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 Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore

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Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore Empty
PostSubject: Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore   Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 7:39 pm

or his miniskirt.

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Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore   Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 7:40 pm

Socks are the work of the devil himself.

Anonymity, lol you soft cocked cnut.
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Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore   Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 8:18 pm

Good. Flip-flops are not shoes, and should only be worn on the beach or by the swimming pool. How anybody could even consider them suitable workwear - regardless of how informal the workplace might be - staggers me.

For further advice on clothes and that, go to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore   Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 11:40 pm

He'll be gutted Jock and especially about the mini skirt. Won't mind the flip flop bit as he usually prefers high heels with his skirts anyway. He looks awesome of course.

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Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore   Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 7:40 am

Peggy * wrote:
Good. Flip-flops are not shoes, and should only be worn on the beach or by the swimming pool. How anybody could even consider them suitable workwear - regardless of how informal the workplace might be - staggers me.

For further advice on clothes and that, go to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Flip flops and driving should constitute a fine or even a driving emergency stop is nearly impossible.....your foot can slip out when they are sweaty.
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Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore   Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 7:42 am

seadog wrote:
Socks are the work of the devil himself.

Socks....are to be worked off....ask Carl .
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Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore   Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 9:53 am

I'm GMB. I'm not sure what Unison are banging on about. It's hot everywhere. I've not worn a tie for about two weeks but wearing trousers and a shirt and shoes isn't too much to ask. It's probably directed more at women although I did see a bloke the other day wearing shorts, socks and a pair of brogues.

Unions don't do themselves many favours with this kind of approach.

Quote :
Plymouth City Council is not taking an appropriately pragmatic approach to the challenges our members face conforming to their managers' expectations in the current weather conditions.

I've never had a manager tell me what to wear apart from the need to wear safety shoes sometimes but then, they're provided and it's pretty obvious why you have to wear them.

This isn't an issue at all. We got a mesage on the Staffroom but nobody commented upon it - most people are grown up enough and sensible enough to realise they're going to work and not to the beach.
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Mock Cuncher

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Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore   Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 10:12 am

ZYPH wrote:
Peggy * wrote:
Good. Flip-flops are not shoes, and should only be worn on the beach or by the swimming pool. How anybody could even consider them suitable workwear - regardless of how informal the workplace might be - staggers me.

For further advice on clothes and that, go to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Flip flops and driving should constitute a fine or even a driving emergency stop is nearly impossible.....your foot can slip out when they are sweaty.
I drive barefoot rather than in me flops.
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Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore   Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 10:43 am

Driving in Japanese Sea Boots is a bit extreme, but other than that de rigeur.

Anonymity, lol you soft cocked cnut.
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Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore   Hairy isn't allowed to wear his sandals to work anymore Empty

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