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 The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.

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Mock Cuncher
Chemical Ali
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 2:50 am

Have I got this right?

The only thing connecting Tony Cholwell to the P.I ‘investigation’ of Greenjock is the ‘word’ of two persons (Jameson and Newell) who have both been already found out to be lying about the facts in this particular situation?

And... In the case of Newell, found out to be lying time after time after time about almost anything and everything!

They even lied as to who “Greenman” was, (Pilgrim Pete). I think I am right in saying that even now, GreenJock has no idea who “Greenman” really is?

And yet.... Without the slightest shred of evidence, several people who normaly pour scorn on anything these two say, are more than willing to believe the “Deepthroats” when they say that Tony Cholwell was the P.I hired! Why?

Where is the proof? There would be an email, a PM, a text between them.... Something to incriminate him. Yet nothing has been produced? Are we to believe everything was done ‘verbally’ so as to leave no evidence whatsover?

Tony Cholwell has denied it, he doesn't appear to have been involved in anything untowardly until now? So why are people like Jameson and Newell who conduce scumbag acts being believed without offering any proof?

Why is there more emphasis on who the P.I was, rather than the man who hired him?

Is Cholwell being ‘framed’ just because people don’t agree with his stance on the PASB and the Trust?

C’mon ATD... This crap is embarrassing – it’s the sort of shit that most Pasoti mods pull.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 7:26 am

Tony Cholwell didn't investigate Greenjock but, even if he did, he wouldn't reveal any of that due to client confidentiality so he's stuck in a Catch 22 situation there. In my mind, he didn't investigate Jock.

I don't agree with the PASB so I'm unlikely to vote for any of them so none of this would really sway my vote.

It does stink though and from the outside looking in, it seemed a simple case of Tony Cholwell investigating Jock so that someone else could find out information they could use to threaten/silence Greenjock. I refer to the above though, Tony Cholwell wasn't involved.

I have referred to TC as wearing a Neighbourhood Watch t-shirt - I retract that as I was wrong.

A question to Rickler though, why do you support TC?

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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 7:54 am

It is an odd story.

Like Ricks I would always believe TC over Newell/Jameson/Webb.

But Tony's actions since he was "revealed" as the PI have been a bit odd. If Newell is lying, why hasn't Tony said so? Tony is standing for election to the GAS board and these allegations can only harm his campaign. Why won't he stand up for himself?

If he won't stand up for himself now, what hope has he got of standing up against Brent and PAFC if he gets elected onto the GAS board?

Hairy makes a good point about client confidentiality. But that has all been blown out of the window when Jameson started blabbing to all and sundry about the whole business.

But remember, the PI did not find Jock's address so he cannot have been that good in the first place!
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 8:57 am

Since when did you need evidence to comment on an Internet football forum?

I have a few basic rules that I apply with these kinda things...

Never believe a word the Tool or the Plastic Pres comes out with.
Believe only what you KNOW to be factual.
Question every comment from anyone connected with Tool or the Plastic Pres.
Always look for an ulterior motive from the Tool or the Plastic Pres.
Nobody does something for nothing.
Always retain your own opinion, even if it defies the majority.
Trust nobody.

Stick to that and you'll retain your sanity, wonder off it and you'll become a pasoti user.

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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:04 am

People get caught out in the end, think Argyle moans and the prez.

But, if TC didn't investigate Jock then why hasn't he taken action against Newell and Jameson for libelling him?

Something doesn't quite add up.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:13 am

Dead right YM, it always comes out in the end.

Remember, these idiots are not the brightest sparks in world.
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Chemical Ali

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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:17 am

They always seem to grass each other up which is the most surprising thing. REAL mates eh?

The troll is also obviously getting its information from someone/ people very close to the club as they were aware of issues not in the public domain, and the processes involved.

Last edited by Chemical Ali on Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:18 am

My dear old Grandad use to say to me (whilst perched on his knee), 'Schlumberger' he said, 'it's a shite shite world out there, but remember these three(ish) things and you should get by'.

1, Trust no one.
2, Believe nothing.
3, Question everything.
4, Kill or be killed..........Muha ha ha ha (in a take over the world stylee, whilst rubbing stubbled chin)

Oh , and there's a number 5.

5, Anal sex can get messy.

I'd just like to say thanks to my dear old departed Grandad for that advice. I'm now the most suspicious, untrusting, curious, inquisitive, miserable, psychotic bastard the whole human race has unfortunately ever to come across.

I like it :-)
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:19 am

I am fast beginning to disbelieve anything or anyone even more than I did before.

There are things posted above that sum up my view completely.

There are such contradictions, complications and crap involved that it should make everyone doubt the whole thing.

Ricks' final sentence is important to me.

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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:43 am

The thing is...we can all harp on time and time again regarding the double standards, lack of morals, principles, lies and deceit etc etc etc etc. but what does it achieve?

The whole interested world is now aware of the weirdos involved and the whole interested world knows what odd characters some of these people are, so what's left to be gained?

I have always said that we get the club that we deserve and if people are willing to allow the characters involved to have influence then so be it. There are plenty of "fans" out there that could be shouting from the rooftops that are in far more powerful positions than us mere Internet football forum users, yet they are sitting back with their spines of jellyfish and doing sweet be it, we'll get the club that we deserve.

If anything is to be done about it then people need to become more proactive and carry out leaflet drops, directly involve the press and generally become more militant. Personally, I can't be arsed but there's a big difference between the abusers and us teeny bunch of ATD users....they are proactive!
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:49 am

Everyone is afraid of Newell. I know people who have stuff on him that wont go public with it cause there worried what backlash they will receive
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:53 am

Saltash green wrote:
Everyone is afraid of Newell. I know people who have stuff on him that wont go public with it cause there worried what backlash they will receive

Its not often I agree with you, but I have heard rumours that a number of high profile fans have "seen the light", but won't go public with their concerns.

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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 9:59 am

I would be of the same mind as Rickler if it wasn't for the surprising withdrawal from ATD of cholwell. If he absolutely was not involved then why would he go merrily about his way on Pasoti and not defend himself over here?

I will say that Lee Jameson hasn't named cholwell either. He confirmed everything except the identity of the PI but hasn't said it wasn't TC.

Ian Newell said all of this in front of Chris Webb and if it was an elaborate set up, I can't see the club president going along with it and being seen to knowing all about it. I know people on here think Chris is involved in everything Newell does but I have to admit I think Chris wouldn't be stupid enough to be so involved in something that could cost him his role at the club. Maybe he supplied information but doesn't get his hands dirty, but that's just my opinion.

For the record I couldn't give a flying feck who ghost or greenman is now. I was raging about the threats greenman made but he's obviously a cowardly tw@t just like ghost is, and most of the other moronic users who pop up on here. None of them bother me anymore. I don't go to home park anymore because of the distance and my home situation and following all of the shit I've witnessed in the last year or so I don't want a penny of my money being used to help feather Brents nest.

I've taken the hint that my support isn't needed or wanted, just Like Peggy has and I'm sure more will follow. Brent knows all about the shit that goes on and seems happy enough with what's gone on, as does Peter Jones, so I still support Argyle but the club won't benefit financially from me.

I don't think it will be long before a few others on here are hounded out as well to make it easier for them to carry on with their shit. The only thing I can really do is support the trust and hope one day the rotten core that Argyle is controlled by at the moment is removed and have raped the club and squeezed it dry so it no longer interests them. If that's non league then so be it but anything has to be better than this situation.

Brent was aided and abetted whether knowingly or not, and all this reluctant bidder bullshit and family have fallen in love with the club crap is such nonsense but supposedly intelligent people have been taken in by it all because he got the right people on board early and doesn't look as bad in photos as Heaney did.

So cholwellmaybe a nice guy Rickler but he took on a job he should have said no to, got paid peanuts for it and still couldn't find me! Hardly advertises his credentials as an investigator, his Twitter name should be Tony tries.

I couldn't care less about the PASB but I would love him to fail because he was a scumbag for taking the job on, maybe it would be better if he gets on the board and it fails as miserably as he did, but it really doesn't cause me any list sleep, and ghost, well he's like a giggly schoolgirl saying he posts on here but obviously agreeing with everything we say! How thrilling for him. If it floats his boat and he sits tugging away posting on here I'm glad to be of assistance.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 10:03 am

Oh and I think Ian Newell knows he doesn't bother me one bit. When I told him his address to give him a taste of his own medicine I meant it. I care feck all about his friends, reputation or anything else. Anything happens to me or my family I will put it down to him and deal with him personally. Not play some jolly online jape.

He will no doubt e mail me later denying all knowledge of anything ever but I have seen and heard enough to know when someone is talking out of their ass.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 10:44 am

Saltash green wrote:
Everyone is afraid of Newell. I know people who have stuff on him that wont go public with it cause there worried what backlash they will receive

Not everyone is afraid of Newell SG. I don't think he scares you. You have him well and truly sussed.

He has to be watched that is for sure, but he can be hurt in many ways if he decides to cross the line with the wrong people. Without doubt he is the biggest scum on the net and does Argyle no good in the long term. What is sad, is that people who would normally appear good people are scared to the point that they would rather support the bully rather than stand up against him.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 10:54 am

Frank Bullitt wrote:
Saltash green wrote:
Everyone is afraid of Newell. I know people who have stuff on him that wont go public with it cause there worried what backlash they will receive

Its not often I agree with you, but I have heard rumours that a number of high profile fans have "seen the light", but won't go public with their concerns.

But what I don't get it what are they afraid of?

What can he actually do?

If he knocks on my door or threatens me in any form i'm straight down the cop shop.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 10:56 am

Or you could bop him on the nose
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 10:57 am

Saltash green wrote:
Or you could bop him on the nose


Sorry but I imagined you saying that when you were 14 Laughing

It was a genuine question though, why are people scared of him?
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 10:59 am

I would say just because of his games, there seems to be nothing he wouldnt do, For example , me and him were going at it for the last 2 days on twitter and last night i start getting abuse from a new twitter account called serrick danderson

coincidence ???? i think not
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Mock Cuncher

Mock Cuncher

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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 11:00 am

I'd close the door.

That'd show him.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 11:00 am

Tony Hooper/Cholwell? I won't be voting for him for the GASBoard simply because of his stance on the Trust. FWIW my votes will be going to Messrs Back, Sparks, Petrie and Shilabeer. If that means 'I've got it in for Tony' so be it. I won't support anyone to represent the supporters, at anything, if they're anti-Trust; it's as simple as that. I also find the rather desperate way he's campaigning for a seat on the Board to be a touch concerning. Billy Connolly once said "The desire to be a politician should automatically bar you from ever being one." It's not a sentiment I 100% agree with, but in this case I think it's a fair point. Why would anyone be that desperate to win a seat on a Board that as yet has no remit, no terms of reference, and no democratic legitimacy?

As for the PI business, I agree there's little in the way of proof, but there's enough cicumstantial evidence to put together a case - the way Tony went scuttling off ATD when a few awkward questions started to be asked; the simple question -'If an Argyle fan wants to engage the services of an Investigator, who would be the first one you'd ask?' With apologies to Jock, who I know has had to put up with an awful lot of shit, but it doesn't directly affect me (for once!) so I'm less concerned about it than I would be if it were me being directly targetted. Jock's reaction to events has been remarkably restrained. Anyone trying to pull that sort of crap on me would get a far less tolerant response.

As for people's fear of Newell - get real. He's just Brent's Useful Idiot, blindly supporting whatever the owner proposes, in return for a seat in the Directors box and a bit of personal prestige. There will come a point where he'll outlive his usefulness, and there's no more pitiful sight than an abandoned Poodle.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 11:01 am

Saltash green wrote:
I would say just because of his games, there seems to be nothing he wouldnt do, For example , me and him were going at it for the last 2 days on twitter and last night i start getting abuse from a new twitter account called serrick danderson

coincidence ???? i think not

I saw that this morning and from my reading of it they weren't abusing you they were taking the piss out of Nool and Webb but tagging you in it hoping you'd join in maybe.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 11:03 am

Andy_Symons wrote:
Tony Hooper/Cholwell? I won't be voting for him for the GASBoard simply because of his stance on the Trust. FWIW my votes will be going to Messrs Back, Sparks, Petrie and Shilabeer. If that means 'I've got it in for Tony' so be it. I won't support anyone to represent the supporters, at anything, if they're anti-Trust; it's as simple as that. I also find the rather desperate way he's campaigning for a seat on the Board to be a touch concerning. Billy Connolly once said "The desire to be a politician should automatically bar you from ever being one." It's not a sentiment I 100% agree with, but in this case I think it's a fair point. Why would anyone be that desperate to win a seat on a Board that as yet has no remit, no terms of reference, and no democratic legitimacy?

As for the PI business, I agree there's little in the way of proof, but there's enough cicumstantial evidence to put together a case - the way Tony went scuttling off ATD when a few awkward questions started to be asked; the simple question -'If an Argyle fan wants to engage the services of an Investigator, who would be the first one you'd ask?' With apologies to Jock, who I know has had to put up with an awful lot of shit, but it doesn't directly affect me (for once!) so I'm less concerned about it than I would be if it were me being directly targetted. Jock's reaction to events has been remarkably restrained. Anyone trying to pull that sort of crap on me would get a far less tolerant response.

As for people's fear of Newell - get real. He's just Brent's Useful Idiot, blindly supporting whatever the owner proposes, in return for a seat in the Directors box and a bit of personal prestige. There will come a point where he'll outlive his usefulness, and there's no more pitiful sight than an abandoned Poodle.

Quote :
Anyone trying to pull that sort of crap on me would get a far less tolerant response.

How do you know it hasn't ?
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 11:08 am

Yea Man wrote:
Saltash green wrote:
I would say just because of his games, there seems to be nothing he wouldnt do, For example , me and him were going at it for the last 2 days on twitter and last night i start getting abuse from a new twitter account called serrick danderson

coincidence ???? i think not

I saw that this morning and from my reading of it they weren't abusing you they were taking the piss out of Nool and Webb but tagging you in it hoping you'd join in maybe.

Maybe ive read into it wrong then, i decided to ignore it.
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The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'.   The (character) Assassination of Tony Cholwell by the Coward 'Deepthroat'. EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 11:18 am

Saltash green wrote:
Andy_Symons wrote:
Tony Hooper/Cholwell? I won't be voting for him for the GASBoard simply because of his stance on the Trust. FWIW my votes will be going to Messrs Back, Sparks, Petrie and Shilabeer. If that means 'I've got it in for Tony' so be it. I won't support anyone to represent the supporters, at anything, if they're anti-Trust; it's as simple as that. I also find the rather desperate way he's campaigning for a seat on the Board to be a touch concerning. Billy Connolly once said "The desire to be a politician should automatically bar you from ever being one." It's not a sentiment I 100% agree with, but in this case I think it's a fair point. Why would anyone be that desperate to win a seat on a Board that as yet has no remit, no terms of reference, and no democratic legitimacy?

As for the PI business, I agree there's little in the way of proof, but there's enough cicumstantial evidence to put together a case - the way Tony went scuttling off ATD when a few awkward questions started to be asked; the simple question -'If an Argyle fan wants to engage the services of an Investigator, who would be the first one you'd ask?' With apologies to Jock, who I know has had to put up with an awful lot of shit, but it doesn't directly affect me (for once!) so I'm less concerned about it than I would be if it were me being directly targetted. Jock's reaction to events has been remarkably restrained. Anyone trying to pull that sort of crap on me would get a far less tolerant response.

As for people's fear of Newell - get real. He's just Brent's Useful Idiot, blindly supporting whatever the owner proposes, in return for a seat in the Directors box and a bit of personal prestige. There will come a point where he'll outlive his usefulness, and there's no more pitiful sight than an abandoned Poodle.

Quote :
Anyone trying to pull that sort of crap on me would get a far less tolerant response.

How do you know it hasn't ?

If that has happened (which I doubt, I think this is just you trying to get a rise out of me) my question would be - "Why?"

What is it about me, Jock, or any of the other targets of The Useful Idiot's bile that worries him so much? Are we a threat, and if so, what are we a threat of? If someone can explain to me the psychology behind all this I'd be fascinated to hear about it - it's the same sort of mentality that saw Wozzer meeting James Brent on the afternoon of the ATD Q&A in order to brief him about me. Seriously, what was the point? There's nothing in my background or life worth investigating. And if people want to know about me, here's a radical suggestion - why not just ask me?
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