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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Statement   Statement EmptySat Aug 25, 2012 10:59 am

First of all, thank you to all those friends who've shown their support for me over the last week or so.

I've said more than once that I don't want to talk about why I no longer write for the programme, and there are two reasons for this. First, I said that I wouldn't, and I'm not going to break a promise to a friend. Second, a long career as a negotiator taught me to choose my battles, and this one is not going to be won.

It must be 37 years since my first Argyle match. Ten years ago, having been in exile for a long time, I moved home to Plymouth, excited at the prospect of being able to go to every home game (and even the reserves). I bought a season ticket and, with a group of other fans, started working with the club on anti-racism initiatives. As part of this, I wrote various pieces for the programme, and that led to my being approached to do a regular history page. The invitation was repeated every year, the feedback was generally positive, I never missed a deadline, and I was proud not only to write for the programme but also to have some of my work reproduced on Greens on Screen.

Now let's look at the last eighteen months or so. Along with others, I was hounded off pasoti for disagreeing with the approach being taken to demonstrating about the club's crisis. Along with others, I was forced out of my seat by the imposition of forza verde on the area we'd sat in since the new stands went up. Along with others, I was pilloried on a spoof website, and on Twitter and elsewhere: being distinguishable as a woman, I was of course branded a witch and a whore. Along with others, I found private information about me had been published on the internet for anybody to see. Not to mention those activities, like the use of underhand tactics to undermine the Trust, the engagement of a private investigator by one fan to get information about another fan, the personal threats received by at least one fan, or the constant attacks on this site, which affect all of us.

Two weeks before the start of the season, and after I'd started work on this season's pieces, I was told my services were no longer required. To repeat, I know exactly why this is, but I'm not going to discuss it on here, and if anybody thinks they've got information about it, they could at least do me the courtesy of showing it to me before posting about it. Let's face it, nothing's going to change, neither re my position nor re anything else.

To those of you who see this as a tasty little bit of gossip, I say stick to so called celebrities. To those of you who want to use me to pursue your own agendas, I ask that you respect my request not to do so, since it'll only make me a target yet again.

After the infamous Chelsea match of March 1976, my mum banned me from going to football ever again. All these years later, she's got her wish.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySat Aug 25, 2012 11:44 am

As I have said in the past few days, some people are bad for the club because they will put their own physiological bitter prejudices before the welfare of the club, this is the first clear example of that, in my opinion.

We all know those responsible so sleep easy Peggy knowing that what goes around comes around and as sure as eggs are eggs it will happen.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySat Aug 25, 2012 11:54 am

Sorry Peggy I've mentioned it several times now, because I'm fuming about it, but I won't mention it anymore.

What's happened is systematic of Argyle these last couple of years and they have hounded out a contributor and a former season ticket holder out of the club. Well done, that's really helped the matchday experience.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySat Aug 25, 2012 12:21 pm

that chelsea match,,,i was there that day,,bit of a eye opener to say the least ,been going to HP about the same sort of time as peggy,thats a huge chunk of your life to give up,and no matter what is written on here,pasoti or anywhere,its our club,it belongs to each and everyone of us,(open goal for tring)no point giving up now peggy,just crack on Very Happy
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySat Aug 25, 2012 12:28 pm

Peggy we have never met and probably never will, I have enjoyed your posts on ATD whether they are serious or in jest also I admire your spirit please do not stop posting I for one will miss you.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySat Aug 25, 2012 1:34 pm

I sent you this message some time ago in another place. It still seems relevant:

Illegitimi non carborundum

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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySat Aug 25, 2012 8:40 pm

Just read this and it made my heart sink. Someone who should be a shoe in for any GasBoard type thing (and not just because of a women only list) and someone who should be able to enjoy her Saturday afternoons in her usual seat has effectively been pushed out of Argyle. Argyles loss and all that. Hope the smug idiots are happy.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySat Aug 25, 2012 8:50 pm

Dougie wrote:
Just read this and it made my heart sink. Someone who should be a shoe in for any GasBoard type thing (and not just because of a women only list) and someone who should be able to enjoy her Saturday afternoons in her usual seat has effectively been pushed out of Argyle. Argyles loss and all that. Hope the smug idiots are happy.


It's difficult for me to remain objective about this issue because I consider Peggy a friend first and foremost, But it's her wish that people don't try and second-guess events, and respect her wish for it not to be discussed in a way that comes across as talking about someone whilst they're in the room...

Hopefully people will take note and have the basic decency to, just for once, put another's feelings and wishes above their own need to pursue their own agenda.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySat Aug 25, 2012 8:53 pm

I agree with all the sentiments expressed..
It is a sad day indeed when a loyal life long supporter is treated in this manner.
As GOB quite rightly said Peggy, what goes around comes around, however sadly the perpetrators will no doubt take Argyle with them when karma comes calling.

How the f*ck did it come to this folks.?

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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 11:06 am

A very sad and disappointing episode, of which there have been just too many in recent times.

Argyle can't afford to lose people like Peggy.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 11:33 am

Like others Peggy I hope you continue to post. All I can say as a dejected fan is that your personal situation leaves another bad taste in my mouth. More evidence that there is something very wrong up at H.P.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 11:35 am

John_Lloyd wrote:
A very sad and disappointing episode, of which there have been just too many in recent times.

Argyle can't afford to lose people like Peggy.

But they have, and a lot of other people besides. There are some very nasty individuals around at the moment involved with the football club.

Just how much does James Brent know about what's going on?
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 11:38 am

PlymptonPilgrim wrote:
John_Lloyd wrote:
A very sad and disappointing episode, of which there have been just too many in recent times.

Argyle can't afford to lose people like Peggy.

But they have, and a lot of other people besides. There are some very nasty individuals around at the moment involved with the football club.

Just how much does James Brent know about what's going on?

Maybe PJ would like to pass comment ? I very much doubt he will though. I want to respect Peggy's request to leave her out of this as she's had enough grief but unless bullies are confronted they just move onto the next victim.

I believe that at the ATD Q&A the gathering was told that the top brass at HP weren't interested in getting involved in internet 'site wars'. Let me tell them, these are not site wars, it is all about control freaks bullying others. The question is, are they bullying under orders, or more likely, just to affirm their positions and silence all critics.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 12:00 pm

PlymptonPilgrim wrote:
John_Lloyd wrote:
A very sad and disappointing episode, of which there have been just too many in recent times.

Argyle can't afford to lose people like Peggy.

But they have, and a lot of other people besides. There are some very nasty individuals around at the moment involved with the football club.

Just how much does James Brent know about what's going on?

I should think that there's hardly anything that goes on in any of his businesses that he doesn't know about.

we all know the saying about where the buck stops.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 12:33 pm

Desperation personified. You really couldn't make it up !

From the Peggy thread on Pasoti Terraces............. because it clearly is just banter and not Argyle related.

an Newell
Post subject: Re: PeggyPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:10 am

Joined: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:24 pm
I know EXACTLY how she feels.

I'm mentioned about 100 times a week on a website, on which some posters (not all) still continue to libel me on a weekly basis.

I've had my Flikr account opened, and then copied, and then published for all to see, despite the fact that I thought and understood that account to me in my private domain.

I've been accused of being a criminal on a Facebook accoun

I have, this week, been branded by someone I once helped, and thought of as a friend, as a major 1970's hooligan.

My daughter has been contacted on that same website, by PM's which I have seen, by a person of my own age (creepy or what).

I have been accused of taking mocking someone with alzheimer's.

I have been pilloried on this website for about two years, being called 'fat', 'bald', 'Up JB's arse' etc etc etc.

I've had threatening texts, I've had threats of contacting my employer, I've had abuse on Facebook, I've had numerous spoof registrations from ATD over the last few weeks, with names such as FlikrHaha, Noolisac***, etc etc.

You're right NorfolkGreen, we really do need to treat each better, or at least, not interact with those that we don't get on with, which is the chosen path of yours truly.

Problem is, that path seems to upset the truly obsessed among us.

Internet? Wonderful, but full of some very, very strange people.

Far better to meet people off it. Had a great day yesterday, with people, most of them, I have met on here, had a laugh up and down from Oxford, no cross words, just great craic, with people who share a mutual love of the team in green.

Please give generously to the Argyle Five

Wonderful isn't he No

ps I have received PM's from someone purporting to be his daughter and have answered them politely and honestly. She has used more than one username though. Must be in the genes.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 12:38 pm

Woe is me me me!

Singularly fails to address the case in point though (or the content of his Flickr account - hacking request and letter to club to try to stop ATD question time with Brent).

Plus I'm on here more than enough/too much and haven't seen those account he mentions. Perhaps the mods have cut them off at inception.

Also it's ok going on about bad Internet etiquette whilst at the same time going about things away from the gaze of the public eye. Easier to play the saint and downtrodden by doing that I suppose.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 12:43 pm

I love how he starts with, 'I know exactly how she feels'.

According to Peggy, he was instrumental in driving her off Pasoti ffs and labelling her a witch amongst other things !

Now, strangely enough, she has been driven off the programme and out of the club.

There's no smoke without fire.

Last edited by Tringreen on Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:53 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 1:00 pm

I like the bit where he slags off people 'on the internet', then goes on to say that the Internet is where he found most of his current friends. No

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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 3:36 pm

Dougie wrote:
Woe is me me me!

Singularly fails to address the case in point though (or the content of his Flickr account - hacking request and letter to club to try to stop ATD question time with Brent).

Plus I'm on here more than enough/too much and haven't seen those account he mentions. Perhaps the mods have cut them off at inception.

Also it's ok going on about bad Internet etiquette whilst at the same time going about things away from the gaze of the public eye. Easier to play the saint and downtrodden by doing that I suppose.

In the last couple of weeks there have been numerous attempts to register posters with the sort of names Mr Newell mentions and more. On occasion they have used genuine e-mail addresses of pasoti glitterati. We have stopped them at the doors (and where necessary have explained what has happened to Mr Newell when it has been his e-mail addresses that have been used). There have also been posters who have slipped through the net whose sole aim has been to stir up "anti" posts on here (we do that perfectly well without crass encouragement from obvious trolls). There have also been sleepers who registered some time ago who haven't posted but in their first posts are clearly being shits. There have been people with multis who have been contacted on on occasion deleted. There has been a lull since the partially successful attempt at hacking (maybe speaking too soon). This site has been under fairly unremitting attack recently.

My view is that Mr Newell is partially correct in his claims. But as other people, some of whom with far more knowledge of the history have pointed out already, his story is very partial. And, in its failure to address the topic of the thread seems to speak volumes!

Edited to add: I've just re-read and registered his comment "My daughter has been contacted on that same website, by PM's which I have seen, by a person of my own age (creepy or what)." Putting aside the crass nonsense that you have to be a similar age to someone in order to pm them - the implication here suggests something far more sinister or 'creepy'. If he is referring to the incident in question he and I exchanged pm-s about it whilst I was able to post on pasoti during which he said the person he was referring to had been 'good as gold'. But then that wouldn't fit his agenda would it?! That particular implied slur sticks in my throat but then he is unchallengeable over there.

I hope the many good folk of pasoti who read this site actually recognise that the real story is somewhat more complicated than the estimable Mr Newell would have you believe. I have always considered myself to be somewhere between the two sites so if someone like me finds his post so thoroughly objectionable then something must be wrong with it!!!!

Last edited by knecht on Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 3:51 pm

Thanks for that explanation. Modding duties appear to carried out above and beyond expectations - thankyou. Just a pity IjN leaves it hung out there so it appears ADT has done something wrong rather than the actuality that you've made him aware of attempts to use his email address by persons unknown.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 4:00 pm

Once and for all a flickr account is open to anybody who cares to look at it that's what it is for ffs unless of course you go into your profile and make a private account for friends and family.

But that was probably to difficult for him.
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 4:01 pm

I am a big fan of fairness and everything, but in my opinion the original poster when she was in the ivory tower known as Pasoti did behave like a tyrant at times reference bannings, lets keep things in perspective people,i hate pasoti and its odious leaders with a venom.but lets not forget the insects that ate at the pasoti top table...that came snivelling over here when they did not get exactly what they wanted....smacks a bit of cerbs that does

Last edited by punchdrunk on Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 4:02 pm

There are many people with axes to grind concerning Mr Newell and co. but I very much doubt that any skulduggery emanates from the regulars on here.

We call a spade a spade but that's as far as it goes.

The way Pasoti has been 'owned' for the last few years has led to most of the problems. Of that there can be no doubt.

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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 5:11 pm

I hadn't intended to return to this topic, but I've just had a quick look at the thread on pasoti, and in particular Ian Newell's frankly ludicrous, self-involved piece of fiction. I try not to get too wound up by Newell's ridiculous behaviour, but sometimes his online ramblings are so far removed from the truth, a response is called for. If you'll indulge me, I'll dissect it in a bit of detail.

Quote :

I know EXACTLY how she feels.

I doubt that. Peegy has done her column for the programme with no thought of personal reward. You wouldn't lend someone a pen unless you thought there was something in it for you

I'm mentioned about 100 times a week on a website, on which some posters (not all) still continue to libel me on a weekly basis.

If that's the case, why don't you take action? Unless of course there are no libels, and you're just fishing for sympathy

I've had my Flikr account opened, and then copied, and then published for all to see, despite the fact that I thought and understood that account to me in my private domain.

Bullshit. Your flickr account was open and public. You posted pics from it on your twitter account; I followed the link and found not only some genuinely interesting Argyle-related stuff, but also a whole lot of material that was being published (publicly) in breach of the DPA, in breach of pasoti rules, and basically in breach of common decency. If the photos, screenshots and other material you posted on Flickr had instead been pinned on a wall in your office, study or living room, you'd have been diagnosed as a Sociopath or Psychopath. And before you start (again), no, I didn't set up The Newell Files site.

I've been accused of being a criminal on a Facebook account

Not convicted, agreed, but some of your behaviour (I've already mentioned the DPA) is unlawful.

I have, this week, been branded by someone I once helped, and thought of as a friend, as a major 1970's hooligan.

I notice you haven't denied that accusation. Perhaps because the evidence is available to support it?

My daughter has been contacted on that same website, by PM's which I have seen, by a person of my own age (creepy or what).

Not creepy at all, if those PM's are discussing matters affecting the website.

I have been accused of taking mocking someone with alzheimer's.

I'll leave that one for another poster to deal with - all I'll say is I was shown the posts in question, and to my mind, that's exactly what you did.

I have been pilloried on this website for about two years, being called 'fat', 'bald', 'Up JB's arse' etc etc etc.

Ian - you're fat and bald. if you don't like it, do something about it. You've called me fat in the past, and guess what? I am. 'Up JB's arse'? If the cap fits...

I've had threatening texts, I've had threats of contacting my employer, I've had abuse on Facebook, I've had numerous spoof registrations from ATD over the last few weeks, with names such as FlikrHaha, Noolisac***, etc etc.

You've also sent threatening texts, taken screenshots of comments I made on facebook with the intention of using them against me with my then-employer. You created the 'spoof' (I prefer to call it libellous) ADT website -it was you that labelled Peggy a witch and a whore. And the fake accounts that attempted to register on here - I saw some of them when I was a Mod on here, and guess what - they originated from you.

You're right NorfolkGreen, we really do need to treat each better, or at least, not interact with those that we don't get on with, which is the chosen path of yours truly.

If you don't want to interact with people you don't get on with, how about you delete my mobile number from your phone and stop texting me every time I post something you disagree with?

Problem is, that path seems to upset the truly obsessed among us.

Truly obsessed? That's exactly how I would describe Ian Newell. See my comment about text messages above.

Internet? Wonderful, but full of some very, very strange people.

And at the top of the list of very, very strange people? Go on, guess...

Far better to meet people off it. Had a great day yesterday, with people, most of them, I have met on here, had a laugh up and down from Oxford, no cross words, just great craic, with people who share a mutual love of the team in green.

So the internet's full of strange people, but you had a great day yesterday with people you met on the internet. Okaaaaaaay. Here's an idea, Ian. How about you take a look at your behaviour before trying to cast aspertions on others?

I hope that clears a few things up for any of the fine folk (they do exist) from pasoti who are tempted to be taken in by Mr Newell's frankly bizarre ramblings. Soemtimes it pays to get both sides of a story before coming to any conclusions
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Statement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   Statement EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 5:27 pm

You can't pretend to be whiter than white tho to be fair.
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