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 4 players out of contract in the summer

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4 players out of contract in the summer Empty
PostSubject: 4 players out of contract in the summer   4 players out of contract in the summer EmptyThu Jan 25, 2024 12:13 pm

excluding this season's first year pro's and of course the loan signings, there are only 4 players in the squad are out of contract in the summer. They are Miller, Galloway, Butcher and Burton.

out of 4 i can feel the club will make the effort to sign up Miller certainly and Galloway if he stays fit. I really dont see them keeping Burton on as a 2nd or 3rd choice keeper even if Cooper stays or not and i cant see him wanting to do that when he has proven last season he can be a first choice for a team and I have a feeling Butcher may move on before the end of the month if poss but a cert to be let go in the summer.  

But it makes a change from having tens of players out of contract every year i say.
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4 players out of contract in the summer
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