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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 5:42 pm

Nool calling someone else awful Razz he gives scum a bad name ,a real disgusting bully boy. webb proven liar, shocking choice to be anyones club president not a good advert for the trade union movement. last but not least pl2postcode/ greenman, another loathsome individual, resign greenman the truth will out. ps yeah man top mod, great poster!
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 5:47 pm

I was once in the same room as Tewell but it's ok, afterwards i dipped myself in napalm, peeled my flesh and disenfected myself by bathing in salt, it seemed to ease the stentch of pasiti corruption.

Last edited by GOB on Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 5:49 pm

IJN wrote:
Steve, a bit of matey advice, don't read their rubbish, I'm in a far, far better place because of it.

We believe you Nool Laughing

Another bit of advice Ponty.

Don't believe everything Newell tells you.

He's such a great REAL friend that he was happy to tell a keyholder he thought you were Greenman when you were pissed.

Ask him about it. It was during a telephone call i'm sure he'll remember it well.

He just won't be a man and admit it to you.
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 5:53 pm

I can understand why newell doesn't want ponty or anyone else to read ATD, it must be a bummer when you're caught out on a daily basis lol!

Last edited by GOB on Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 5:54 pm

GOB wrote:
I can understand why newell doesn't want ponty or anyone else cheers to read ATD, it must be a bummer what you're caught out on a daily basis

You mean like this:

Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Napsisp4

and this:

Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Modbod

Makes the following thread even more ironic now:

Last edited by Yea Man on Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 6:06 pm

Newell always drops in the users real name, like it makes him even more popular?

Still maintaining we've never spoken on the telephone? And that the fruit of your loin, the delightful Mike Newell wasn't threatening me? feck me it's 6pm, time to mention Chris Webbs late father again Sleep
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 6:07 pm

GOB wrote:
Greenjock wrote:
Yea Man wrote:
GreenSam wrote:
punchdrunk wrote:
I think there are plenty of alternatives,just not anyone connected to the filthy, stinking evil cesspit known as Pasoti, that website is entwined with deceit, lies and corruption from top to bottom .

And i believe that you Knecht are its unofficial emissary on ATD.
The sooner you are voted off as a moderator on here the better.
So you dislike Pasoti as you've stated many times because it's a website that persecutes all those with a differing point of view and tries to drown them out.

Yet you feel that someone who holds a different point of view to you should be voted off the ATD team. Righto then.

You refer to Pasoti as the farm. It seems to me that if we make the analogy to Orwell's book more solid, Pasoti is the initial capitalist society which you seek to overthrow and it really strikes me that you, the would be revolutionary 'animal' who would seek to then repress free speech if this reply to Knecht is anything to go by. All in the name of protection from evil influence obviously. Thankfully I have much more faith in the mods of this site than I do in you.

And if you're going to call me an emissary as well, I'm sticking up for knecht not Pasoti. He comes across as a great guy who merely has the temerity to have a different opinion from yourself and I think that needed saying.

Knecht has been a great mod for this site and I hope he stands again in future elections.

None of the mods have any problem with him whatsoever and he offers a lot more than just hot air in the mod room.

If a subject is raised and Knecht makes a post/point then it's always with a degree of thought and rationale behind it rather than just acting on instinct.

Absolutely. I'm not sure where this came from but I can't imagine anyone being a better, fairer mod than knecht, although they're all damn good if you ask me.

Punchy seems to have a "thing" for Knecht but it's easy enough to solve.

I suggest that the two run directly against each other in a mod election and the loser gets a place back on pasoti clown

I would put a months wages on who I think the winner would be.
Punchy has my vote, let the campaign begin cheers
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 6:13 pm

Lord Tisdale wrote:
The Red Star wrote:
Quite frankly we want to get back to the days of verbal abuse across the stands, lobbing of pasties and slagging off all things green.

I am all for the verbals but can we have it clearly understood that the pasty is an important food source and should be treated with a little more respect.

Quite Tissers. The humble pasty is akin to oil and it's derivatives - it has a multitude of uses. My best use of one so-far was to hit that horrible tw*t Iain Dowie on the back of the head from the half way line, behind the dug-out when the terracing was still open in the Mayflower.

I'm not proud of one's Newell-esque thuggish behavour, but, sometimes, a fan's gotta do what a fan's gotta do! afro
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 6:22 pm

Just a few points from me.

1. I was told that Chris Webb was naming Sean Rapson as Greenman on 3rd May 2012. I reported this to the mods on ATD and the thread is still in the mod room. As we all know Jock was rather "heated" at the time and feelings were running high. If Postey is such a great guy in real life, why did he not speak up then and clear Sean's name straight away?

2. Postey deleted his ATD account on 24th July 2011. He appeared as a mod on Pasoti almost immediately after. The Greenman account was created on 20th August 2011 but did not start posting until the Spring of 2012. Did Postey set up the Greenman account or was he given access by someone else. Who had such a grievance with ATD in August 2011 that they had to set up an anonymous account? I don't recall any personal abuse being thrown towards Postey at this time - and if there was surely it was understandable after he jumped ship. ATD was very new at the time and the only a few people were involved in the unpleasantness. I don't believe that there is a "low profile" poster who was already pissed off with ATD and set up a sleeper account.

3. Jock confronted Newell and Webb at the Tiverton friendly on 31st July 2012. According to Jock they discussed the Greenman issue and Chris said he was 99% sure it was Sean Rapson. We all know that Postey, Newell and Webb are very close. I find it inconceivable that Postey had not told Webb and Newell that he was behind Greenman. Nearly 3 months had passed since Sean's name was first mentioned by Webb. Surely at some stage the Greenman issue had been discussed as this was linked to the PI allegations that were also happening at the same time.

4. Webb was banned from ATD on 31st October 2012 for sharing an IP address with Greenman. A few weeks later during a telephone conversation with Newell he opined that Greenman might be Ponty posting when he was pissed. Newell offered me the opportunity of passing Greenman's IP address to Postey so that he could do some investigation into it. Again, I find it inconceivable to believe that Newell did not know Postey was involved in Greenman. Postey could have cleared Webb's name in November. Surely he would have at least told Newell that Webb wasn't involved. Maybe he didn't and that's why Newell thought it might be a drunken Ponty posting.

5. The Greenman issue has only resurfaced after Webb finally admitted to using the Deep Throat account. He claims he wasn't aware of the thread but after his "apology" he immediately attacked ATD over the Greenman saga. It still took Postey a few days before he admitted his part in it. The other Greenmen have still not been named. Why did it take Postey over 3 months to clear Webb's name? It seems rather convenient he finally admitted his guilt after Webb had admitted his part in Deep Throat. Is Postey just trying to take the heat off Webb?

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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 6:27 pm

Thankyou for the precis Frank. The timeline is interesting.
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 6:29 pm

Which begs the question, what the feck was Webb doing bringing an 18 year old lad into this sh#t?

For Newell and Webb to drag Sean into all of this is feckin disgusting.
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 6:30 pm

You da man, Frankie.
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 6:32 pm

Yeahers they are awful awful people cheers
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 6:32 pm

Someone on here as respected as Frank isn't lying.

Over to you Mr Newell/Webb.
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 7:02 pm

Frank Bullitt wrote:
Just a few points from me.

1. I was told that Chris Webb was naming Sean Rapson as Greenman on 3rd May 2012. I reported this to the mods on ATD and the thread is still in the mod room. As we all know Jock was rather "heated" at the time and feelings were running high. If Postey is such a great guy in real life, why did he not speak up then and clear Sean's name straight away?

2. Postey deleted his ATD account on 24th July 2011. He appeared as a mod on Pasoti almost immediately after. The Greenman account was created on 20th August 2011 but did not start posting until the Spring of 2012. Did Postey set up the Greenman account or was he given access by someone else. Who had such a grievance with ATD in August 2011 that they had to set up an anonymous account? I don't recall any personal abuse being thrown towards Postey at this time - and if there was surely it was understandable after he jumped ship. ATD was very new at the time and the only a few people were involved in the unpleasantness. I don't believe that there is a "low profile" poster who was already pissed off with ATD and set up a sleeper account.

3. Jock confronted Newell and Webb at the Tiverton friendly on 31st July 2012. According to Jock they discussed the Greenman issue and Chris said he was 99% sure it was Sean Rapson. We all know that Postey, Newell and Webb are very close. I find it inconceivable that Postey had not told Webb and Newell that he was behind Greenman. Nearly 3 months had passed since Sean's name was first mentioned by Webb. Surely at some stage the Greenman issue had been discussed as this was linked to the PI allegations that were also happening at the same time.

4. Webb was banned from ATD on 31st October 2012 for sharing an IP address with Greenman. A few weeks later during a telephone conversation with Newell he opined that Greenman might be Ponty posting when he was pissed. Newell offered me the opportunity of passing Greenman's IP address to Postey so that he could do some investigation into it. Again, I find it inconceivable to believe that Newell did not know Postey was involved in Greenman. Postey could have cleared Webb's name in November. Surely he would have at least told Newell that Webb wasn't involved. Maybe he didn't and that's why Newell thought it might be a drunken Ponty posting.

5. The Greenman issue has only resurfaced after Webb finally admitted to using the Deep Throat account. He claims he wasn't aware of the thread but after his "apology" he immediately attacked ATD over the Greenman saga. It still took Postey a few days before he admitted his part in it. The other Greenmen have still not been named. Why did it take Postey over 3 months to clear Webb's name? It seems rather convenient he finally admitted his guilt after Webb had admitted his part in Deep Throat. Is Postey just trying to take the heat off Webb?

I have a text from Webb from 3rd May 2012 where he says " Trying to get hold of Sean's number as we speak,It's no excuse but you know what kids are like. Act without thinking about the consequences!"

Now I wonder what that was all about? scratch Well I don't because it was the day after Webb told me on the phone that Sean Rapson was Greenman. Another text from him on that day includes this "Yes mate. It will all blow over. I think the creation of a new site for Ian, Tring and Rickler is the solution ha.

Then two days after the Tiverton game, August 2nd this text from Chris Webb " Hi Pete, just seen Andy Symons post on ATD shit stirring. I'm telling you know as I have all along that my knowldege was Greenman was Sean Rapson. I'm 99% on that. If it's not then I haven't got a clue who it is.

Then on the Friday night I had a telephone conversation with Ian Newell, which he denies even though I have e-mails that relate to it and txs between me and Webb about it, and Newell told me that earlier that day, must have been about the 4th August, that Chris Webb said in front of several witnesses in the Green Room that Sean Rapson was Greenman.

They're both liars and back-stabbers. They would sell each other down the river if it meant they got out of trouble themselves. And as witnessed, they would both blame an 18yr lad to take the heat off of themselves. Who in their right mind believes that Postey, and some unnamed insignificant others who are not connected to Argyle or Pasoti mods, would not have told his mates about all of this? Would not have told the rest of the Deepthroat crew all about it?
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 7:04 pm

A little dickie bird tells me that Ponty is getting pissed off with getting pulled over by the Police because he's slurs incoherently and is mistaken for being a drink driver! Judge for yourselves.

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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 7:25 pm

There's a good post on Pasoti about it now from a new poster. I'm on my phone and can't do the link easily but basically it says that they're being two-faced ridiculing this site when some of what is posted here has been proven and there gas been multi accounts attacking others and accounts on here making threats.

He also says that there have been some good posts on this thread trying to find a solution, feck all similar over there, and Mark Pedlar is trying his best.

The telling bit of his post though is that until the other people involved with Postey come clean, or Postey spills the beans, then the insults and fighting will continue. That's how I feel too. There are two or three people letting it rumble on and Postey's keeping schtum now.

He's also said that larrieu and Tommy Tynan would make better presidents. I wonder if it will stat? Especially as for someone with no involvement in it all, Newell's taking a helluvalot of interest seeing he doesn't read ATD. And if he does really but is too shy to admit it, then he's avoiding the other questions and allegations on here. Funny that.
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 7:30 pm

Ho Ho Green Benny
Post subject: Re: The thread that keeps on giving...Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:12 pm

Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:18 am
Having read both this site and the other argyle site for a number of years I thought I would sign up and comment. I have no aligences to either site but am a supporter of 25 years plus who is pretty depressed about both the on pitch and off pitch going ons at the club I love. Some of the waring between fans is laughable and I never know what to believe, however I do find it quite hypocritical of some posters on here to ridicule what is said on the other argyle site as rubbish when they have been proved right on certain individuals posting as multis to attack individuals and organizations and until whoever the more aggressive poster of Greenman was owns up the accusations will continue. There is actually quite a lot of positive and constructive posts, all be it some more outlandish ones, on the current thread on there in trying to find grounds for a truce and mark pedlar must be applauded for actually going on the site and answering questions. Until everthing is in the open then mmud slinging by both sites will continue. If that is not depressing enough we have a terrible team and a board that does not seem interested in football. That said I will give jb the benefit of doubt so far but my gut feeling is that despite what is said the football does not interest him. One positive is that js seems a good manager and will hopefully pull us out of this. One final thing, I have nothing against Mr Webb but I feel that a president of a club should be one that everyone knows ans that unites the fantasy and not divides it. A club legend like roman or Tommy would be a far better choice. That said he is president and I hope he understands that he needs to unite the fantasy and not divide it.
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 7:30 pm

that the one ?
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 7:31 pm

Pasoti shytsters owned once again and tossed out with the rest of the trash!

That little lot should answer your questions Mark but i expect you will be out voted by your friends and the junta of shits Sleep
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PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 7:33 pm

We also have one of the Mods (more like a scumbag in my mind called Yea Man, who was banned from this site for posting porn under the username of Cheltenham Green) who has again, used my E mails to register with Pasoti.

yeaman are you a scumbag ?
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 7:36 pm

Davidfriio4 wrote:
that the one ?

It's still there then? I thought Newell might have called a meeting of the hair bear bunch to make the problem disappear. Make Benny an offer he couldn't refuse.

Start a campaign to get everyone to use their real names again, seeing as the last one led to such transparency on Pasoti. Frank Bullity's ok then eh Postey? lol!
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 7:36 pm

Thing is if a new poster popped up on here and made a post questioning some of the allegations made on here and giving a gentle pro pasoti line they would be jumped on by some of our members with countless pig and albino shouting down.

I hope the poster referred to is given a fair shout over the road and I'd be happy for new members on here to be shown similar tolerance.
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 7:42 pm

Davidfriio4 wrote:

We also have one of the Mods (more like a scumbag in my mind called Yea Man, who was banned from this site for posting porn under the username of Cheltenham Green) who has again, used my E mails to register with Pasoti.

yeaman are you a scumbag ?

Certainly am cheers


Scary hey, being called a sumbag by an old man lol!

On the subject of Greenman, postey let this thread rumble on and on without ever coming clean and allowed Sean to take the grief:
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Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Today's Chip Paper   Today's Chip Paper - Page 39 EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 7:44 pm

Greenjock wrote:
Davidfriio4 wrote:
that the one ?

It's still there then? I thought Newell might have called a meeting of the hair bear bunch to make the problem disappear. Make Benny an offer he couldn't refuse.

Start a campaign to get everyone to use their real names again, seeing as the last one led to such transparency on Pasoti. Frank Bullity's ok then eh Postey? lol!

Just tried getting another account over there Mike Hunt is taken No
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