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 The Infamous Greenman Posts

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Chemical Ali
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 11:05 am

GOB wrote:
Tringreen wrote:
As a point of fact, I believe Penz was virtually running the show alone here for long periods, at a time when the control freaks from the farm were on a trouble making mission.

Sadly, he seems to have tired of the endless fight against tyranny, for the time being.

Nail on head Tring, Penz was fed up with Newell's hate campaign but I have a feeling that he'll return one day, we need people like him.

Eh no. As I recall there was an overnight spat between PenzancePirate and GOB, PP closed down PTD and left. lol!

Nothing to do with Pasoti, although PTD is trying to be like Pasoti. lol!

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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: 1009   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 4:15 pm

A nerve has been well and truly hit. You lot on pasoti talk democratic like to take the piss but dont like it when its coming back at you. Does anyone on here actually support PAFC or even like the club
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: 1008   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 10:09 pm

Greenjock wrote:
Grovehill wrote:
pilgrim_pete wrote:
So Grovehill, you are absolutely denying sending any abusive PMs or emails to El Pres?

I would like to get to the bottom of it, cos someone is telling fibs.

I have not sent abusive or threatening PM's or e-mail to anyone.

I am a middle aged, middle manager, not some "freaky" teenager!

So Pilgrim-Pete, are you going to start asking questions on Pasoti about all of this? If you are and you get fobbed off or told it's none of your business, maybe you could message the President and ask him what is going on?

Even you as someone who has recently started posting on here, questioning this site and some of the things said because you are obviously a Pasoti regular, must admit that this situation with the allegations against Grovehill is mighty strange. The reason for Grovehill's banning has changed to a very vague "sending vile e-mails", yet originally the reply from the Pasotimods had disclosed details of an alleged private message sent by Grovehill to Mr President, Chris Webb.

Grovehill has repeatedly denied that he sent the message and is unable to get a response form the mods on Pasoti. He also says that his account was re-activated by someone other than himself, which further fuels the speculation that something is amiss with the mods accusation. As far as I can see there has been no response from Chris Webb on the subject, which again I find strange, as usually Chris is very forthright in his denials if things are said about him that he disagrees with.

Before you do and seek some answers, can I ask you this honestly, if Grovehill didn't send a threatening message to Chris Webb, how have the details been seen by the mods? And if Grovehill didn't send the threatening message, why has Chris Webb threatened to meet or contact Grovehill's bosses in order to give them details of things that Grovehill has said or done?

Perhaps there is a perfectly reasonable explanation and this has all been a mix up. IJN was involved in an unfortunate incident with myself a while back, which turned out to be a mix-up, and for the inconvenience and distress suffered by me over the mix-up, IJN kindly donated a signed shirt which was auctioned off on Pasoti, with the proceeds going to a charity that researches Niemann Pick disease, a rare disease that my younger brother died of. I just wonder if this is a similar "mix-up" or "misunderstanding" and that yourself as a Pasoti regular could get to the bottom of it, and let Grovehill know the outcome of your enquiries?

If you are not able to find anything out, and I do realise that since IJN is no longer a Pasoti mod, and with the loss of another former mod Daz recently, even though his name still appears from time to time as online and in bold, just like when he was a Pasoti mod, that they may well be busy. If this is the case then I am sure that they would let you know that they are investigating it and will get back to you in due course.

Another scenario is that the Pasoti mods and Mr President maintain their silence on the matter hoping that it will disappear into thin air. I have a feeling that this will not be the case as there are so many interested parties on this site.

Or the President is telling the truth and grovehill isn't.

Also you say IJN has helped out with a donation to help a charity linked to your brother and still you slander him and call him all names under the sun. What a nasty piece of work you are!
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: 1006   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 10:57 am

wiki-leaker wrote:
Deep Throat's post history is interesting.

Looking through this poster's history, there seems to be little more than rumour spreading, bile towards Guillfoyle and Heaney and support for the Brent takeover bid.

Wow, that narrows it right down. lol!
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptySun Apr 15, 2012 11:04 am

Peggy wrote:
GOB wrote:
For the record, It should be mentioned that ATD Moderators have only one name and that's the name that they use. There is one other name that I used on a few occasions to test the site during development, it was Test Pilot and has not been used for a considerable time. There is also the "Admin" name that has to be used for the administration of the site and is available to all moderators.

There's arguments for and against having a separate name for moderating: when I was a mod over there, I was certainly more comfortable doing it under a pseudonym than under my own name. Not because I had anything to hide, but because it kept the two things separate and gave me the freedom to post as myself without having to think about how it might be perceived. When a number of us were effectively forced to mod under our own names, it made it virtually impossible to post.

Yes i remember that episode. Rickler stole your private info and threatened to out you. And now your both bosum buddies on the same forum.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: 1007   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptySun Apr 15, 2012 11:57 am

Lol your no different than the website your obssessed with. Pasoti Argyle Talk. We don't ban anyone. Yeah right
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: 1005   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 11:52 pm

Andy_Symons wrote:
I'm not going to try and keep up with unfolding events. I'm just going to post the once, giving my run-down of what I know, what I saw happening, and what I think should happen.

Dingle's assessment is spot on. Rather than counsel a REAL MATE on what to do, Ian Newell took advantage of the situation for his own ends. Dingle's covered it superbly. I don't need to add anything. Except to say that I haven't trusted Ian Newell for months. I'd now be very surprised if anyone with even half a brain-cell trusted him again.

I was told of Wozzer's involvement on Friday morning. Initially I didn't believe it. But I spoke to a couple of people, and it became apparent that this was turning into more than just a misguided rumour. I spoke to a couple of people who post on both ATD and Pasoti, and whom I trust. Obviously the genie was out of the bottle, so I sent Wozzer a text message, saying I'd heard a ridiculous rumour that he had been responsible for some of the Deep Throat posts, and that I thought I should warn him. I also said that I wasn't taking these rumours seriously, but I thought he ought to know.

He replied to me with a single sentence; " Who the f*** is saying that sh*t?"

This was on friday afternoon, at about 5pm. Friday the 13th, as it happens.

I can accept that Woz was manipulated and used by a man he felt he should be able to trust. I understand that Newell saw an opportunity to push his own agenda by taking advantage of someone that he professed was a mate. I understand that Newell behaved like the unprincipled shit we know him to be. I sympathise with the situation Woz found himself in. I do wonder whether Wozzer's worries about 'backstabbing' were merely as a result of a whispering campaign at the time by people who would prefer the Trust to fail in favour of the GASBoard.

What I can't accept is the message I had from Woz when I, in as subtle a way as I could manage, tried to ask him if he was Deep Throat.

For those of you that don't know, I consider Wozzer to be a REAL friend. We drink together. We play cricket in the same team. If he needed money, a shoulder to cry on, a roof over his head, or anything it was in my power to assist him with, I'd do it. I can only guess that he'd be the same towards me. Yet when he was given the opportunity to come clean, he felt he had to lie to me. That's the thing that gets to me the most about this whole sorry affair.

I'd like to think our friendship will survive this. Whether it will is down to him. I hope he can give me an adequate explanation as to why he felt the need to lie when I messaged him about what I'd been hearing. Because Woz is a good guy. it's just that on this occasion he's been a complete bleedin' idiot, and I'm afraid that, in my opinion, as a result of his continued dishonesty, the Trust Board should accept his resignation.

Some mate you are Slyman. Kick him when he's down!
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: 1004   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 21, 2012 11:46 pm

knecht wrote:
Rickler wrote:
Knecht aside...

Please tell me they are all playing dumb on that thread and aren't actually that stupid?

They are all playing dumb on that thread. Very Happy

I'm not sure about me.

Good to see you're well after your most embarrassing public breakdown last night. lol!
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: 1003   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 28, 2012 8:02 pm

I didn't say a word about your son. Bringing the thread back will prove that.

Apology accepted but you're still an obnoxious tosser.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyTue May 01, 2012 5:55 pm

And the award for most sly, two faced Argyle online person for 2011-2012 goes to... ,
Andy Symons!

Congrats. Well deserved.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyTue May 01, 2012 8:27 pm

Wozzer, Symons nickname is Slyman for a good reason.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyTue May 01, 2012 9:52 pm

Removed as requested but just remember the threats and abuse that u allow greenjock to post. He has made several enemies according to the pm I recieved.

You hadn't removed it, so I did - Site Admin
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 2:13 pm

Here you go guys - these are the posts made by Greenman on the public boards. The posts have been split from the original topics so they are completely out of context.

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Chemical Ali

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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 2:21 pm

One of the posts on Chris Webb is interesting Laughing

Quote :
The simple FACTS are that I have received no email, PM or phone call or text from Mr President regarding this alleged banned IP address. He has my email address, in fact everyone does, it's on this thread. He also has my mobile number, I know this because Andy Symons gave it to him.

I also have a list of the banned IP addresses and why.

Most of them were for multiple sign ups and 'bogus' login names designed to cause trouble for this site. There are only two others which are the typical 'make your cock bigger' advertising spam.

From this I can only conclude that because of the persistent silence from Chris Webb on his IP address; he will not reveal it because it would prove him as a disgraceful liar and troublemaker. Hardly the sort of behaviour from someone who wants to unite the fans of our football club and the conduct of the club President. What would James Brent think of this?

So, come on then Chris clear your name or be forever associated with dirty tricks and underhandedness.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 2:30 pm

Chemical Ali wrote:
The Cerbs post on Chris Webb is interesting Laughing

Cerbera wrote:

Quote :
The simple FACTS are that I have received no email, PM or phone call or text from Mr President regarding this alleged banned IP address. He has my email address, in fact everyone does, it's on this thread. He also has my mobile number, I know this because Andy Symons gave it to him.

I also have a list of the banned IP addresses and why.

Most of them were for multiple sign ups and 'bogus' login names designed to cause trouble for this site. There are only two others which are the typical 'make your cock bigger' advertising spam.

From this I can only conclude that because of the persistent silence from Chris Webb on his IP address; he will not reveal it because it would prove him as a disgraceful liar and troublemaker. Hardly the sort of behaviour from someone who wants to unite the fans of our football club and the conduct of the club President. What would James Brent think of this?

So, come on then Chris clear your name or be forever associated with dirty tricks and underhandedness.

lol! How the worm has turned ! lol!

I think the repeated use of the following terms of endearment narrows the field, just a tad pig

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Greenman wrote:
Subject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:38 pm
Guys I did warn you about the Fool in the Pool. The one trick pony will hold back this forum.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 2:31 pm

Chemical Ali wrote:
The Cerbs post on Chris Webb is interesting Laughing

Cerbera wrote:

Quote :
The simple FACTS are that I have received no email, PM or phone call or text from Mr President regarding this alleged banned IP address. He has my email address, in fact everyone does, it's on this thread. He also has my mobile number, I know this because Andy Symons gave it to him.

I also have a list of the banned IP addresses and why.

Most of them were for multiple sign ups and 'bogus' login names designed to cause trouble for this site. There are only two others which are the typical 'make your cock bigger' advertising spam.

From this I can only conclude that because of the persistent silence from Chris Webb on his IP address; he will not reveal it because it would prove him as a disgraceful liar and troublemaker. Hardly the sort of behaviour from someone who wants to unite the fans of our football club and the conduct of the club President. What would James Brent think of this?

So, come on then Chris clear your name or be forever associated with dirty tricks and underhandedness.

Yeah makes Cerbs look like a bit of a cnut now.

Yeah Cerbs, you still think that ATD supplying Pasoti greenmans ip address will result in anything but a cover-up?

If greenman wasn't Webb, Newell, daz, Ponty, Jameson or PL2 Faced or a multi they all used, or someone getting used by that lot and given info by them, then I'll streak naked at a fanfest.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 2:55 pm

I have to admit then when I read Cerbs comment, I chuckled.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 2:58 pm

Greenman wrote:
Tringreen wrote:
Ha ha ! The joint custodian of the PAFC Flat Earth Society has joined the fray. At least he can string a few thoughts together, even if they are insular.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed Aviva boy is king.

Petrie, Webb, Newell cyclops lol!

Seriously guys if you want this website to progress you need to get rid of the Fool in the Pool above. I noticed your membership has been stuck on 253 for several weeks and Tring the One Trick Pony isn't helping your cause.

And now it's 439 and still rising, thanks to Ian lol!
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 3:20 pm

I think we can deduce from Greenman's comments above that he is someone well versed in the history of the internet twattery. If you then take into account his knowledge of Hooper's investigation into Jock it doesn't leave a large pool of suspects.

But whoever he is, I am sure he will attempt to justify his actions with the same old excuses.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 3:23 pm

Well this is very enlightening. Would love to see Cerbs comments repeated on Pasoti. Reading through that little lot it is written very much in the style of Webb and Newell in places. I am even more sure it is one or both of them involved now.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 3:37 pm

It's all here for the world to read and it's up to those people what they wish to believe now, but you have to be a bit dim, blinkered or corrupt to ignore what is now so plainly obvious.

I guess the solicitors letter will be interesting! lol!

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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 4:18 pm

Greenjock wrote:
Chemical Ali wrote:
The Cerbs post on Chris Webb is interesting Laughing

Cerbera wrote:

Quote :
The simple FACTS are that I have received no email, PM or phone call or text from Mr President regarding this alleged banned IP address. He has my email address, in fact everyone does, it's on this thread. He also has my mobile number, I know this because Andy Symons gave it to him.

I also have a list of the banned IP addresses and why.

Most of them were for multiple sign ups and 'bogus' login names designed to cause trouble for this site. There are only two others which are the typical 'make your cock bigger' advertising spam.

From this I can only conclude that because of the persistent silence from Chris Webb on his IP address; he will not reveal it because it would prove him as a disgraceful liar and troublemaker. Hardly the sort of behaviour from someone who wants to unite the fans of our football club and the conduct of the club President. What would James Brent think of this?

So, come on then Chris clear your name or be forever associated with dirty tricks and underhandedness.

Yeah makes Cerbs look like a bit of a cnut now.

Yeah Cerbs, you still think that ATD supplying Pasoti greenmans ip address will result in anything but a cover-up?

If greenman wasn't Webb, Newell, daz, Ponty, Jameson or PL2 Faced or a multi they all used, or someone getting used by that lot and given info by them, then I'll streak naked at a fanfest.

I have spoken to Lee today and asked him straight if he was Greenman, he categorically denies any involvement. I believe him. He had no reason to lie to me.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 4:34 pm

It's obviously not Lee Wozzer, he has difficulty spelling for one thing. No this is written much more in the style of 2 others. You are obviously well read on this as are the others on Pasoti. Weighing up all the evidence here can you confidently say none of those mentioned were involved in Greenman? Isn't it pretty clear to you who was responsible for Greenman?

Last edited by swampy on Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 4:38 pm

And doesn't that style stand out.
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The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Infamous Greenman Posts   The Infamous Greenman Posts - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 4:42 pm

swampy wrote:
It's obviously not Lee Wozzer, he has difficulty spelling for one thing. No this is written much more in the style of 2 others. You are obviously well read on this as are the others on Pasoti. Weighing up all the evidence here can you confidently say none of those mentioned were involved in Greenman? Isn't it pretty clear to you who was responsible for Greenman?

Sorry but I am not going to get involved in conjecture. All I know is that it isn't myself or Lee.
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