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 Just a few musings

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Just a few musings Empty
PostSubject: Just a few musings   Just a few musings EmptyFri Dec 22, 2023 11:00 pm

Back in the summer I got slaughtered by the ambassador for suggesting we're nowhere near sustainable, and here we are, a manager being paid a quarter of the going rate fecking off. This ain't necessarily a bad thing, we can use the compo to bring in the experienced manager we need, someone who can win away from home.

If only it was that simple eh?

Dewy is not only wanting money for a new manager, he wants team strengthening, all on less than a million because there's little else left in the pot, he's begging for it. No wonder Schuey done one, nothing resonates with the recent 5 year plan and becoming a top 6 club.

Apparently there's a bit of a problem with funding Brickfields too, maybe we need to sell some players, January will be interesting. Please take with a pinch of salt though, I really don't want this to be true.

It does seem the top boys are paid well, Dewy & Parky, we're in good hands lol, the land we've gained is immense, until it gets stripped from us later.

Merry Christmas every one
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Just a few musings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a few musings   Just a few musings EmptySat Dec 23, 2023 12:09 pm

Good to hear from you again Coxside.

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Now an officially semi retired old fart! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Just a few musings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a few musings   Just a few musings EmptySat Dec 23, 2023 12:38 pm

I hate to say it but perhaps the next manager needs to be chosen with one eye on the PR aspect.

Getting someone who is a bit of a "name" as well as being a good Manager but attract the extra backing the Club needs in order to progress.

Manager X from League One or lower might help the team progress but Manager Y might be good for the team and be a name known by people with dosh to invest.
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Posts : 7377
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Just a few musings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a few musings   Just a few musings EmptySat Dec 23, 2023 1:01 pm

I think most know the five year plan is a load of unrealisable crap. And most know Hallett is definitely not the owner to progress Argo beyond bouncing along at the bottom of the Championship for a season or maybe two followed by eventual and inevitable relegation. Something has to change owner wise or we're down and will be in L1 for the next decade. Still think schumacher is a **** though.
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Posts : 7377
Join date : 2011-05-12

Just a few musings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a few musings   Just a few musings EmptySat Dec 23, 2023 1:24 pm

And regarding Brickfields I can 100% believe Simon 'property not players' Hallett would sell players to fund his property development project.  Schumacher's departure does have the same stench around it as the Staplewallett/Holloway debacle.
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Just a few musings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a few musings   Just a few musings EmptySat Dec 23, 2023 6:49 pm

if the brickfields is proving to be costly scrap it now i say.
I see the benefits of it in the long term once its up and running but its not a vital thing we need right now over establishing our status as a championship club over the next few seasons.

Plymouth Albion will be fine not have their training pitched improved  atm they arent in danger of reaching the championship anytime soon sadly. The academy players will get by with the facilities now till a time comes to look more into better facilities for them  and the ladies team sorry they are not at a level nor going to be without serious investment to be needing state of the art facilities compared to what they use now. When they start playing in a higher league draw big crowds and generate their own money they dont need brickfields atm hopefully if they do grow as a club they will be in need.

so over all if the brickfields is getting too costly put it on ice for now and concentrate on retaining championship football for a season or 2 then revisit it.
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