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 The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.

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Mock Cuncher
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 8:26 pm

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive.

TC says it wasn't him.
Newell says it was.
Lee says it was.
Chris Webb says it was in the presence of Newell.

They continue to be good friends - sitting together, exchanging on twitter.

I wonder if someone who is adept at winding up is continuing their hobby. Who would you choose to believe? Meanwhile ATD gets into yet another post mortem.

We may never know. We could always look into their eyes and ask them the question but I suspect that wouldn't work.

Meanwhile, back in the real world......

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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 8:39 pm

wozzer wrote:
Nick Wall wrote:
Saltash green wrote:
So what ? The bloke made a mistake. He was pissed , only made about 3 posts and came clean and apologised.

Has no one on here never made a mistake ?????

Wozzer is a top bloke who at the time of the deepthroat stuff was mixing with Newell, who took advantage of wozzers pissed state, approached him and gave him the password.

I know that wozzer has completly stepped back and not associating himself with Newell

Wozzer is a top bloke

Wozzer was pissed when he made the posts, fair enough, everyone makes mistakes.

If Wozzer genuinely felt any remorse about the situation, or felt that he had made a mistake, then he would have come clean immediately, particularly with the post he held.

Lying and then showing remorse only when he was being outed normally stinks of someone trying to save their reputation.

I didn't come clean straight away as

1. I was away with my family

and 2. I was duty bound to inform the rest of the board of the Trust.

So, just to ensure I understand the timelines, because what you outline is perfectly fair.

You go to Argyle, have a few too many, post as Deep Throat undermining the Trust.

Wake up, rub your eyes, hold your head and think "what did I do yesterday (apart from drink too much)?

Oh shit, I posted as DT and undermined the rest of the Trust board, the people who voted for me and the supporters who believe in a strong supporters trust.

At that point you went on holiday without the time to inform the rest of the board.

There was no time to inform the rest of the Trust board at mobiles, no home phone numbers.

Wozzer - were there days in between you knowing that you had posted as DP and you coming clean? Were you in a position at any point within this time to inform the Trust board? Were you in communication enough with the outside world to offer denials in private prior to it becoming public knowledge?
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:03 pm

knecht wrote:
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive.

TC says it wasn't him.
Newell says it was.
Lee says it was.
Chris Webb says it was in the presence of Newell.

They continue to be good friends - sitting together, exchanging on twitter.

I wonder if someone who is adept at winding up is continuing their hobby. Who would you choose to believe? Meanwhile ATD gets into yet another post mortem.

We may never know. We could always look into their eyes and ask them the question but I suspect that wouldn't work.

Meanwhile, back in the real world......

Lee hasn't said it was Tony, but hasn't come forward and said it wasn't despite all the claims, I think that tells it's own story, and Ian said it was Tony in front of Chris not the other way round Knecht.

I do agree though that it is very strange that all of the friendships seem intact. If someone had falsely accused me of this I wouldn't be sat chatting with them the following week like bessie mates.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:06 pm

Greenjock wrote:
hairy j wrote:
TC sent me a PM and denied it was him Jock. That's all I'm saying. Why would he lie to me? I'm a nothing in the grand scheme of things - I don't even sit in the Directors box.

He sent me more than one denying it was him, but then I met Ian Newell and Tony Cholwell disappeared without a trace from ATD.

And you are about the only person other than candidates for the PASB who post on that subject on Pasoti, that makes you special. Maybe you could ask him to call me about it and arrange to meet up with Ian Newell then to find out the truth. I'll invite Lee Jameson and we can get to the bottom of it all.

Ian Newell has already offered to repeat the claim in front of Tony Cholwell if I didn't believe him, and that was said in the presence of Chris Webb.

Seriously Hairy, ask him to agree to meet up and I will make sure I attend, that's a promise. I'll see if Lee will agree to meet as well, but please let me know what Tony's response to this offer is as he won't answer my questions.

OK, I've done your bidding Oh Lord Jock... I shall await a response from TC.

This all seems really weird though. We do just support a League 2 side don't we? It isn't some former Soviet state with vast oil reserves is it?

And this....
Greenjock wrote:
Ian said it was Tony in front of Chris not the other way round Knecht.
Maybe Chris Webb just doesn't want to get involved. A lot on here tar Chris Webb with the same brush as Ian Newell. I genuinely don't believe Chris Webb would get involved in stuff like this.

All this TC did this...
The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Clip-art-top-cat-819962

Last edited by hairy j on Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:09 pm

hairy j wrote:
Greenjock wrote:
hairy j wrote:
TC sent me a PM and denied it was him Jock. That's all I'm saying. Why would he lie to me? I'm a nothing in the grand scheme of things - I don't even sit in the Directors box.

He sent me more than one denying it was him, but then I met Ian Newell and Tony Cholwell disappeared without a trace from ATD.

And you are about the only person other than candidates for the PASB who post on that subject on Pasoti, that makes you special. Maybe you could ask him to call me about it and arrange to meet up with Ian Newell then to find out the truth. I'll invite Lee Jameson and we can get to the bottom of it all.

Ian Newell has already offered to repeat the claim in front of Tony Cholwell if I didn't believe him, and that was said in the presence of Chris Webb.

Seriously Hairy, ask him to agree to meet up and I will make sure I attend, that's a promise. I'll see if Lee will agree to meet as well, but please let me know what Tony's response to this offer is as he won't answer my questions.

OK... I shall await a response.

This all seems really weird though. We do just support a League 2 side don't we? It isn't some former Soviet state with vast oil reserves is it?

Oh I don't know, our earlier guest claimed that he had been enrolled into the Pasoti Secret Service while he was in Oxford, just like MI5 do apparently. Well something along those lines anyway.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:09 pm

Greenjock wrote:

I do agree though that it is very strange that all of the friendships seem intact. If someone had falsely accused me of this I wouldn't be sat chatting with them the following week like bessie mates.

In my inept and stumbling way that's what I was trying to say. Smile

As usual, the whole situation is as clear as mud.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:11 pm

Maybe TC has just got fed up with denying it to people and given up on Atd. I don't see the fact that he has disappeared a reason to suggest it was 100% him
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:19 pm

Does anyone remember that american soap called "Soap". It used to start with a long rant about "last week so and so did this or that and somebody else got caught doing something else". It ended with "Will somebody who did this do that and will anyone notice". Or words to that affect.

Is this an episode of "Soap"?
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:21 pm
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:27 pm

Sensiblegreeny wrote:
Does anyone remember that american soap called "Soap". It used to start with a long rant about "last week so and so did this or that and somebody else got caught doing something else". It ended with "Will somebody who did this do that and will anyone notice". Or words to that affect.

Is this an episode of "Soap"?

That's the nearest you get to soap.

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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:37 pm

hairy j wrote:
Sensiblegreeny wrote:
Does anyone remember that american soap called "Soap". It used to start with a long rant about "last week so and so did this or that and somebody else got caught doing something else". It ended with "Will somebody who did this do that and will anyone notice". Or words to that affect.

Is this an episode of "Soap"?

That's the nearest you get to soap.

lol! Is that you scrubbing his back?
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:41 pm

Saltash green wrote:
Maybe TC has just got fed up with denying it to people and given up on Atd. I don't see the fact that he has disappeared a reason to suggest it was 100% him

Any chance of a link to that denial SG?
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 11:19 pm

why does he have to have done it publicly
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Mock Cuncher

Mock Cuncher

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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 11:20 pm

I got a recruitment job the other day Dane.

Does this make us mates?

Or even more sworn rivals?
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 11:23 pm

Saltash green wrote:
why does he have to have done it publicly

I'm getting bored now SG. You said TC was fed up denying it. I've never seen a denial. Have you?

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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 11:29 pm

i know a few people have said they have denied it to them personally, he did so to me also,

If your bored go to bed,
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 4:15 am

Nick Wall wrote:

I'm getting bored now SG. You said TC was fed up denying it. I've never seen a denial. Have you?

I have. Right here:

Greenjock wrote:
Sorry Tony, when you said to me you had not been commissioned to report on or track me, can you confirm in easy to understand language that you had no involvement in it paid or unpaid?

And also if you have managed to speak to Ian Newell or Lee Jameson on the subject, and if you have what they had to say?

If you don't want it made public you can PM or call me.

tonycholwell wrote:

In easy to understand language I have had no involvment or been commissioned to report on you. My view is loud and clear, no one should be subject to threats, real or implied emanting from a spat on an internet forum and certainly not a child and his parent/s. I have consistently said and believe this

I would urge you to do what I have told others, if you feel you are being scrutinised check your crediit file, that will indicate if someone is looking into you. Pretty good advice if you havent looked recently to see how you are doing.

I would also say to people, be careful what you post on social media sites.

I have seen both LJ and IJN today and its best put this way: LJ is angry and wont talk about it and Ian feels he is regularly mis quoted and mis reported, particularly online.

Personally, I have been looking forward to today so we can all talk about football again, yet its not to be. In the circumstances I am going to have an ATD holiday for a month or so. Most people know how to contact me if they need or want to, but I suspect I will be forever blighted because I was truthful enough to say what I did, something that many posters have been grateful for. So, Im taking my own advice and taking a sabbatical.

Which brings us to this:

knecht wrote:
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive.

TC says it wasn't him.
Newell says it was.
Lee says it was.
Chris Webb says it was in the presence of Newell.


Greenjock wrote:
Lee hasn't said it was Tony, but hasn't come forward and said it wasn't despite all the claims..
Greenjock wrote:
and Ian said it was Tony in front of Chris not the other way round

So... From what has been said so far, I have come to this conclusion --

The only person to have said it was Tony Cholwell is Newell. And even that is “hearsay”. And he probably either jumped to a conclusion, made it up for whatever reason, or was told it by Jameson.

Jameson just refuses to tell GreenJock who it is... But is happy for TC to take the fall by not clearing his name! Isn’t that a surprise? Because as the way things stand, Jameson gets away without actually having to name who the P.I was? How handy for him.

As I understand it... Tony Cholwell has suggested to GreenJock that he go to the police – that’s hardly a suggestion that a man implicated in wrongdoing would make?

I can’t help but feel you have been stitched up GreenJock.

At this stage.... Jameson is who you should be going after, not Tony Cholwell.

Oh, Talk of the devil... There is Lee Jameson online right now at 04.30 Am UK time.

Got anything to say, Lee?

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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 8:05 am

Ok I couldn't swear on my son's life but I am fairly sure that when I spoke to Ian Newell about the pi business, that Chris Webb also confirmed it was Tony cholwell. If I'm wrong on that I'm sure Chris will contact me to say he didn't confirm it.

What Ian Newell did say was when Lee Jameson showed him my mother's details it was on paper with Somerset investigations on, so no mistake, no putting 2+2 together and no assumption from Ian Newell.

So if it wasn't Tony cholwell, which I don't believe, the Ian Newell has totally fabricated the whole thing.

The ya go GHOST, if it's not true it's a deliberate piece of deception by your lord and master.

Now I have had some email conversations with Ian Newell, the latest being about people registering on ATD with his details and a reply to an email I sent him about possibly being able to auction something for Caz who has two children with cerebral palsy who could have an operation to help them walk, but would need help raising funds.

Amongst those emails Ian Newell refers to the pi incidents and mentions TC, but I suppose you could still say thats circumstantial but it's all I have and I wouldn't post the emails on here.

I don't want to have loads of emails from Ian Newell about anything, but I would like one from Tony cholwell in reply to one I sent him at the end of July. Yes Rickler Tony did deny all knowledge of the incident on here but since I have met Ian Newell who put more meat on the bones as it were and told me he would happily repeat the allegation, this is when I believe Chris Webb also confirmed it was Tony, I have heard no more from Tony and he has given up posting on ATD or reading PM'S I have sent him.

I don't really know how much clearer I can make it.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 8:26 am

As long as Lee Jameson refuses to confirm who it was that was hired, this will rumble on.

The only other feasible way to draw a conclusion Jock, would probably be for you to put yourself in a position of being able to question both Newell and Hooper simultaneously - checking out the whites of their eyes. Very Happy

Getting yourself to an away game somewhere in your vicinity, that you know both of them are going to attend, will probably be the easiest - providing Newell doesn't go in an official capacity, and scuttles up to the directors box...
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 9:02 am

Czarcasm wrote:
As long as Lee Jameson refuses to confirm who it was that was hired, this will rumble on.

The only other feasible way to draw a conclusion Jock, would probably be for you to put yourself in a position of being able to question both Newell and Hooper simultaneously - checking out the whites of their eyes. Very Happy

Getting yourself to an away game somewhere in your vicinity, that you know both of them are going to attend, will probably be the easiest - providing Newell doesn't go in an official capacity, and scuttles up to the directors box...

That's why I asked Hairy to offer TC the chance to meet up in the presence of IJN.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 9:20 am

Schlumberger wrote:
Just a thought................

So, just who is this PI? what about when the shenanigans with the M7/Kagami/Todd & Gardner/Heaney/World Cup, add nauseum, etc, was ongoing. Who, on the farm seemingly, repeatedly took it off their own back to tirelessly dig, sniff and uncover nuggets of info that the farm sheep dropped to their knees in rapturous, and quite nauseating pleasure of this new found Aviva born Inspector Clouseau?

A natural PI in the making, wouldn't you say?

I wouldn't know their address but their postcode comes to mind? confused
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 10:44 am

Saltash green wrote:
Maybe TC has just got fed up with denying it to people and given up on Atd. I don't see the fact that he has disappeared a reason to suggest it was 100% him

I believe that to be correct SG.

TC was not the PI.

Somerset Investigations does not own headed paper or any paper with the Somerset Investigations logo on. The only time the SI logo appears on a document is on an invoice.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 10:48 am

pilgrim_pete wrote:
Saltash green wrote:
Maybe TC has just got fed up with denying it to people and given up on Atd. I don't see the fact that he has disappeared a reason to suggest it was 100% him

I believe that to be correct SG.

TC was not the PI.

Somerset Investigations does not own headed paper or any paper with the Somerset Investigations logo on. The only time the SI logo appears on a document is on an invoice.

So Newell fed Jock a complete load of shit then when he met him, there's a shock.

Yet the man still gets to lord it up in the director's box.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 10:50 am

pilgrim_pete wrote:
Saltash green wrote:
Maybe TC has just got fed up with denying it to people and given up on Atd. I don't see the fact that he has disappeared a reason to suggest it was 100% him

I believe that to be correct SG.

TC was not the PI.

Somerset Investigations does not own headed paper or any paper with the Somerset Investigations logo on. The only time the SI logo appears on a document is on an invoice.

Well you know Ian Newell better than me, and have had personal experience of him and Chris giving out truths about people, so what is your take on it all Sean?
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. - Page 4 EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 10:59 am

Hi Jock.

I do not know what went on, who told you what and who didn't.

What I do know, is that Tony Cholwell was not the Private Investigator and has backed away from ATD because of the exact reason Saltash Green posted.

I converse with Tony regularly Jock, I could contact him and perhaps try and set up a meet if you wish. I don't want to speak for him and say he'd love to meet you, but if you want I can ask the question.

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