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 150K Argyle debt due this month!

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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 4:48 pm

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“In accordance with terms of the sale agreement, The P & A Partnership will receive a further payment of 100,000k on 31 October 2012 and a conditional payment of 50,000K dependent upon the level of player sale realisations achieved during the club’s 2013/2014 season.”

I'm sure it's 'budgeted'.

But the "player sales realisations"?

We pay now for player sales in the future?
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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 5:07 pm

How do they know what our player sales will be next season? Or am I being extremely thick?
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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 5:32 pm

It's easy to work out.

Any players showing a hint of talent will be sold for an Argyle price.

38 pounds, 7 shillings and fourpence my Lord.
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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 5:47 pm

SirCumfrance wrote:
It's easy to work out.

Any players showing a hint of talent will be sold for an Argyle price.

38 pounds, 7 shillings and fourpence my Lord.

No player sales for the foreseeable future then!
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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 6:11 pm

Rickler wrote:
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“In accordance with terms of the sale agreement, The P & A Partnership will receive a further payment of 100,000k on 31 October 2012 and a conditional payment of 50,000K dependent upon the level of player sale realisations achieved during the club’s 2013/2014 season.”

I'm sure it's 'budgeted'.

But the "player sales realisations"?

We pay now for player sales in the future?

Good spot. You are giving Postey a run for his money.

If it isn't budgeted Brent should Ask Nikkk
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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 7:43 pm

All we need is sue and her buckets . Soon raise that money.
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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 7:44 pm

Anyone got an old shirt they want to put up for auction? We'd better get on the case quickly or there's a danger that James Brent might have to dip his hand into his pocket.
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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 7:50 pm

This is why we are being asked to be patient whilst Fletch cobbles together the cheapest team in the league because we also have to pay off all the costs associated with Brent acquiring a nice bit of building land for free, it sticks in my craw somewhat.
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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 10:10 pm

I read it to mean that the additional £50k wasn't to be paid yet, it was to be paid on the condition that we raised the player sales in the 2013/14 season (I think). The £100k was to be paid now with certainty, but the potential £50k was for a seperate date.

The idea that money being transfered now which is conditional on something which may very well not happen completely defies linguistic logic and surely wouldn't make it into a contract.

It'd be like me saying, I'll give you £100 right now but only on the condition that I graduate from University with a 1st in two years time. It just doesn't make basic linguistic sense. Surely it refers to two seperate payments? One now which is being paid and one which may be paid dependant on what happens between now and 2014.
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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! EmptyWed Oct 03, 2012 3:04 am

Dougie wrote:
Rickler wrote:
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“In accordance with terms of the sale agreement, The P & A Partnership will receive a further payment of 100,000k on 31 October 2012 and a conditional payment of 50,000K dependent upon the level of player sale realisations achieved during the club’s 2013/2014 season.”

I'm sure it's 'budgeted'.

But the "player sales realisations"?

We pay now for player sales in the future?

Good spot. You are giving Postey a run for his money.

If it isn't budgeted Brent should Ask Nikkk
Does that mean Rickler's going to be ATD's resident PI? Like Postey is Pasnotty's?
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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 8:52 am

No money due next month I take it ?
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150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 150K Argyle debt due this month!   150K Argyle debt due this month! Empty

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150K Argyle debt due this month!
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