for the post Mr President.
Many people said you were backing the wrong horse with Wrathall a couple of weeks ago.
You didn't listen.
I would wager the Wrathall thing isn't the only thing that just might come back to bite you in the next couple of months when bones rise to the surface as they inevitably must given the probable deals done.. It's not your integrity that is at question here, that's irrelevant and would take a milenium to debate, it's your judgement.
What are you going to do about Wrathallgate thaen Mr President, or are you just a token post for branding and sales purposes. What of the fans at the centre of the club ?
Watch out for your friend James, or his worker, taking you aside for a quick matey word.

An opportunist post PP.

I will repeat AGAIN, my post a few weeks back was related to simply attending as a supporter and paying his way, not lording it in the business lounge and going on the pitch.

I will back my judgement against anyone. Was it right for me to out the ex directors trying to hijack James Brents bid? Yes. Was it right for me to promote the staff not taking another waiver on the last day of the takeover? Yes. Was it right to make Guilfoyle feel the heat at public meetings? Yes..........I could go on.

What am I going to do? I have already spoken to James Brent and relayed my feelings. He knows the supporters aren't happy. He has also received feedback from staff and will continue that this week. I guess you'll have to attend the next game see if there is a repeat of yesterday. I think not but then your judgement is so much better.
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Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Wrathal at HP today   Was Wrathal at HP today - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:25 pm

Of course the club know who is attending. Otherwise, it would be a free for all. Just turn up at the hospitality and say you are with the sponsor. At SJP my name is on a list if I am a sponsor's guest.

Chris, will you be taking this up with JB when you next have contact? JB must have been aware TW was going to be there yesterday, even if that were acceptable I would have expected someone would have ensured TW kept a low profile.

The arrogance of the man is astounding. If JB doesn't have an agenda for TW then surely there must be some official 'distancing' from the shameful events yesterday. If not, it seriously undermines your credibility too Chris as it is clear you are being used and abused by the suits.
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