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 Strange rumour about the club

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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 15:47

I've been told a rumour twice now from two separate people that since buying the club two years ago Brent has paid no rent or rates whatsoever scratch 

I've no idea if there is any substance to the story or if there is any way of finding out from PCC if this is the case.

It doesn't make any sense really because the rent has been increased to the club due to the development being given the go ahead but I just thought it was strange that I've been told this story twice now and quite some time apart.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 16:28

Well maybe it's no so strange judging by some messages I have been sent scratch 

Does anyone know if there is any way that this can be checked?
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 16:34

As a rent free period? Or defaulting? If at all.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 16:41

From what I've been told there has never been any rent or rates paid on Home Park since James Brent took over. I don't know how that could be the case but that's what I'm told.

I'm told that the local press are on to it as well and have made freedom of information requests to PCC to find out what is going on.

I wasn't sure about this when I was first told but there does appear to be a widespread belief that this is the case.

What the feck is going on?
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 16:41

Can this be checked via a freedom of information request or would PCC claim confidentiality etc?
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 16:50

Worth checking out to see if there is any merit in this rumour.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 17:05

Even a year or so ago, I'd have been in a mixture of shock and denial on hearing something like this. Now it's not only not shocking, it's pretty believable.

And if it's not true, whoever's on guard duty today should make Brent aware that it's common currency so he can issue a public denial before his name becomes even more muddy.

Edit: changed my mind about the 'pretty' bit. It's believable.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 17:11

Tell you something else an all. Rates are the business equivalent of council tax, aren't they? Everybody in Plymouth, regardless of their income or lack of it, has to pay 25% of their council tax, and it's putting people in debt and/or fear of eviction, depending on how they're making difficult financial decisions. Last tax year, I only earned about £4,000 plus working tax credits, but I had to pay virtually all my council tax.

So if somebody (or a 'business entity' or whatever the club counts as) with the kind of resources we're talking about is withholding or failing to pay the equivalent of council tax, it should be front page news.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 17:19

I don't know. Maybe it's a rumour being spread on purpose so that someone can look foolish but from what I've heard it's 100% true and being investigated.

Isn't Mr Brent wonderful for the City Very Happy  Like a breath of fresh air.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 17:24

I ....I....I'm sure there....there....there's a....a.....a..... perfectly reasonable answer. When people have finished doing their.....their.....their calculations, I shall inform of....of....of their findings.

Don't hold your breath.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 17:26

Anyone friendly with Sparksy or Errington on twatter? If the local press are investigating it they should know about it.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 17:44

It was about May the last time I was told this by someone who would know and has no reason to be lying to me.

I asked if it was possibly linked to the £200K pa (for 10 years) Brent is being paid for running the Pavillions before Millbay development, but was told this wasn't the case as that is through (yet) another company Five Directions Limited.

Don't know if he has paid up since.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 17:55

Get those buckets out. jocolor 
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 17:57

It can't be true, I've just checked on pasoti and theres nothing on there about it. Razz 
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 18:00

I have to say as much as I love Jock I can see how he might be set up but for GG to corroborate his story sounds all too plausible - sorry Jock Embarassed 

The problem is how can this be validated? If not it just becomes rumour from that libellous site over the road.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 18:23

The Club was allowed not to pay Business Council Tax during the admin period to help the Club through what was a dodgy period, if this has been permitted to continue after the admin period then there should be serious questions asked!
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 18:26

oh i can see the abuse report function in the mod room going off the hook later lol
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 18:45

Pokesdown wrote:
I have to say as much as I love Jock I can see how he might be set up but for GG to corroborate his story sounds all too plausible - sorry Jock Embarassed 

The problem is how can this be validated? If not it just becomes rumour from that libellous site over the road.
No problem I know exactly where you're coming from. I've also had messages from other people who know about this but don't want to post anything about it for one reason or another.

I've said all along that this is what I've been told but it has come from a variety of sources now. One of the accounts in particular has some detail which makes me believe that this is true. If I'm being set up in any way it doesn't really bother me at all as I'm just reporting what I have been told.

It's not like I'm claiming it to be true such as me saying "James Brent is a complete cnut." I would actually say " I think James Brent is an absolute cnut and I can't stand seeing his feckin speccy face and listening to his bullshit stuttering speech trying to make out he's overawed by all this big business stuff when all along he knows exactly what he's doing and is a ruthless prick with a bunch of wankers as friends"

Very Happy 
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 19:08

Greenjock wrote:
Pokesdown wrote:
I have to say as much as I love Jock I can see how he might be set up but for GG to corroborate his story sounds all too plausible - sorry Jock Embarassed 

The problem is how can this be validated? If not it just becomes rumour from that libellous site over the road.
No problem I know exactly where you're coming from. I've also had messages from other people who know about this but don't want to post anything about it for one reason or another.

I've said all along that this is what I've been told but it has come from a variety of sources now. One of the accounts in particular has some detail which makes me believe that this is true. If I'm being set up in any way it doesn't really bother me at all as I'm just reporting what I have been told.

It's not like I'm claiming it to be true such as me saying "James Brent is a complete cnut." I would actually say " I think James Brent is an absolute cnut and I can't stand seeing his feckin speccy face and listening to his bullshit stuttering speech trying to make out he's overawed by all this big business stuff when all along he knows exactly what he's doing and is a ruthless prick with a bunch of wankers as friends"

Very Happy 
Geddon Jock. Have a good evening Very Happy 

p.s. Happened to frequent Waitrose today and purchased their own brand Traditional farmhouse 6% Cider. For less than a fiver for 3 litres it's nice and great value.

p.p.s. feckin Reading conceding a 90th minute penalty cost me £80. Trevor Senior, Steve Coppell, Cilla Black shagging Madjeski....I hope you get relegated Evil or Very Mad 
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 19:45

Nothing would surprise me about a Tory Boy playing the Tory game.

Meanwhile a poor 23 year old girl who lived a lifetime of hardship got evicted for £700 arrears.

If true, Brent isn't the only blame here.
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Mock Cuncher

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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 21:04

Waitrose wankurrr
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Lord Melbury

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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 21:06

On the subject of rumours, I heard a different one the other day.
Someone told me that the people who were due to buy/take on the cinema at HHP (possible Odeon but not sure) have pulled out of the deal.
No idea if its true but if so may help to explain the lack of activity.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 21:08

Nothing on any other site so can't be true! Very Happy Very Happy jocolor jocolor jocolor jocolor 
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 22:11

FY 310 wrote:
On the subject of rumours, I heard a different one the other day.
Someone told me that the people who were due to buy/take on the cinema at HHP (possible Odeon but not sure) have pulled out of the deal.
No idea if its true but if so may help to explain the lack of activity.
That ones not true, odeon are the only confirmed tenant at this time.
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Strange rumour about the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strange rumour about the club   Strange rumour about the club EmptySat 26 Oct 2013, 22:21

Mrrapson wrote:
FY 310 wrote:
On the subject of rumours, I heard a different one the other day.
Someone told me that the people who were due to buy/take on the cinema at HHP (possible Odeon but not sure) have pulled out of the deal.
No idea if its true but if so may help to explain the lack of activity.
That ones not true, odeon are the only confirmed tenant at this time.
How do you know that (please)?
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