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 Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League

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Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League Empty
PostSubject: Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League   Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League EmptyTue 15 May 2012, 21:50

Telling a 15yr old Muslim girl she was pretty fit for a Muslim. So obviously his hatred for them only applies to the minging ones? What an absolute gobshite

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Mock Cuncher

Mock Cuncher

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Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League   Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League EmptyWed 16 May 2012, 10:20

He finds 15 year olds fit.

What a Face
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Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League   Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League EmptyWed 16 May 2012, 11:04

I wonder if Cobi will be on soon to tell us that he isn't racist, just his supporters are lol!
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Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League   Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League EmptyMon 21 May 2012, 02:53

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I have tried to include a link above which may or may not work. Either way, the #creeping sharia hashtag led to some quite funny situations. I'm sure that Mr R. is some kind of parody hoping to entrap innocent bystanders into supporting something very dangerous. I wrote 'very foolish' at first but deleted it because the EDL is potentially dangerous, given that its views are systematically promoted on a daily basis by the Daily Mail and more overtly by other tabloids.
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Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League   Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League Empty

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Tommy Robinson head of the English Defence League
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