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 Pete Shuttleworth Named Assistant Head Coach

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Pete Shuttleworth Named Assistant Head Coach Empty
PostSubject: Pete Shuttleworth Named Assistant Head Coach   Pete Shuttleworth Named Assistant Head Coach EmptyWed Jun 12, 2024 8:19 pm

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Pete Shuttleworth has today been named Argyle’s new Assistant Head Coach.

The 45-year-old will join Head Coach Wayne Rooney’s backroom team and be accompanied by first-team coaches Kevin Nancekivell and Simon Ireland, and goalkeeping coach Daryl Flahavan.

Shuttleworth worked closely with Wayne at Birmingham City, D.C. United and Derby County. He also recently formed part of Republic of Ireland Interim Head Coach John O’Shea’s backroom staff for their games against Hungary and Portugal.  

Argyle Head Coach Rooney is delighted that Shuttleworth has agreed to join him in the South West, and said: “Pete is someone who I have known for a long time having worked together at previous football clubs.

“He is an excellent coach with footballing ideals that match mine and Argyle’s but is also an outstanding motivator and has a real knowledge of tactical and performance analysis.

“Ultimately, he is a great person who holds all the values that the football club and I look for and he will complement our current group of coaching staff perfectly.  

“I look forward to welcoming him to Argyle and working with him closely when pre-season starts in a few weeks.”

Director of Football Neil Dewsnip added: “We are thrilled that Pete has agreed to join Argyle as Assistant Head Coach.

“He is someone Wayne has worked with closely in the past and a coach who we feel will further strengthen our existing staff here at Argyle and complement them perfectly.  

“Plans are well underway for pre-season, and I can’t wait for all the players and staff to come back together at the start of July as we look ahead to next season.”
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